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Everything posted by rory

  1. used it, and like facebook, cant stand it. twitter is okay for perhaps gorrilla style marketting .. but there have been millins of other mediums for that since the time the internet started to become popular .. remember yahoo chat?? same diff, actually chat rooms are still much more user friendly, twitter is just sad.
  2. first make sure you have cameras assigned in the user's webcam settings. make sure all ports are properly forwarded also.
  3. sounds good. if you post it i should be able to convert it to Vbscript. That way wont need to install autoit.
  4. rory

    Why is there no NUUO forum?

    not that, they are just not as popular on the forum as geo and avermedia. there are thousands of PC card brands .. the sub forums were created because the main DVR Card forum would get so packed with Geo and Avermedia threads that other card's threads would disappear quickly. having said that .. they do have a sub forum in the IP section: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewforum.php?f=44
  5. rory

    Counterfeit GV-1480 cards?

    The 1480 has been around for a couple years, they faked them right after they were released. BTW the cards themselves are made by a card manufacturer in s. korea. the counterfiet versions have all the same labels the legit ones do, in fact its now very hard to tell the difference. Bottom line is if it comes from China its most likely a fake, if you buy it online make sure they are a Geo distributor - in other words dont buy it off ebay. Seeing new cards with version 7.0 was always a sign, but now I think they have versions 8.0 and higher, or at least claim they do.
  6. rory

    Counterfeit GV-1480 cards?

    There are counterfeits of every Geo card, as there are of Kodicom, anykeeper, and some others. Where you buy it from is what matters. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=3301
  7. rory

    Chinese/Taiwan Make CCtv Cameras

    Note: any manufacturers/resellers posting regarding their cameras, posts will be deleted. The OP wants unbiased recommendations. Thanks.
  8. rory

    Has anyone tried Windows 7 with Geovision

    Geo works fine with XP. I wouldnt bother using anything else until XP has totally disappeared. Have at least until 2014.
  9. rory

    Pakistan seeks IDE hard drives!

    plenty IDE hard drives in the stores round here .. but we is a long way from pakistan !!
  10. I wouldnt trust a camera thats NOT setup prior to installation, setup includes focusing. its setup exactly how we want it, either way its been discussed before, so please use the search feature. like i said .. unless there is no other choice. i Guess in Canada you can get away with focusing outside .. what with no sun and all . down here forget about it .. doesnt work. If you want it focused properly it should be done before installation, it also makes the job alot easier. Remember when you are focusing it after installation you are only dealing with one single condition .. eg. light, low light, or dark. In a controlled environment you can adjust the conditions to get the best focus for all, light, low light, and dark. Anyone thats not doing this for at least Day/Night Infrared cameras, aren't setting the camera up to its maximum performance. But hey .. das juss me.
  11. use a viewfinder to get the exact FOV so you can focus it properly prior to installation. a camera should never be focused out in the field unless there is no other choice.
  12. check out faceplate sensitivity. Manufacturers should include this in their specs, but rarely do. and here are some threads that may relate to this topic: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4227 http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=11439 http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=11783 and .. well too much info: http://www.cctv-information.co.uk/i/Light_Transmission_Through_Lenses
  13. focus the camera before you install it. same with CCTV cameras.
  14. specs rarely mean anything, unless its coming from a big brand like Ge, Bosch etc. and even then its a stretch. only way to tell is buy them and put them side by side .. sucks but thats pretty much it.
  15. rory

    upgrade geovision or go w/ standalone dvr?

