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Everything posted by rory

  1. If the cards work in other machines but not this one, the only thing i can think of straight away is to change the motherboard. Also check the PCI Express DVR card is getting enough power. Does the card even show up in device manager?
  2. all this stress over a basic 2 camera job, without recording. He said 2. I would tell them check NewEgg or Amazon.
  3. Seems like alot of work for a 2 camera job. What is a counseling observation? Do they have $$?
  4. rory

    CNB Mona Lisa

    that looks like its already CIF and just blown up? Or do my eyes deceive me, why is everything on the right half of the image a blur?
  5. rory

    Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

    Many brands make the same thing, Ive seen some Honeywell Bullets and they are made in Asia, I wouldnt put it past them on this also, maybe just OEM. The OEMs and this look identical on the outside and even the specs are close enough.
  6. Yeah but the Axis M10 is indoor color only? He would have been better off with a decent CNB Day Night Bullet and forget about the IP side of it, since on a budget.
  7. Oh yeah .. move it up more, the IR on the white snow could be tricking the camera into thinking it is light and therefor it stays in color. I didnt realize it was that low. do you have that image, from around the time it turns to dark? In this case the camera probably switches separate from the IR, probably just digitally.
  8. rory

    Feed back on SAY Security Group

    They are on this forum. They use Kodicom. Decent products as far as I know. They customized their own XP Embedded OS called XOS. Jason is good peoples. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=429
  9. Sounds like the best choice.
  10. rory

    Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

    The idea is around 10+ years old. Seen it way back then, different brands though. Its only good for stores that actually use them though, as otherwise it looks out of place.
  11. he he he .. actually I didnt even notice it until you mentioned it here
  12. could always use active to active UTP (eg. NVT) for up to 3 miles.
  13. rory

    Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

    That is crazy, the retail price on that is: $722.00!!! Definitely not worth it. I could see if it were Wide Dynamic, had built in IR, and perhaps Megapixel IP then ... doubt it is all that though.
  14. rory

    Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

    Ive seen many that make them, but I still dont have any clients that would want such an ugly thing mounted at their door. One could save their money and simply buy a small cube camera, stick that in something hidden, such as a white gang box, clock, chrono timer, signs, or pretty much anything you can think of, that the client approves of. In that image in the original post, it shows a wooden frame, one could just hide the camera right inside that, and in the US you guys love sheet rock walls, even easier.
  15. holy moly batman. LOL Also about the cat5 VGA extender, I saw one at a location and it was okay ... the client said he had nothing but issues with it. I didnt install it and I didnt change it. He was not my client.
  16. Huh? You have never seen a DVR with a composite video out?? That makes no sense, a majority of them have composite video out, but not VGA. If anything, VGA out is a new thing for DVRs, and still no where near as common as composite out. VGA on stand alone RTOS DVRs is normally the same as a basic VGA converter and hence the quality is terrible compared to composite video. Ofcourse if you are going to end up converting it back into an LCD Monitor, it will all be the same crappy quality anyway - unless it is a PC DVR. That said, just like the VGA Converters, some are much better then others, eg. compare a $25 OEM VGA converter to a Viewsonic VGA converter, the viewsonic is much better quality, still not great, but much better, and it costs more also - plug that same composite output into a composite TV or CCTV CRT though, the quality is perfect.
  17. Can you post a day time image, and or one with someone standing withing 10 feet of the camera at night? Also, the longer distance from inside to outside (if it is much longer) could cause the voltage drop and hence less IR power at night. Is it being powered over cat5, POE or regular 12VDC? 12VDC over cat5 cant go that far without alot of loss.
  18. rory

    "decoder not found" error

    Might have removed one of the older codec files, reinstall Multiview, also download and reinstall the codecs, new and old. Link to older codecs: Also includes some newer ones, but not 8.3+ http://www.bahamassecurity.com/software/geovision/installcodecs.asp Also, you could try 8.32 as that version is now available and has some webcam activeX bug fixes which caused errors between older versions and 8.3. Multiview essentially uses the webcam activeX.
  19. I cant judge by that camera, has to be something with more specs. But if you see IR as red then it is on, how powerful is another issue but not the issue right now - your camera looks like it is staying in 100% color mode. Now, the IR might also be coming on with the Photocell, at least thats the way it normally works, but depends on the camera. If it is then the Photocell is working okay, but the camera is not switching. If the camera is not switching, first check the settings for a day night mode, make sure it is enabled. other then that, perhaps bad camera, or try changing the power supply. It is possible it is not enough power to push the IR strong enough, and the camera might have no IR cut filter at all, so it can adjust and pick up the IR if there is any ...
  20. rory

    Geovision v8.3 DSP spot monitor and Iphone.

    Im pretty sure the DSP card is not supported in that version, as the error message already told you It means go back to an older version if you want to use the DSP card.
  21. rory

    Geovision on MAC

    The GeoVision software (and drivers) is a Windows Application, only.
  22. I dont know which thread you read that on, Geovision are not all copys. One CAN find copys by accident but mostly on Ebay or unreputable online stores. Most well known stores sell the real thing. BTW the copy is not even close to the real thing, unless one wants instability and bad quality.
  23. Take another look at the camera though, as that still looks like it is just in color mode - in that mode we wont see the IR on image. Are the IRs coming on out there at night? If someone stands right up to the camera within a couple feet, can you see their face? If you cannot see their face and still looks like it is in color mode, but you can see the IR on the actual camera, then there is a switching problem either mechanical or digital, depends on the camera. If it uses a photo cell it could be a bad or disconnected photocell, check that, Ive had to change some bad ones before. If it has a mechanical IR Cut filter, make sure that has not stuck, that can happen, rare, but happens especially if something like non stop flashing lights keep causing it to switch back and forth, then it could come off track and need to be opened and readjusted. Check the settings within the camera programming if it has them. If it has dipswitches, check those also. Can you provide a link to the camera, was that Acti or Actio?
  24. Makes sense. This is not something I'm going to skimp on. Avermedia does seem good. But NewEgg buyer(s) complain about the lack of support. Yeah like many DVR brands the support can be lacking .. but really unless the card fails, one just puts it in and loads the software. There are manuals available and support for software features can be accessed from forums such as this. Personally I never used their cards, but I never had a need to. As you can see it is also popular though, we even have a forum for it here.
  25. I know, but I also need to broadcast it to other screens. That would require a combo card. Thee are a few other brands that seem to be popular online. A quick Google yields the following brands: Any experience with 'em? Apposonic, Lorex, Q-see and Sabrent. Worth a look, at all? Those are mostly very cheap ones, the kind of cards most on this forum wouldnt touch. Its up to you if you want to take a gamble with them. Avermedia I think has video out on their 4 channel 30fps card, and you can stack the cards. I dont like the software as much as Geo's, but it is a good brand.