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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Hello from sunny Miami!

    Hello back at you from Sunny Bahamas .. see you on the forums
  2. rory

    Help with slow Multicam 8.3

    Use the 8.2 viewer, or older.
  3. rory

    Remote Training for Geovision and IP camera add ons

    In GeoVision turn off DSP overlay, temporarily while connected through teamplayer or vnc. Remember to turn it back on before you leave, unless nobody ever looks at it locally.
  4. A Pentium 4 burns alot more power then the current CPUs. Even a Core 2 Duo will save you alot, use internal Video only, minimize ram, no DVD drive, etc, you can get it down easily. For example, an All in one PC like the I-Mac uses all Intel Core 2 duo, etc .. burns around 65 watts. Same with the Asus all in one. So yes you can get it down, but the DVR card will cause it to go up a bit. That said, you cant compare some of those little cheap 4 channel stand alones to a good PC based DVR .. feature wise the PC blows it away, especially for evidence sharing and networking. Also note alot of the cheap 4 channel DVRs wont allow you to set motion masking, as in the case of the Avermedia 1304, and then on motion every little thing causes it to record. Also they dont always have seperate streaming for the network, meaning if you have high quality setting for recording, it can be very slow over the network, turn down the quality for recording, then its so bad you cant make out anything worthwhile on playback. The cheap 4 channels do have their place though, depends on your needs.
  5. You are right, I have no idea what you are on about, I only posted a chart which tells one the IR distances at different wavelengths for 2 particular IR Illuminators. Ive used both of them, and I can tell you they work as specked, obviously with good professional Day Night cameras, and the IR light stayed the same distances regardless of the camera I used (neither being a bullet or dome camera, but all were CCTV cameras, not IP cameras). Note on the chart there is a line that says clearly - with Extreme IR cameras.
  6. the reason we used Extreme's IR was because it ALWAYS works, as specked, the only issue would be if the camera could not see the IR properly and then if anything it would mean using a better camera, not changing the IR source. So no, when using high end IR products it is not trial and error, they work, as they say they do (once the installer knows about IR), cameras on the other hand can be trial and error, but in many cases one can get around that also by simply looking at the cameras Spectral Response and using a decent brand of camera, and ofcourse making sure it is a True Day Night or BW only camera .. lower res is actually better with IR also. That said, I cant speak for IP cameras.
  7. rory

    Geovision - Atom compatability

    you can get one with a core 2 in that size, look at the Mac Mini for example. But where is the DVR card going to go?
  8. rory

    UTP over 1000FT

    Take a look at NVT - active on both ends for good measure. www.nvt.com
  9. Regarding "spot on", you never mentioned a camera. It's apparent from your reply that we are talking about two entirely different topics. I'm talking about matching cameras and IR illuminators, which is not possible without mentioning, um, a camera. Consider the fact that sensor sensitivity is improving each design cycle. That would mean that if these charts are spot on today, they will be off by a factor of 2 in 18 to 36 months. I think you need to be a photographer to appreciate the specifications to which I'm referring. Best, Christopher What are you talking about?? These are illuminators, that is the light they produce, obviously the camera has to be good enough to see that light. One doesn't have to be a photographer to realize that.
  10. Well the funny thing is, these charts were pretty much spot on. ive used both illuminators and in fact the UF100 chart I created myself based off the UF500 chart and my measurements while using various UF100 models, and only ever posted it online a few years ago after Extreme CCTV tech cooberated the chart. So I dont know how other manufacturers do it, but these were perfect when specifying these particular products. However not all illuminators are alike so obviously this will not work for other models even from the same brand.
  11. rory

    Best pic for $200?

