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Everything posted by rory

  1. Altronix will have it if anyone has it ... but most likely you will have to buy the power supply itself then build the rest from other parts such as buying radio shack barrier strips or terminal blocks.
  2. rory

    Viewing video

    How is it working on their local network?
  3. rory

    Viewing video

    How is the upload bandwidth speed from the DVR location? More then likely the chinese ISP is filtering outgoing traffic like mad.
  4. I dont have anyway to test it, tried all their cameras included in the Demo but it seems either it doesnt work or the IPs are outdated, as this was posted from 2006. However, it may be useful to someone that has the time to test it, and go through the source code and perhaps get some ideas from it. It is in C#, they have 2 downloads, the Source code, and the Demo which includes the EXE. With the demo you can delete, edit, and add cameras, groups, and views, so its actually pretty complete - just not sure if it actually works with any IP cameras as none of the included ones work. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/cameraviewer.aspx On a side note, the developers other project does work, its to do with Motion detection: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/Motion_Detection.aspx?msg=3317081#xx3317081xx Rory
  5. Hi Larry and Happy New Year! Looks great so far, will let you know if any issues arise. Edit. Only thing I noticed so far that when viewing "View new posts" none are in red so its hard to know which you have already visited, as they still appear there even after a first visit. What would be nice is a Today's posts link also, regardless of which ones we have seen already. Thanks Rory
  6. rory

    LiveVue Geo 1.2

    Hi, Also change the Bandwidth to MODEM if you havent already. When using LAN it will be slightly higher quality but will be slower. Yeah, I went back to 8300 ActiveX and it actually has some of the features that 8320 is missing, and is a little less heavy, but it is still twice as slow loading as 7000. I do notice once loaded 8300 handles the video from 8.12 and 8.32 servers much better, but then it comes with a price - alot of memory. So .. still working on that, for LiveVue that is. Rory
  7. rory

    LiveVue Geo 1.2

    Hi Jong I take it you mean SimpleVue 8.3 and not LiveVue? Also, you can change the quality in both SimpleVue versions inside the INI file. As for moving the app, you should be able to just run it from anywhere. Make sure the INI settings file is in the same path though. If using Vista or Win7 run in XP compatibility mode, just incase. Rory
  8. rory

    LiveVue Geo 1.2

    Thats great news. It seems they fixed that "bug" then, I guess for their own apps as well.
  9. rory

    LiveVue Geo 1.2

    The 8320 activeX is so huge and heavy .. hard to work with and horribly slow when trying to load even just 16 of them. going to see if the first 8.3 activeX is any lighter .. but meanwhile ... I just checked Geovision's webcam server and it works in LiveVue (using the older 7.0 activeX - which is much lighter) ... they have 8320 on their server so Im wondering if anyone else has 8320 servers they can test with LiveVue to see if they work also?
  10. rory

    Differences of Sony & Sharp Chipset

    Sony. But as mentioned alot of other factors also effect the final image.
  11. rory

    Can you view remotly on a mac?

    unless there is a mac application by them, doubtful, check this thread for a work around, other then installing XP in VMware or Parallels. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=19615
  12. Did you try multiple IE? PM me the link and I will see if I can grab the ActiveX for you and put that up as a separate installer outside of the web browser - that way it should work even when there are issues with the web browsers.
  13. I think its limited to the ultimate edition but i may stand corrected. either way, it still means running another virtual OS, while compatibility mode is more of a virtual application, faster.
  14. oh yes as mentioned, color cameras normally placed in well lit areas such as the entrance and the car park. Depends if they have enough light.
  15. Sorry but I havent seen any "decent" ones yet, so I cant suggest otherwise. What I have seen is alof of people using baluns that dont know the diff between good quality and bad quality. Just run siamese RG59, thats the cable for CCTV cameras, you argument with me is what is really ridiculous. I mean its not like they have mile long runs, and its a small job going by the budget. But they can run whatever cable they like as far as Im concerned.
  16. most are crappy quality = crappy video quality = unhappy customer.
  17. id still stick with rg59 Siamese .. but run cat5 also. I wouldnt waste time with baluns.
  18. you will want a camera without DSS. DSS slows down the video anyway.
  19. you could try a program ive had to use in the past, even on WINE on Mac its called "Multiple IE". just select the version you want to install, it allows you to run multiple versions on your systems as it redirects the registry settings: http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE
  20. try to run it in Windows XP compatibility mode? Is this an EXE file that you download then run?
  21. Hi, dont know but you might have to wait until after christmas holidays when people are bored, to get a reply. I dont know the DVR personally so cant really help.
  22. Ive been using cheap BW bullets in the clubs for years, work well, yes even on the dance floor with all the light effects.Once you get a fixed bullet camera at any lens, you can buy some fixed board lenses and experiment if you like, they are easy to switch out. I would suggest a nice clear CCTV monitor or a Focus meter though, or failing that at least a 15" LCD, to focus them with if you do change the lens - the small 5-7" LCDs are useless for focusing. For the record ive had the worst results with Color IR bullets. Ive also tried Color bullets and Color domes but they just dont produce as good an image under that low lighting as does even the cheapest BW bullet.
  23. rory

    fans in DVRS

    should be able to add more fans and just tie them into the same power as the one noisy one .. change that out for a quieter model.
  24. In the case of DVRs, in most cases if they have an activeX control that is all you need. But also in most cases they crash and are not stable. I would say good luck if you are going to work with more than one, outside of just slapping the activeX in a program, the connection, and walking away. Anything else besides that, unless you stick to just one or two DVRs, could be a nightmare. And if you want more low level access then you will typically need an API from the manufacturer and a whole other can of worms to go along with it. But i doubt that type of integration is what you are talking about
  25. if they tried im sure others can get something running in wine .. but i still question why anyone would torture themselves with such a limited mac os ... as to the videonext software, i passed the info onto a mac freak and they werent interested either .. no screen shots or any kind of technical info on their site ..