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Everything posted by rory

  1. Nothing to hide it in this case, has to be something like a motion detector as its a really small hallway outside an important closet ... only thing else there is a light on the ceiling, hallway is really just a seperate area on the way to another room .. its approx 4.5'x4.5'. There is another closet on the other side I could mount something in though like the video server and wireless bridge .. for a regular hidden camera to connect to. .. does that make sense? Connect to a video server then a wireless bridge? Only thing id be concerned about is if the wireless bridge crashes .. guess it should not though, plus low res video should be okay.
  2. I normally use tinypic.com, otherwise i use my own website to host the images. Not sure how it works by attachments here, though it does let you zoom the image larger then displayed in the post.
  3. rory

    Colour interference problem

    is the problem camera a color or BW camera? If it is BW try turning the saturation down on that channel? Just an idea, cant promise it will work
  4. Yeah but Mobotix do have a couple nice cameras which would be nice to add to an existing system, even thinking about that for an existing Geovision system. I realise it can record to a NAS though personally Ive never used one .. onboard SCcard doesnt seem like that would come even close to being enough room, maybe a couple hours or so? For example most my clients want to be able to go back at least a couple weeks.
  5. Definately get something up that views your property, such as the car and yard, just dont point it onto his and you should be fine. Or use hidden cameras as soundy mentioned. Catch them in the act then the cops can prosecute. Otherwise setup an alarm system and use a camcorder to catch them in the act ... then call the cops.
  6. rory

    VGA box camera recommendations?

    the VBM-24VF is rated as IP66 http://www.cnbusa.com/common/filedown.php?code=prod_cert&key=ip&fn=s_IP66285.pdf
  7. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=20564
  8. rory

    Exacq issue.

    I dont know exacq other than what wireguys has mentioned before, but I thought the client is supposed to run on another computer?
  9. $300 would probably include his markup.
  10. rory

    Already off to a bad start.

    Cant promise it will work on the Dell Dimension. Ive used them in a Dell Optiplex before, not ideal IMO but it worked. My main issue with them other then being really tight and limited space, is their customized BIOS. Thats why I typically always build the PC from scratch. I dont even use DVD drives anymore either, just use USB then if needed on DVD burn that elsewhere, courts here actually take the jump drives in most cases as the lawyers just use it on their laptops in court. Another thing is many DVR cards come PCI express x1 now and that can cause issues having to pick the right motherboard where the card wont hit the memory, though the 4 channel basic cards are typically PCI. For example the Geovion GV-600 (30fps), GV-650 (60fps), and GV-800 (120fps) cards are all still PCI, I believe the Avermedia similar models are also. In the case of Geovision their faster cards are PCI-Ex 1 but those are 8 and 16 channel cards. Some retailers/distributors are still selling the older PCI cards though in those cases. Anyway that price should get you the basic entry level card from a decent manufacturer, using the same full software as the other cards have, though just slower speeds. Avermedia I believe are lower in price then say Geovision, so you might want to look at those for a 4 channel card.
  11. rory

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Thats it also, many are so quickly sold on it color in low light, they dont realize that a simple BW camera is all they might need in most cases, and typically clearer with less noise. I used Exview years gone by but the reality is the noise makes it next to useless for motion detection at night, and ID. In the clubs for example we mostly just use BW, although lots of light on the entrance with a full color cam for ID when they enter. For example a BW bullet camera can be 4 times less than one of these Speco Intensifier cameras. Im sure this Speco might be great in certain applications though, I havent used it myself, doubt I would though as I dont like the idea of slow video direct from the camera. BTW I still have some old speco BW IR bullets mounted at one client, been there for the last 9 years, they were cheap also and its a wonder they still work and give a good image!! Another thing to note is that lower resolution provides more sensitivity in low light, another reason I use the 420TVL BW bullets instead of the 600TVL ones.
  12. rory

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Thats like Exview, Except Exview does not slow down the video. Not all Infrared cameras have the spider problem, in fact I have 3 Infrared cameras here at my apt with no bug problem at all. Depends on location and the camera used, but I have installed hundreds without issues such as that. Note not all Infrared cameras are just Color IR Bullets or Domes. Also nobody will generally mount a camera 30' in the air btw. You still have to clean the camera, infrared or not. That said once you are happy thats all that matters
  13. rory

    Mounting CNB VBM-24VF's

    Maybe for newer stores but for most existing old ones ive ever come across theyve never had spares easily available. But thats down here. Most stores here are missing a tile or two actually from damage from leaks or what not, or used up any spares on ones that got damaged over the years. Even on new installs here the contractors in many cases just take the spares to use on other jobs. On topic though, is it easy to mount the flush ones, does it just hook to the other side of the tile? Just curious as never installed them before but might .. one day
  14. rory

    Mounting CNB VBM-24VF's

    what can be done about the screw holes? they are hardly noticable using sheetrock screws but a little white caulking can take care of them simple as 123.
  15. rory

    Mounting CNB VBM-24VF's

    Yeah, but either way, you still have a hole there if you ever have to take the camera down. Either way, you can use a blank plate to cover the hole... but you're better off just replacing the tile. BTW, I use this method for securing J-mounts for box cameras, too. Its quit a difference in the size of the hole, and most clients wont be replacing tiles.
  16. rory