    Indoors or outdoors? Box camera would be best picture, but only if from a reputable name brand. If for outdoors the cost will go up for housing and whether or not it needs to be day night.
  12. rory

    Help with Resolution

    Under Webcam (network settings) you can set the Webcam Server Video size, if its set to low then when you connect remotely you wont be able to switch to a higher resolution. They seem to have changed it all around between the various 8.3 versions .. but its there somewhere AS for my SimpleVue and LiveScan the quality setting is in the ini file. Quality: (Optional) If less than 0 or greater than 3, it will set to default. 0=Low (320x) 1=Good (320x) 2=High (320x) [DEFAULT] 3=Best (640x / 720x) BandWidth: (Optional) Anything but LAN or MODEM will set to default. MODEM=Low Bandwidth [DEFAULT] LAN=High Bandwidth the quality setting of 3 will depend on the Server though. In those versions I only set it to 640x480 or 720x480 so if it is PAL it wont work and will default. Rory
  13. rory

    Geovision - Atom compatability

    Atom with Geo .. I wouldnt use it .. Geo 8.3 is very slow. Its like using a celeron, Geo wont recommend it. Slowest cheapest CPU I would use now is a Pentium Dual Core.
  14. Multiview doesnt use Java as far as I know, its a separate Application outside of the browser. The browser part is just an installer for it, but you can install it separately. The video is activeX controls, same thing I use in my app and same as would be in IE if used that way.
  15. rory

    New type of BNC connectors

    thats alot of work ... could have done a twist on in much less time for much less $$ and it would not come off in the guys hand like that crimp on and you can buy them from literally any store now But yes they do look neat.
  16. DVR Lite 158MB ISO Tested Nlite Setup with Geovision 8.3.3 and XP SP3 Updated: April 3rd, 2011 This is not an image of Windows XP, this is an Nlite configuration file. Visit the Nlite Website or the Nlite Forum for Nlite support. This includes the settings file and a sample user file without the product key. It is ready to go as is, just open Nlite and point it to your XP SP3 Setup source, then import this session file. This is suggested for intermediate and advanced users only. It is also suggested that one tests the ISO within a Virtual PC prior to the physical install. This is based off my Exlite configuration which was originally created for the Eee PC 2G and 4G netbooks. This has been recreated for and tested on a Dell Optiplex 755 with GeoVision 8.3.3 and a GV1120-16 card. Memory use is not much less then a full XP SP3 tweaked, but overall performance and more importantly security is much better. In the past I had issues networking this type of setup but I was able to get this version networked with no issues. Please note it is still a stripped down XP so there will be some common features missing, such as System Restore, Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, Internet Explorer, etc. Many features can be added back in but there are some that would make it easier reinstalling Windows, so before you use this, think about what you might want to do in the future - this should be a decent setup for most applications though. NOT TESTED WITH IP CAMERAS but the Geo IP camera software and MS DOTnet 3.5 installs fine. Notes: Folders safe to delete from i386: COMPDATA, DRW, LANG (unless using languages), WINNTUPG, WIN9XUPG, WIN9XMIG For features that are removed, to leave them in, comment them out in the INI using a semi colon ( or remove them from the INI file by deleting the line, or within Nlite by unchecking them. Do the same to remove features that have been added such as the Tweaks. Features: OOBE is removed If you want to show the OOBE at the final stage of setup (allows creating new users, activation, etc), leave in OOBE, and within Nlite's Unattended section use HIDE PAGES and uncheck Hide OOBE. Manual Install and Upgrade is Removed (needed for USB installs) Tweaks are added Unlike the Exlite configuration, Printer support, Networking, and all other Hardware support has been left in this setup. The Drivers section is safely removed as you will be adding your own. Help is removed which means when you click on the ? for help in the GeoVision server software, it will do nothing. These are the 2 features which install Help: Help and Support Help Engine All additional Languages and Keyboards are removed. This setup was geared towards North America. You can add back in your Language or Keyboard as you need. Change your locales and unattended settings from within Nlite if needed. Disclaimer: I am not to be held responsible nor liable for damage from the use or misuse of this file. Use at your own risk. Post Install: It is also a good idea to do some manual tweaking post install. Click here to view PC DVR Tweaks. Install from USB / SD Card: See Make USB XP Setup Download DVR Lite: (includes tweaks/services) http://www.bahamassecurity.com/dl/?q=DVRLite.zip More Info: http://www.bahamassecurity.com/dvrlite.asp
  17. rory

