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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Teamviewer and Ubuntu

    Not sure, as far as I know even in Windows one has to be logged on with some kind of account for that to work, eg, UserInit is used on startup to show welcome/login screen, load Explorer.exe and also make any network connections. How they do it in Windows is perhaps install a hidden user and just keep it logged on all the time - just a guess though without doing more research.
  2. rory

    GV650 and HP 8000 Elite PC??

    Yeah first question is the card genuine? If not then even though it works in other PCs, the drivers are hacked and can have undesirable effects on some computers or chipsets. Seeing as thats an Intel Chipset but a Q45, check the chipsets of the other PCs you tried it in, perhaps they are older ones. Hacked drivers might not work on the newer chipsets. if it is really a genuine card then perhaps its a compatibility issue with something else on that PC, or the motherboard, as it is probably a customized bios by HP as well. Also make sure it is the right firmware etc, if its an older card, cannot use 8.3 for example.
  3. rory

    What is the highest CCTV camera resolution?

    I also think that there are not analog cameras with resolution over 540TVL.All other is marketing tricks. Could you tell me what is the easiest way to covert pixels in TVL. Thanks Yeah now they have 600TVL color cameras, I used one the other day but it doesnt even look as clear as some 480TVL ones i have, and it even has the same Image Pixels of 811x508. Like mentioned its more marketing then anything.
  4. rory

    Dome CNB little help

    Hi, pointing at the window you may want to look at WDR. Here is their Indoor WDR True Day Night (ICR) Dome: D2167NVF (V1167NVF vandal) For IR you could add it separately, as the ones with built in IR might not work too well for backlighting. Otherwise the monalisa claims superbacklighting control, which may or may not work for your application. a couple monalisas to look at: Digital Day Night: for a small area could use these: DFL-20S (budget camera), DBM-24VD If you want better IR pickup and color production, these have an ICR: DBM-24VF, VBM-24VF I havent used any but the DFL-20S so just going by specs. If you want to play it safe then I guess go for the D2167NVF or V1167NVF. http://www.cnbusa.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1097 Still alot cheaper then the Panasonic. Hope to get one myself soon to test.
  5. rory

    IR camera conks ?

    Ok then sounds like a problem with that camera itself. I noticed similar with a colleague here who had a cheap IR dome and the image in pitch dark was green ... other cameras of the same kind were fine. Doubt it is anything to do with the electronic iris, but perhaps the chip or other circuitry.
  6. rory

    IR camera conks ?

    That would be the bottom of the barrel camera, Sharp 1/4" and low res. But it should at least see someone standing in front of it in a small room, at best. However, if it was okay before and then suddenly went bad, and you tried another camera and still bad, replace the power supply and see if that helps.
  7. Try what soundy posted, otherwise it might be a proprietary file. CNB have good IR and Day Night bullets for a low price. make sure you get the right one for your application though, they have many. Look for one with an Infrared IR Cut filter or ICR if you want better quality, check the IR distances also, expect it to be a little less then specked.
  8. A player should have come with the DVR, or check the manufacturers website? What brand is it?
  9. Hi, did you enable or prompt all the activeX settings and or added the site to the trusted sites list? I dont use IE8 myself though but have used it in the past on occasion at client locations.
  10. Ive had some regular RG59 in standard PVC under a driveway now for years and its still good .. but a street I imagine is a whole different story. I guess if I had easy access to direct bury Copper Coax Cable then I might had done it different but .. gotta work with what you have sometimes
  11. rory

    Teamviewer and Ubuntu

    Ok first I have to admit Im not a Ubuntu/Linux expert .. Just toyed around with it a bit recently .. mostly for Wine .. No havent tried XUbuntu yet, dont think I have anyway, tried a bunch of various Linux inside Virtual Box and they all looked similar to me but I stuck with Ubuntu as it seemed the most advanced .. also tried other free OSes as well but none of them are ready yet .. been trying to download Fedora which is suppose to be another good Linux build but was taking too long last time I tried. Also Hikvision DVR card software is suppose to be able to run in Fedora. But I had Ubuntu running on my Eee PC 4G (one of the first netbooks) with 600Mhz Celleron .. and it runs great. Even had Wobbly Windows and the Desktop Cube working. So that says alot for such as slow PC. Ok first question is 3G as in 3Gb or related to a cell phone? Got me there .. And when you say run it in Windows off the stick, do you mean literally not logged in or just not installed on the user's pc? I havent used Teamviewer before so hence the questions
  12. rory

