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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    cheap cameras and interference

    if you take the other cameras off and just leave on the 2 new cameras, does the interference go away? also are they powered on separate power supplies?
  2. rory

    Pixelation in DMMultiView under Windows 7

    Thats typical with virtualized environments such as in VBox and VMware, so I imagine its similar to their XP Mode. If they have a Direct 3D setting in the XP mode options, before loading/installing it, then try that, usually helps. Standard XP directX normally doesnt work so they have to load modded directX files but still its not great - not sure how it is in XP mode though. Also ive come across at least one Windows 7 laptop where directdraw didnt work properly at all. Same blocked video and it was a different DVR software all together. Tried enabling directdraw in the software's settings but then the video was messed up completely. Must be something with Windows 7? I dont use it so cant really say at this time.
  3. rory

    Which DVR for 600 TVL camera?

    dont forget, difference between a camera with an IR Cut Filter and one without it ... not to mention other features that make a difference at different times of the day/night. For example with a camera without an IR cut filter, the brighter the sun gets the worse the image is. So you could have the best highest resolution DVR and yet still garbage in .. garbage out. LEFT - 480TVL ............. Right - 550TVL ... LEFT - 380TVL ............ RIGHT - 550TVL ...
  4. rory

    DVR Remote Access

    First please have a look at this thread if you havent already: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3287 Your IP range from the screenshot is - So make the DVR a static IP with something like: IP = Subnet = Gateway = (IP of the router) You should not need any DNS but if you do: DNS1 = NOTE: The local DHCP range is different and should be .. but that can differe from one to the next, however 50 DHCP users seems to be the most common. Although I have not come across any yet, some routers dont let you port forward to an IP outside of the DHCP range, so you may have to make the DVR for example, or anything from .100-150, but your other local computers may already have a .100, or .101 etc and then there would be a conflict, so just stay above the number of computers you may ever have connected there. Try to connect to that on the local network. Once connection is successful locally then Port Forward to that IP and the port. I would go ahead and also setup the router for remote access, change the password if it is set to default, it should ask you to anyway. Next, get your public IP assigned to you by the ISP. Goto this link and test it to see if one can connect to that IP and Port from outside the local network: http://www.websitepulse.com/help/gadgets.server-test.html Enter the IP from the ISP, and the Port of the DVR, it will say OK in the results if it connected okay. If it does not connect okay, then try the router instead, same link above, refresh, and enter the Ip and the router's port, sometimes it is 8080 but it would say where you setup it's remote access. Testing the router is just to verify it is not a port forwarding issue. Sometimes the ISP blocks certain ports, 8080 could be one of them so if you cant connect to the router setup a different port in the router for remote access and try that instead. Its unlikely they are blocking port 5800 but change that in the DVR as well if you can, then port forward to the new port and try that again. If you still cant connect from outside then you should not even bother going any further below. At that point you should contact your ISP and find out what is up. While you are talking to them, ask them if you can get a Static IP - if you dont have a static IP your ISP assigned IP (DHCP) will change frequently. A Static IP would be better than the DDNS anyway, as ive encountered a few recent downtimes from the free DDNS servers, one which lasted as long as a couple days. When they go down you may not be able to access the DVR, as the DDNS redirects you to the updated IP assigned by your ISP to your account, and if the ISP assigned IP has changed during the downtime then you wont connect. Once you know you can connect from outside the local network, then unless you have a static IP from the ISP, which it seems you do not, sign up for a free account at DynDns.com. Create a new webservice and choose a name and when it asks what type of service or device it is, select DVR (dont know if this part really matters as its fairly new on their site). Write down your DynDns.com User and Login, and also the name of the DDNS. You will need to then go into the router and look for the DDNS section, enter the user and login for the DynDns option and enter your DDNS name which you created on DynDns.com's website. Click save or apply and then it should say if it updated it or not. If it did then you should be able to use that from now on regardless of the ISP assigning you a new IP. Good luck. Rory
  5. Ill take your word for it then as I dont know much about HDMI and DVI and thats your area .. I just what the connectors look like
  6. Yeah just figured if they messed up the label on the case then what else did they mess up
  7. rory

    DVR Remote Access

    See if you can open the router up for remote access, then try to access that. Then will at least know if the IP is working. Also the IP will change if you dont have a static IP from the ISP, so might want to try and create a DDNS name at something like DynDns.com.
  8. if you can send me a .rdb file any size of anything then I can see if I can get the conversion thing working. Got some code together but cant test it without a video file. Basically should be able to get away without using a timer but not 100% sure until I test it.
  9. rory

