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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    poor video quality

    Here is the same image Deinterlaced, 2 different sizes
  2. rory

    poor video quality

    Did the OP test a different camera at that location yet? If its the same then we can bang our heads against the wall trying to figure out what next, if a different camera works fine there, then its a camera problem. Reset all settings to defaults, if still a problem send it back/chuck it and buy a new one, or live with the image this one provides. Couple other questions: 1-What time of the day is this image? 2-Can you post an image from a couple other times of the day and night?
  3. Then perhaps look at Infrared? Visible lighting is normally better though. IR can also white out faces and distort other features, as well as color of clothing is in greyscale. I agree though a couple motion lights should be okay.
  4. You need more light whatever camera you go with, either visible or infrared light (visible preferred). and would need a camera for each side of the truck or put it down the center with a wider lens to capture both sides .... PTZ is only useful for live surveillance. Also looks like they might be a little out of focus, or the DVR is compressing them that much - what DVR is being used? If the cameras have a gamma feature turn that down a notch (makes it brighter).
  5. rory

    poor video quality

    Its a terrible image.
  6. rory

    poor video quality

    1-try a different camera there. 2-test the camera at the camera end. 3-what cable and power is being used?
  7. rory

    CNB VBM 24VF Stuck in B/W

    Does not auger well. Maybe the VBM 24VF will soom become their 80th superceded camera. I used 10 in the past couple months on 4 separate jobs and not one such issue. And they were different versions so not all from the same batch. I even took one to pieces. Seems like a solid enough camera for the price. When you gut the camera there is not much to it, nothing much different from other such cameras, in fact can swap the lens (which includes the AI and ICR) from most other current TDN Bullets or Domes which inevitably if it is a bad AI mechanism (which the ICR is part of) would fix his problem. As long as there is not a major recurring firmware issue then its not the end of the world for them yet.
  8. rory

    Q-See QR414 DVR Review

    Does it have a full client software? Also, most dont come with fans, but can add them easily enough if needed. Yes extra stream and main stream, same as with the Dahua and that other DVR you tested.
  9. rory

    CNB VBM 24VF Stuck in B/W

    Also check that saturation is not turned down on that camera on the DVR also .. happened to me the other day I turned it down doing some tests on a blank channel and then forgot when I added the camera on it .. I was like oh no not a stuck IR cut filter! LOL If it is that though, you can unscrew the IRIS/IR Cut section of the lens and pull it out, check see if it is really stuck. Release it if it is. If it is bent then also it will stick and can only replace that as it will stick again. I have one on a main road and left it in Auto for a few days before switching to to color only (lights always on anyway) and it never stuck even with the car lights causing major switching at night. What did you change the Gamma to? Set it back to default (.45) and if need be set all settings back to default. Check the cable connections under the lens module, check all cable connections. If twisting it too much to adjust the view, the cable may come loose which powers the ICR mechanism. Also make sure Day Night is not set to BW only. My biggest issue with them is they dont switch to BW easy enough, eg needs to be really dark.
  10. Bingo: Didnt know CNB had them, guess only in the box cam. http://www.cnbtec.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1031
  11. rory

    12vdc cameras and baluns ?

    i only use white coax
  12. http://www.warelogic.com/ (not free but 30 day trial) http://javaanpr.sourceforge.net/ (open source, uses java) there were some others, at least one document on HOW to do it based on what some college kids did one semester .. cant find those links right now though sorry. I was going to look into it more but got tied up on paid jobs
  13. CNB has the Blue-i cameras with the Eclipse function?
  14. I'm not using software to capture the plates. I just play the video back and read the plates. What we need to confirm is one simple question: "Does the negative image feature of a camera result in a readable image of a printed license plate?" We know that simply doing a negative of the unreadable image on the PC does not help. This is likely because exporting to JPG has locked in the low contrast in. ahh man .. after all this work .. some free open source licence plate recognition code out there I found before that would be fun to play with ...
  15. Not wide dynamic but KT&C have a couple TDN IR Bullets with negative image function in the OSD. 2.8-12mm http://www.ktncusa.com/english/viewtopic.php?t=682 5-50mm http://www.ktncusa.com/english/viewtopic.php?t=581
  16. bottom using negative image .. not same as as full image from camera though: thing is, what software are you using to capture/process the plate numbers?
  17. rory