    Understanding GV Recording

    Smart function is available on the 1120 and 1480 cards I've been using. Yeah same here .. its all I ever use .. the checkbox IS disabled though .. but it does work. I think it is just an automatic thing with the combo cards.
  13. rory

    Teamviewer and Ubuntu

    Goto: System, Preferences, Startup Applications (may need to scroll down the menu list to see it) Keep that window open and then goto: Applications, Internet, and you should see the Teamviewer menu item. Drag that over to the Startup programs list. It will drop it there with all relevant information and it should be auto checked for enabled. I just did this in Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic koala" in Virtual Box, with the latest Teamviewer download for Ubuntu 32 bit. Thats it, should work
  14. Dont need to know the price .. just checking for the model so I can check the price myself .. looking for something in the 1.3 megapixel range. Thanks
  15. Thanks .. though I dont need wireless it looks interesting so I may get someone to buy one to test anyway .. I really do prefer the axis mjpg stream over Acti which was the other one I was looking at buying. Although to be fair I havent seen an Acti cam's Mjpeg yet ... if it exists? I emailed them regarding the SDK, so far Ive found the standard ActiveX on the web and Im using that for now to test, but its not as lightweight as the Axis or even the Geovision ActiveX. Anyway thats why im asking about the Axis
  16. any ideas? Dont need anything amazing, only needs to be able to handle 5000 products max. Thanks.
  17. additionally you could send an email to alert you when it has to reset the DVR: Const MAIL_FROM = "geo@dvr.com" Const MAIL_TO = "you@admin.com" Const MAIL_SUBJECT = "BOB'S GEO DVR RESET" Const MAIL_MESSAGE = "The Geovision DVR at Bob's business has been reset." Const SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.myserver.com" Const SMTP_PORT = 25 Call Send_Mail Sub Send_Mail() DIM objMessage, objConfig, Flds On Error Goto 0: On Error Resume Next SET objMessage = CreateObject("cdo.message") SET objConfig = CreateObject("cdo.configuration") SET Flds = objConfig.Fields Flds.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 Flds.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = SMTP_SERVER Flds.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = SMTP_PORT Flds.Update SET objMessage.Configuration = objConfig objMessage.FROM = MAIL_FROM objMessage.To = MAIL_TO objMessage.Subject = MAIL_SUBJECT objMessage.TextBody = MAIL_MESSAGE objMessage.Fields.Update objMessage.Send SET objMessage = NOTHING SET objConfig = NOTHING If Err = 0 Then MsgBox "MAIL SENT OKAY" Else MsgBox "MAIL SEND ERROR:" & vbCrLf & Err.Description End If End Sub so could be something like: If Not IsRunning Then Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run """" & app_path & app_exe & """" Set shell = Nothing Wscript.Sleep 10000 'wait 10 seconds for exe to load 'check if it is running now .. If IsRunning Then Call Send_Mail 'Send Email Reset Message Else 'Send Email Error Message instead End If End If
  18. You might be better off using Scheduled Tasks to run the script .. like every hour or x amount of time. But I think the more important issue is to find out why the Geo server is crashing. Have you checked event logs, etc? Additionally, as to the script code itself, that could be done alot simpler. In the case of GeoVision there is no need to check whether it is running .. it only allows one instance: Dim shell On Error Resume Next Const interval = 60 'in minutes while err = 0 Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run ""C:\GV800\GV800.exe"" Set shell = Nothing WScript.Sleep ((interval*60)*1000) Wend but if you really want to check ... Option Explicit Const app_exe = "GV800.exe" Const app_path = "C:\GV800\" Const interval = 60 'in minutes Dim shell On Error Resume Next while err = 0 Call CheckApp WScript.Sleep ((interval*60)*1000) Wend Sub CheckApp() If Not IsRunning Then Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run """" & app_path & app_exe & """" Set shell = Nothing End If End Sub Function IsRunning() IsRunning = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery _ ("Select Name from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & app_exe & "'").Count > 0 End Function
  19. rory

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Well I was not certain as definitely in the Monalisa DFL-20S Dome I used yesterday it is a fixed lens without ICR, But it was still a great image for the price. You are correct though I just checked the specs for the VBM-24VF online and it has an ICR. Guess I missed that before. Just cant beat that price also.
  20. rory