    XP Pro

    Looks like it may work with Wine ... http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=5956 http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=TeamViewer+Wine Eg, Wine and my app in Ubuntu: viewtopic.php?f=36&p=116176#p116176
  18. I agree with Soundy, unless you require a special feature in Windows 7 then personally I would stick to XP, ofcourse thats if you can find it these days . .. XP prices have gone right up recently.
  19. rory

    XP Pro

    yeah that is ridiculous. Here is the Home Edition .. could make it work? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?Recs=10&Nav=|c:672|&Sort=4 I cant vouch for these .. many sites like this look alike, but they do have an address? http://www.discountcomputersurplus.com/software.html maybe get the SP3 then just buy a used one (legalities?) to get the legal serial? (retail only perhaps) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018RCAD4/ref=nosim?tag=windowsreinstall&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549 If you can get a legit SP2 new or used then that would work also, if you must have SP3 then slipstream SP3 and critical updates into it .. need info on how to do that let me know. Same goes for an SP1, would need to slip SP2 then SP3. Note some of the updates after SP3 can cause issues. I will keep looking ... if its for an NVR .. no hardware drivers needed ... have you looked at linux with Wine?
  20. rory


    Hi Benny I am the developer for LiveVue that you speak of. Yes unfortunately it did not go as planned and only a few persons were actually interested in it over the 2-3 year span, not enough to keep funding going on the project unfortunately. to be honest I would like to see it go somewhat open source though as it is in VB6 that is easier said then done, also I would like to see the idea go beyond just Geo. I have been working on a new multisite version for quite some time on and off, and even recently recoded it completely and even added in some Axis activeX support at least for testing IP cameras (the code in the original version was not the cleanest but yes it worked, just not for multisite apps). I even did alot of testing with the 8.3+ activeX controls/SDK but those are even slower, but do have more features - just when trying to load 32+ cameras it is very heavy. Even the 7.0 is heavy on 32+ but nowhere near as bad as the 8.3+. Regardless, I am using the 7.0 activeX in LiveVue, in 8.3 it stopped working due to recode on Geo's side of it. but from 8.32 it began to work again as they fixed "bugs" (perhaps). They dont actually give us any API, but just ActiveX. There is some API though for local Server based but then that would also mean adding in your own server on every DVR, hence the reason I am using the ActiveX control, dynamically loaded, somewhat, in VB6 need to add one control then load the rest from that, I am open to learning another programming language or working with another developer to enhance it even more. If you would like to talk more about it, I am open to ideas ... shoot me an email over at my website (http://www.bahamassecurity.com/contact.asp) (faster) or leave a PM on this forum. If you just want to activate it, let me know also and I can handle that for you. If you just want to know a little more about how to do it, the basics, let me know also and I dont mind assisting a fellow developer Thanks, Rory
  21. rory

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    To be honest ever since 8.3 im starting to move away from them, Im not into the whole "it just keeps getting slower thing" .. same goes for Windows They need to bring out "lite" versions for us that dont need 1 million different features and cant afford 8 core PCs ..!!! actually most clients down here are more interested in plug and play stand alones (less hassle choosing motherboards etc) so been testing alot of those recently. PS. that doesnt mean I am switching to mac .. just saying is all.
  22. rory

    Geo Vision TW

    What am I missing, its in English for me http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/index.asp
  23. rory

    GV600 v3 and Geovision 8.3

    IMO 8.3 is where Geo went downhill. Much Much slower and if you follow the forum, more bugs. Personally I would like to find pre 8.2 cards so I can run 8.12, Geo's best release to date. Otherwise I have no answer for your question, other then its probably another way to make more money and try to get around some of the piracy.
  24. rory

    best way to make multiplayer DVD from video ?

    here are a couple other options, uses existing GeoVision software: http://www.bahamassecurity.com/software/geovision/ezlogautotool.asp http://www.bahamassecurity.com/software/geovision/ezlog.asp http://www.bahamassecurity.com/software/geovision/geoshare.asp