    Vista VC16Te-320 (Norbain)

    I use to get around 5fps on a 10 channel .. but yeah if doing 16 cameras then .. slow for todays standards. Evidence sharing is not good either. Reason I switched from them after years of use, they were good back in the day though, least the GE units, some of the first DVRs around. They can change the HDD though to I think 640GB max, or 1TB depends on the age?
  18. Doesnt look like I have the ones he posted, or least cant find them right now. Perhaps shoot him a PM and see if he is willing to upload them again maybe as an attachment. He might have removed them though for privacy reasons.
  19. Its an old thread, maybe he removed them. I saved alot of them, will see if I can upload them one day.
  20. rory

    12vdc cameras and baluns ?

    Get out a bit and you will see not everywhere is as backward as you think they are. You have a preference for cat5 and telco wire and baluns, well not everyone shares your opinion and they are certainly up to speed with the latest technology, in most cases more than you are. Personally, I feel coax is for CCTV and it is still the Industry standard, but I wont tell you that you are doing something wrong by using cat5, thats your preference and whatever works for you is fine.
  21. rory

    12vdc cameras and baluns ?

    i definitely dont recommend anyone use telco wire for CCTV. (aka Station-Z) Thin cable that can be cut with a butter knife. Anyway, Im not a fan of Baluns and Never will be, cant afford the time to send them back again, and will always go Coax over that unless the application calls for amplified video such as long distances and then I would recommend something in the line of NVT active.
  22. rory

    Urgent Help

    If its Webrec then its most likely a Dahua DVR - also can use their PSS software. Here is a thread on Webrec already: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=22037 Also there is a document on Dahua's site on how to get the ActiveX installed for IE8 and Vista: how to view DVR with vista and IE8 .rar http://www.dahuasecurity.com/download.aspx?p=fwyxz&p_kind=4&c_kind=17&c_kind2=158 And View DVR with IE8 http://www.dahuasecurity.com/upload/View%20DVR%20with%20IE8.pdf
  23. rory