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Nothing, but you dont need IR in every case. Ultimately if it is too dark then you need IR or some sort of extra light. Otherwise as mentioned using a low light color camera, a true day night camera, or just plain BW camera, all without IR, can in many cases produce a very good image under low light situations. Personally Im a fan of the BW exview bullet camera in low light situations that dont need IR, costs next to nothing and is simple to mount and adjust; they tend to suck in the daytime though. For higher quality low light images though I always go with a true day night, so far. That said, im not sure yet if the Monalisa has a fixed IR Cut filter or not, if it does not, then it could also utilize IR at night. I have a couple of the Monalisas to test so may do that this weekend. (had a client bring them in) Or maybe someone that has tested them already could answer that? Monalisa chip or not their prices as color domes are very good.
  21. Hi, really I cant say as I have not tried AvTech playback with Wine in Linux, only way to know would be to try it. If the main app works though, most likely it will work, as I recall it just shows a copy of the DVR screen and sends controls to the DVR itself, as if you are there playing it back. The download and save video works different on the one I have, but uses the same software. Another alternative is to get Internet Explorer installed under wine, using Wine Tricks for example, then try it inside that. If it uses 100% java though then it should work in Linux without Wine. If it needs activeX then you would copy that to the wine system32 folder and register it using Wine's regsvr32, or create your own installer. Also there are a couple versions of AvTech software so it could differ. Scorpion should be better able to tell you what is what in that regard. Another issue to look at is Whether SUN Java needs to be installed and that could present issues with Wine. Which software version do you have, the Video Server version, E, S, etc? I have an older AvTech here I could test in Ubuntu .. or give me the IP by PM and I could test it from that (using Virtual Box and Ubuntu). If you want to test it yourself without needing a Linux PC, then you could install Virtual Box (free) and download say the Ubuntu ISO and install that into a Virtual Box machine .. download wine inside that and then test away. Although I have found running Wine inside Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine can be very slow, perhaps due to both of them being some kind of emulation. But would depend on your PC, mine is not super fast.
  22. I cant speak for their DVRs .. as never heard any feedback on those yet. BTW earlier today I was playing with a couple of their cameras a colleague brought in, a budget dome (380tvl) and then the cheapest monalisa dome (600tvl) .. both indoor cameras .. so easy to install .. the dome cover just snaps off with a coin (like a penny) .. and clips right back on anyway you place it, so no problem getting the insert to line up with the lens, as many can be a pain when you have to screw it back on and line it up .. but it doesnt feel cheap .. its still strong and sturdy .. fully adjustable camera inside the housing .. even on the cheapest one .. i mean its one of the cheapest ones they have .. picture was good on both of them, compared to others in the price range, though I didnt get time to do a full test. Definitely a line to consider for inexpensive domes but with quality. Dont get me wrong, they are no Panasonic or Bosch images, but you get what you pay for, and for the prices of these they really knock many of the other low to middle range brands off the shelf, least the ones I have tested/used. He also had the more expensive outdoor vandal dome but didnt get a chance to test that yet, however it looked impressive, they really go all out for such a low cost, even had a flashy user manual. Also had a look at a color KT&C bullet, great image for something so small .. he had them outdoors and indoors .. really good image outside even in full tropical sunlight - i need to get a couple to test for myself, then i can post images on the forum. Also had a mini cube camera with a pinhole lens, and one with a microvarifical lens, tried the pinhole one, it was super small, like the size of a quarter almost .. but yet it had a good image .. definitely impressed. Although like most lower priced cameras it did have some issues with bright light such as from the florescent in the store, but adjusting it up or down or left or right just a bit helped alot.
  23. rory

    LiveVue Geo 1.2

    Will do .. added a couple screen shots above .. Im really happy with the display speed now .. when using it set to lowest quality .. had issues in the past with slow site connections even set to low quality, but this flies now ..refresh rate on a slow 16 cam connection is fast now .. even when resizing the window manually. I had some code from before I was working on that did an auto speed adjustment which is basically if the bandwidth gets low then it adjusts to lower quality and bandwidth for faster video .. will be adding that in as soon as I get the site and group section done. Shows CPU usage at 2% with 16 cameras on a P4 3.0 Ghz (not 3.2 like I said before, I was mistaken) video blurred in my image editor for security reasons ... it jumps between 2 and 6 %