    Not sure but that system might have issues push a current geo card and software as is .. well its the software thats going to work it. The CPU is okay, but the ram needs to be upgraded considerably. As its 4 years old, you could try just doing that or buying all new hardware one time. I guess a newer Dual Core CPU and 2GB of ram should work, and cost is pretty low these days, but then you are still working with an older mobo. Maybe keep the case, change the guts. PC parts are much cheaper now but Geo cards have stayed about the same. I dont expect you will get any 16 channel embedded DVR worth talking about for the same cost of just the 16 channel Geo card though, least not with the kind of features of the Geo and other PC cards. And if you go geo dont waste money on the 240 or 480 models, just give him an option of the GV800 or the GV1120 (IMO). The 800 could run on a slower older system, than say the 1120, but the 1120 gives you real time live view. The 240+ cards need faster quad cores etc to really benefit from their higher recording speeds, cost will go up. Maybe just give him an 8 channel option also, using the GV650? Slap in an extra 1GB memory and add the 650 card, see if you can get an older 650 that can use 8.12 .. 8.2, 8.3 etc are resource hogs (like windows Geo just keeps getting slower!). anyway .. my 5 cents ...
  16. Cheap security is a broom stick. There are plenty cheap CCTV cameras also, not "IP" though.
  17. no its all in java and java script now .. i can watch it in firefox. had to download and install java though which sucks, might as well just download a decent client app one time and stay clear of the browser. i cant believe avtech havent fixed their video quality yet though, its horid on the network.
  18. rory

    Need some Help finding a camera.

    a camera outside pointing at the entrance will unlikely capture their face walking into the store. better off putting a camera outside for general viewing and a decent WDR camera (or just good BLC) inside pointing at the entrance to get their face when they enter, or a cheap camera at the entrance inside pointing in to get their faces when then leave.
  19. rory

    No HDD Detected.

    also make sure they put the jumpers back on right, make sure it is set to master and not slave. if thats straight and still coming up as missing, then best to replace it, or take it to a PC store if you cant deal with it, so they can check it out to first see if it even needs replacing. It could have just got corrupt and lost the partition table, MBR etc. and they might be able to re partition it, though that could also mean eminent failure.
  20. yes and no .. its from way before Bosch took over extreme, several years ago and like all great people someone else wrote those words for me
  21. those are spotlights and not IR? what type of camera is it, just a day night without IR? Not a bullet then? Box, Dome or PTZ? Well now that you say its not IR then I am having second thoughts about it being a really good camera but again I dont know it or its specs .. either way move the spotlight up higher, either on the pool itself or up higher towards the bush in the distance near the top of the image. I still prefer it to switch to higher sensitive BW mode at night, cant stand DSS, and no color is better than thinking its blue when its really green. It still looks like a better all around image to me though, but not having IR makes it worth less (not worthless!), guess thats where the WDR made the cost go up LOL. You dont need a WDR camera at either of those locations by the way. No matter which OEM brand you get, one of them should have a True Day Night IR Bullet, without DSS (or with, just disable it) and with a switching IR Cutfilter, thats the one you want next time. And stay away from WDR unless you are trying to get plates at a gas station or faces at an entrance .. things like that, less they can afford Pano's WDR cameras.
  22. Once again, any CCTV pro with experience in night applications looking at those 2 images can tell the camera on the left is a MUCH better camera for a day night app, its much higher sensitivity in BW mode then the cheaper Color/IR camera on the right, and real colors in color mode. As for the spotlight, it would need adjusting to get rid of the spot, or turn the IR down some. I dont know either camera and have no specs, so Im only going by the images i have seen thus far. Only way to be 100% sure is to put the cameras side by side at the same location and FOV. Also, all day/night apps need to also be setup at night, in the dark. Ignore the whole WDR thing though, your only concern with that location is that it is day night with IR, and also the WDR might not even be enabled by default on that camera, disable it if it is. Granted if you are concerned with heavy light changes (non existent in your application) and the IR cut filter going crazy all night long (I had only one go bad in almost 10 years and even then I fixed it myself), then perhaps you need to look at a dual day night camera setup such as an Ex82. If you cant afford either then ofcourse a Color/IR camera would be the lower cost choice.
  23. rory

    No HDD Detected.

    Hi, make sure the data and power cables are connected to the hard drive properly. Maybe the cops took it out to get the data off of it.
  24. I can tell straight away that the camera on the left is a better camera. It looks like a True Day Night with IR Cut Filter, hence the true colors, and true BW mode. The image on the right seems like a basic Color IR camera with no IR Cut filter, hence the washed out colors. Both images are crappy quality but then thats probably the compression either on the DVR side or from uploading it online.