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Everything posted by rory

  1. Without an IR Cut Filter, the camera will always pick up IR Light, which means the daytime colors will look washed out due to all the natural IR in the daytime. Most color only cameras will have a fixed IR cut filter. Thats why TRUE Day/Night cameras cost more, due to the installed Mechanical IR Cut Filter which is removed at night automatically. Both the Color IR and the True Day Night will work in 0 Lux, but the True Day Night will be more sensitive and generally produce a better picture.
  2. (1/1) second = 1 second exposure setting slow video (1/60) second = 16.6666667 milliseconds not slow video The camera has a range from 1/1 to 1/8000 and you can set maximum and minimum manually or you can let the camera decide on the available lux level. Same diff. Slow video in low light = DSS.
  3. I just priced up a PC with a 250GB HDD for a DVR on a retail store the other night and it was around $250. You dont need a gaming machine.
  4. Gotta be "Time of exposure" or some such. Basically analogous to shutter speed. so it would still be the same effect? slow video?
  5. rory

    Easy to use DVR's for end user

    nah he was saying the ApolloPro is the budget one he uses but has too many key presses to get an event.
  6. rory

    Noob cabling question

    normally a short distance from the cable exiting the camera you will see a small plastic block, thats where the single ground from the camera normally splits out to two grounds, one to the video and one to the power. If you were to splice the cable before that block then you will typically just find a single ground, a single video, and a single positive.
  7. Mobotix doesn't have shutter adjustments 0.1 lux (t=1/60s) • 0.005 lux (t=1/1s) is what you get Whats the "t" stand for?
  8. You could try a polarizing filter from the local camera store, might be hard to find one to fit that camera though, but as mentioned in a post above could get it cut to shape (local glass store), or they sell many different sizes on some online camera stores. Other than that a decent professional camera with good light handling or a WDR camera. From the sounds of the camera you are using, which it seems uses DSS, it sounds like it has poor light handling (never used it so dont hold me to that!) as most Bullet cameras do, and many domes do also. If you arent using the IR, like its not pitch dark, then you can also get a couple other filters like an IR cut filter and try those instead. Check the settings on the camera, turn OFF anything like AGC or SAGC. If it has a setting for back lighting, try it with it on and off. Have you tried adjusting these at night or was it just in the day? What model camera is it? Need the specs to really be able to tell if you might be able to get more out of just a better similar style camera. Bullet cameras do suck though when it comes to dealing with bright lights. The Panos ofcourse would fix the problem (as best you will find) but at a very big cost $$$ You could also take a look at a WDR bullet, KT&C makes one though I wont vouch for it as Ive never used it.
  9. rory

    Noob cabling question

    Make sure all cable is run at least 1' away from any high voltage, when using RG59 Coax. If thats the RCA type all in one cable then go even further. More then likely is either the cable or cameras. What are the specs on the cameras? You can also try an isolated power supply based on what Soundy mentioned. Also, most bullet cameras share the ground.
  10. no POE for me thanks, though it sounds nice getting a POE router/switch will be a problem here, probably, problems enough getting a basic wireless router these days, and expensive!!! Linksys Wireless 4-ch basic Router now around $150 here.
  11. 0.1 lux is not enough low light for my apps any of the motobix that do 0.01 lux with no shutter adjustments?
  12. would be nice if they can make Day Night MP cameras that will replace CCTV Day Night cameras Wait, is the 4201 same as the 4200? It doesnt have an IR cut filter?
  13. That sounds like a PC from the late 90s I dont know what DVR software will run on that, at least stable, but I know you will have issues trying to get GeoVision on there unless you were to use a very old version of it. That processor is very slow and that memory is barely enough for Windows XP default alone. Add to that the slower bus speeds and the slower hard drive ... bottom line is if you are going to buy some new parts might as well but a new PC one time .. you can by the parts for a new DVR for VERY cheap these days ..
  14. rory

    Noob cabling question

    typically we use RG59 Siamese Cable. You then add your own BNC connectors. Some online stores now sell this in premade lengths as well. Better power supply would be a Distributed Fused Power Supply, something like the brand Altronics or P3. Isolated versions are sometimes required especially when using various different camera brands.
  15. here is an interesting 1 channel server, then add any camera. http://www.cnbtec.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1171
  16. rory

    Trying to learn. Geovision 800/16, camera choices

    A GV800-16 could run in a P4 2.3 but it is pushing it. If using 8.2+ Geo software then it will run very poorly, as like with Microsoft, the newer the software the slower it is, or moreso the faster the hardware needs to be. If using 7.xx it should run fine, if using 8.0-8.12 you will need to tweak XP to make it work ok. Either way you should never use Default XP, tweak it and secure it, otherwise that makes for a poor DVR system. If the card is old enough you could try and get 7.xx from somewhere online and try and install that, if not already. You would need to totally remove any newer geo software though, check the Geo forum for free software to do that, or do it manually, also remove all Geo ini files in the Windows folder. 7.xx has that awful green GUI, but you can use the free skins i posted in the free software section, that make it look like 8.0. Now, if its ebay it COULD be a clone and you will have issues no matter what. Unfortunately you get what you pay for, there really is no way to go cheap on Geo systems, BUT it is still cheaper than most 16 channel stand alones and with many more features. Look under this Geovision sub forum for the Sticky threads, they have somethings that might help.
  17. they both are easy to remove, thats the point. Just that Vandal domes are over rated, their covers scratch VERY easily even with just the skin on your hand (ive used hundreds of brands and models), and they CAN be destroyed and or disabled almost as easily. For 3 times the cost to get an equal image quality, most times a Vandal dome is just not justified, especially when that dome cover is so scratched up from cleaning or whatever and the manufacturer does not supply replacement covers.
  18. rory

    Need help with system re-design please!!

    from images I have seen thus far I am not impressed with any MP camera's night vision. Sure they might have worked for those locations, but that does not mean they can "see" at night. Im also not impressed with MANY regular CCTV cameras and their night vision claims either.
  19. rory

    Need help with system re-design please!!

    Quit it. i NEVER Claimed that a 380TVL $50 Bullet is high quality. I wont be discussing this with you any further.
  20. Box cameras do. In most cases you will get a better image from an similarly priced bullet to dome as alot of the dome cost is in the housing, least with vandal housings, so essentially you need to spend alot more on the Dome cameras to get an equivalent picture.
  21. rory

    Need help with system re-design please!!

    There is no point. I have posted HIGH QUALITY images on this forum for years, and MANY Pitch Dark Day/Night shots, since 2003, I think that should suffice. I mean if you were interested in learning how to properly setup a Day Night CCTV system then I would, But I am certain you are not.
  22. all kind of bullets with VF lenses here http://www.cnbtec.com/en/html/product/product_list.php?maxx=1&midx=6 varifocal bullet cams are a dime a dozen now .. http://www.ktnc.co.kr/english/viewtopic.php?t=396 http://www.ktnc.co.kr/english/viewforum.php?f=84
  23. rory

    Need help with system re-design please!!

    something wrong with the DVR, seems a deinterlace setting or something. Yeah right lets go right out and spend $2000 on a MegaPixel camera that cant see at night oh yeah since im in a sharing mood .. $50 380TVL bullet .. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/tmp/AMCAPlrg.bmp ofcourse its crisp on the 13" TV looks like like a movie (they come in higher res now for same price)
  24. rory

    I owe Bill Gate $14.95!

    i use front page .. comes with office (xp) and can throw up a web page in seconds i can write HTML ofcourse but sometimes whats the point .. its like I can walk to the store but a vehicle is alot quicker (and safer round here!)
  25. Thanks, Im not impressed, I will search for another software.