    DVR Remote Access

    Make sure you are not being given a shared IP by the ISP, as some DSL ISPs do. Once you know it is not a shared IP, then test it here: http://www.websitepulse.com/help/gadgets.server-test.html
  10. on the back of that NVR they have what looks like an HDMI port labelled as DVI? The specs even say HDMI.
  11. Here is the activeX and PDF on how to use it: http://www.bahamassecurity.com/wr.zip All files are from Kalatel/GE . The folder OLD contains an older version plus a couple JPEG2000 files, not needed in our case. The WRControlDev.ocx and WRdvx.dll are both required, just place them both in the System32 folder. Adding the component in the VB6 IDE will register it - browse for the WRControlDev.ocx file only. Yes VB6 is fine, thats all I use. Its old school but I have no need to use anything else at this time.
  12. right do you have the activeX? also my samples are in VB6 you could use fusion or vbox on mac with XP to develop it. Rory
  13. that would be a path to a file name you set. for example, using a different variable name: "TempImage" Private ImageNum As Long Private TempPath As String Private TempImage As String 'start snapshots Private Sub StartSave() ImageNum = 0 TempPath = "c:\tmp" TempImage = TempPath & "\00000.bmp" WaveletReader2.SaveFile (TempImage) Timer1.Interval = 1000 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub 'stop snapshots Private Sub StopSave() Timer1.Enabled = False '// create avi End Sub 'timer >> TempImage = 00000.bmp, 00001.bmp, etc Private Sub Timer1_Timer() ImageNum = ImageNum + 1 TempImage = TempPath & "\" & Format(ImageNum, "00000") & ".bmp" WaveletReader2.SaveFile (TempImage) End Sub if you are using this in a web server environment, then could just make it like this: you would have to convert it to a jpg though as it only saves as a bmp. Private ServerPath As String .... ServerPath = "c:\myweb" .... TempImage = ServerPath & "\cam.bmp"
  14. Edit, Yes it will snapshot a local file. I made a blank text file and named it a .rdb and though it gave error I was able to snapshot it anyway, just a blue image though.
  15. Yeah actually it is really easy as their activeX does it for you. if the ActiveX is named WaveReader2 A couple basic examples: Open local file for playback: Dim sVideo As String sVideo = "c:\MyVideo.rdb" WaveletReader2.OpenFile (sVideo) WaveletReader2.Play Snapshot: Dim sImage As String sImage = "c:\MyImage.bmp" WaveletReader2.SaveFile (sImage) Now .. I dont recall if you can snapshot a file being played back locally or not, I have no samples here to test, if you send me something, as long as it is an .rdb file, then I could test it really quick. Actually Im surprised I still have the code .. kept it in a ZIP file though just incase I ever needed it again. My code was pretty dirty back then, no object type declares or anything, hey I had just moved from years of vbscript to VB6 at the time Also you could download WaveVue from my site and open a file to test it yourself if you like, click the floppy disk button to snapshot.
  16. Cant, too expensive down here, time as you pay the price of the GE + Shipping + 45% Customs Duty .. people just wont buy them. Also, still love the remote playback .. and the local jog dial playback is still quickest response Ive seen .. they really had that down packed .. but these days there really are some other brands for alot less that have much more features and the evidence sharing tends to be better, such as export to AVI. Now that said, you could maybe do something in VB6 .. the activeX has a snapshot method, could put that in a timer then keep snapping until done .. saving images in order like 0001, 0002, etc, then when done create an avi from them. But ofcourse the quality is like CIF. The activeX can also play local files so that isnt a problem. Though its been several years since I used it. Again, for the mac, could run a server on another PC (has to always be on) that snapshots images to a path that one could access via a web browser like Safari on the Mac. Perhaps use Javascript or Java or Quicktime to stream it. Ofcourse GE should be doing all that since they make so much money on the DVRs, or should have been anyway
  17. Its pretty much proprietary, last I checked only way was to use screen capture to AVI which is the way I was doing it when I used their DVRs and what their techs also said was the only way. Its possible it has changed since then though, which was a year or so ago, have you tried the GE site and see if they have any new software up there?
  18. rory

    Where to buy VBM-24VF

    Sorry guys no retail store links allowed .. but yes its sold all over the web, thats one of the more popular ones. I actually order from their other company which is in a different part of NY.
  19. rory

    Umm... What Camera to use?

    cant fit them around my apartment .. nowhere to mount them unless i use that bulky wall mount and that wont happen here .. hence still the need for bullets. Turret domes do fit though, but I dont like to use them outdoors.
  20. rory


    According to the specs on that Samsung it uses MPEG4 compression not MJPEG.
  21. rory

    Umm... What Camera to use?

    KPC-VBN190NHWX - Color Water Proof Bullet - 550TVL, 3.6mm lens http://www.ktncusa.com/english/viewtopic.php?t=425 Color Indoor Dome - 600TVL, 3.8mm lens http://www.cnbusa.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1100 VBM-24VF - True Day Night Vandal Dome: Surface Mount http://www.cnbusa.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1077
  22. I tried vertical on a pole with direct exposure and first heavy rain it got moisture inside. Dont know yet if it was just the one I got, but it was brand new. Also any little rain and you cant see much.
  23. Sorry had to remove the store link, but it is this DVR: http://www.genivtechnology.com/products-one/category-two/G4-RTAHD-D1 Im testing a 4 channel from the manufacturer they get that DVR from, which is in China. Im testing the basic slimline one, its not bad, definitely full of features. That unit has a different DSP which I imagine is what gives it the faster speeds. Only major issue ive had is when I altered the quality bitrate, that it messed up things, but as mentioned its a different DVR type so cant say that unit will have the same issues. Anyway a simple firmware update will fix that and I know not to do that again
  24. rory

    VBM-24VF with IR Emmitors

    I agree, ive used 2 of the CNB IR Vandal domes and was not pleased. One was a Color IR versionR (V2760NIR), and the other was a more expensive True Day Night IR version (V2815NV). Not that they were bad like others I have tested, but you get a better camera with the 24VF. If its indoors though why not just try one of these: D2760NIR - Ive also used the Eclipse CCTV ECl-555E indoors and it was not bad. Most IR Cameras will do okay indoors anyway inside smaller spaces.
  25. I had another camera which was only getting lines at night, and it was not every night. It was close to some other low voltage cable (possibly even high voltage mixed up in there but the client denies that), which they had added over the years. I moved the camera down a few inches away from the other cable and that fixed the problem.