    Using a PC screen as a monitor

    First day I used my new Coby DVD player (Flip screen like a tablet) I dropped it and cracked it .. LOL. DVD part of it is finished ... cover never closes properly .. biggest problem is the charging though and the lack of any real battery time .. it wont work until its charged, unlike a netbook, dies quick and then cant use it ... Hard to handle .. well no handle .. and cheaply made .. Ive dropped my netbook dozens of times and its still intact. They have some reaaaalllllyyyy cheap USB 4 port capture devices on Amazon, seen one for $6 if you dont mind spending that on a gamble that it might just work.
  24. 6. Title Bar 6.1 Overview This is the section at the very top of the program which shows PSS and the version, and has the lock, menu, minimize, switch, and close buttons. This is what the original title bar looks like: This is what we are going to change it to: Skin file = TitleBar_config.ini Here is the original file first: View as text file 6.2 Title Text (top left) This is actually dealt with in 2 files, this TitleBar_config.ini skin file, and also in the main PSS_Config.ini file. In PSS_Config.ini there is a setting for the version number text. To change or remove that the field to edit is: Version=V4.04 So if for example I want the text "PSS" to remain but the version gone, I just clear that value so it would look like this: Version= Now if you want to change the text in that section, go back to the TitleBar_config.ini skin file and edit the value in the TitleInfo_Text field as follows. In this example I also changed the Text Color to Yellow (255,255,0): [StaticText] TiltleInfo_Isvisible = 1 TiltleInfo_Position = 30,2,267,18 TiltleInfo_BackColor = TiltleInfo_TextColor = 255,255,0 TiltleInfo_Text = My DVR And to further illustrate this change, I also edited the version field in the PSS_Config.ini file: [Version_Info] Version=v9.000000002 These 2 changes would make the top of my program look like this: Additionally, if you want to get rid of that section all together, in our skin file we would set _IsVisible=0 as shown below: Remember we dont need the other fields if we are hiding the button [StaticText] TiltleInfo_Isvisible = 0 6.3 Buttons (top right) There is one important field that needs to stay enabled for the top right buttons to work: HaveSystemButton = 1 By the way the field HaveSwitchWindowButton does not seem to do anything so ignore that field. There are only 5 buttons that are actually used: Software Locking, Full Menu, Minimize, SizeSwitch, and Exit. The remaining buttons can be safely removed as in this case PSS does not even look for them. Software Locking: As we are not using a password I am taking this out: Lock_IsVisible =0 Full Menu: I am removing features from PSS so I need to also remove this menu: Menu_IsVisible =0 Minimize, SizeSwitch, and Exit are left visible as we need those, but I do remove the Tooltip text. 6.4 Images Now that we have removed those 2 buttons, we need to edit the images, in fact I am going to greyscale the _normal image and just use that for _down and _disabled also. So just 2 images will remain in the skin folder for this skin, saving space and reducing overall size. BackImage_Up = Title_nomal_en.bmp BackImage_Over = Title_over_en.bmp BackImage_Down = Title_nomal_en.bmp BackImage_Disable = Title_nomal_en.bmp New Images: (same names but new files) Right click to download ... then copy these to your skin folder Title_nomal_en.bmp Title_over_en.bmp 6.5 Skin File Here is the new skin file for the Title Bar: (download) [MainSettings] MaskColor = 255,0,0 MainWindow_Size = 1024,30 IsUseMask = 1 BackImage_Up = Title_nomal_en.bmp BackImage_Over = Title_over_en.bmp BackImage_Down = Title_nomal_en.bmp BackImage_Disable = Title_nomal_en.bmp Ctl_BackColor = 27,27,27 Ctl_TextColor = 0,0,0 HaveSwitchWindowButton = 0 HaveSystemButton = 1 Btn_TextColor = 255,255,255 [MainButtons] Lock_IsVisible =0 Menu_IsVisible =0 Minimize_IsVisible =1 Minimize_Position = 953,4,972,24 Minimize_TipText = SizeSwitch_IsVisible =1 SizeSwitch_Position = 973,4,991,24 SizeSwitch_TipText = Close_IsVisible =1 Close_Position = 992,4,1017,30 Close_TipText = [StaticText] TiltleInfo_Isvisible = 0 It is now safe to delete the additional 2 unused image files for this skin: Title_disable_en.bmp and Title_down_en.bmp 6.6 Optional Since we removed the Lock button on the Title Bar, we can now remove the associated skin files and images if we like. Unlock Skin Files: Unlock_config.ini, UnlockChild_config.ini Unlock Image Files: Unlock_normal.bmp, Unlock_over.bmp, Unlock_down.bmp, Unlock_disable.bmp, UnlockChild_normal.bmp, UnlockChild_over.bmp, UnlockChild_down.bmp, UnlockChild_disable.bmp IMPORTANT: If you removed the above Unlock skins then you now need to remove the Software Lock shortcut key. Open up UserLogin.ini and find the field called ShortKey_KeyModifiers13. Change it to the following (disabled): ShortKey_KeyModifiers13=0 ____________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION 2. GENERAL SETTINGS 3. SKIN FILES 4. EXIT WINDOW 5. DEVICE INFO 6. TITLE BAR 7. LOGIN WINDOW 8. PROGRESS WINDOW 9. BOTTOM SKIN 10. STATUS PROMPT 11. DOCUMENTS