    Mounting CNB VBM-24VF's

    i did what soundy did, for other domes .. i used sheetrock screws and took the tile down, screw into the side of the wall plug. holds it well. Its just a drop tile anyway, not secure anyway you cut it. Im not fond of cutting a huge hole in the clients drop tile so i just surface mount.
  17. rory

    Colour interference problem

    try to power each camera on its own individual power supply and see if that makes a difference. Does this occur when you connect just one camera to the DVR at a time?
  18. rory

    Shooting thru windows

    that camera puts out at least 100'+ of IR (they claim 160'+) ... with a ring effect from it having 15 and 30 degree beams .. bottom line is it is the wrong camera for the job.
  19. Doesnt have to be dual CCD .. but something to replace the type of all in one camera like an Extreme CCTV EX82 .. 100-150' real world IR Built in, no external IR, no visible light, for pitch dark, as the EX82's IR works. I see Bosch has something (they bought out Extreme) but looking to see if there is anything from the other big players out there, especially for greater software control. I see mobotix and arecont have dual day night cameras but dont see anything with IR Built in? And a basic True day night IR bullet wont do it unfortunately, been there tried that already. For an existing client this would mean running all new wire and also a new network setup which is a push but it would beat trying to find something from the HDCCTV area Thanks.
  20. The Rapport 2 looks nice but doesnt have the focus part, also expensive. However it does have a DVR built into it now .. sweet! The Camera Master 2 or 3 whichever they have now, well its still expensive also, and no small LCD. Doesnt have the features of the Rapport so it seems. Anyway .. im just looking for a basic focus meter .. i located something from the UK called the Ranger FM1 Focus Indicator, but could only find it on a retail site from the UK - price seems good though, half the price of the Camera Master if my sterling to dollars is correct. Now how well any of them work is beyond me as Ive never had the cash flow to try them. Anyone else out there tested these yet .. the focus part I mean? Anyone know of anything else out there? This whole manual focus thing is become a PITA ... Looks like it might also be called a Focus Indicator. Thanks!
  21. because I want an all in one. I never really had the bug problem with the EX82's, perhaps its because the IR is so strong it keeps the bugs away due to the heat within a foot of it? You would get the odd spider web depending where it was located, some never have it, but it hardly ever goes over the front area. Dont know .. but its not as bad as with the basic IR Bullet Cameras. Seriously though with the EX82 you cant just stand within a foot of it with the IR on and not expect to have a health problem! Ok well for cosmetic looks as well ... one device compared to having 2 hanging off the wall. Also for installation .. easier to install really .. less holes in the wall .. etc. Ive certainly gone the separate IR route before .. recall Sanyo True Day Night Box camera in Housing with dual UF500 IRs ... or Day Night box camera in housing with UF100, various models from 30 degree to 60 degree beams, 750nm to 940nm ... been there done that ... total PITA ... in fact when one EX82 died recently, the color camera's IRIS went bad after 9 years, I just mounted a color IR camera next to it and used the EX82 IR only ... works great actually .. yes 2 separate things but it was a quick fix .. absolutely not cosmetic in the least! That is being changed ofcourse With a camera like the EX82 you can adjust the power separately for the Infrared as well. Its simple as 123. Its not the average IR bullet camera .. and not even as constrained even as the best true day night IR bullet camera .. certainly not anything like it .. its in a world of its own. Yes it has had its issues in the last batch we had, mostly photocell related .. but the IR is outstanding no questions asked. I came to see this many years ago but even more so especially when I recently used a rather expensive 160'+ True Day Night Infrared Bullet camera, not small either by the way, which although was easy to install and was great in the day, didnt come close to even the oldest EX82 at night. I've put up many cameras against these over the years .. not even a match. So why do I want it ??? Not just because I want it. .. but also because my clients want it. This is what they have had and it worked great for them .. only now I am seeking out higher resolution options short of going the EX85 route, or leaving it as it is! Now if i am doing it for myself, and dont mind the time and labour .. sure I have a True Day Night IR bullet with an IR dome mounted beside it just for the additional IR and directed as i need it ... but thats me ... clients and me are 2 different things ... i do for me for free ... i can spend all the time in the world and also dont care if I have 3 things mounted hanging off my wall, I really dont care for me what it looks like long as it works .. but for clients ... different story all together. BTW in no way am I trying to promote the Bosch EX82. I have no idea what their version is like now.
  22. rory

    What is this?

    Bingo .. and tom had me searching all the smoke beam manufacturer web sites
  23. rory

    Does the GeoVision IP cam need a dongle?

    Yes seems you can add up to 8 Geovision IP cameras for free. I dont see many people using them though
  24. rory

    Are all 6 of my camera's DEAD after storm?

    For power, I use this typically: http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=LE600 they have the larger one also but Ive never needed more then this for jobs Ive done. I cant recommend a UPS as we get latin american ones which are different models all together .. but we normally use this type, notice it clearly says AVR (automatic voltage regulation) which i cant find noted in a similar US model: http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=BE600-LM&tab=features&total_watts=200 I dont use UPS much anyway as sometimes especially after a long power outage it doesnt come back on with enough juice to send power back to the DVR, so come to the DVR a few days later to find the UPS needs to be turned on manually, no go for my clients. Never had any software file issues not using one yet. But thats me. Most have generators here anyway.