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Everything posted by rory

  1. that would basically be moving the lens closer or further away from the camera chip.
  2. rory

    Geovision wont acknowledge problem

    Hi Andy, the gate camera, possibly, though that could be a Panasonic also, no idea as Its built into the Gate system and not my equipment. As to these cameras, they are analog, no idea if they have DSP though they should, but maybe this type of Pano CCD does not?
  3. rory

    Metal Mickey's

    Havent used them myself, but they are used by Extreme CCTV and Derwent so they must be pretty good Actually Extreme CCTV acquired them in 2006.
  4. Yes sorry just noticed the bullet camera is also a Panasonic: http://www.cctvco.com/ECL-599HT_IR_bullet_camera.html the one listed on their other site is a Sony, so that would explain that it is definately the Pano CCDs. Actually both their sites say different, one says Sony the other above says Pano, I would lean towards it being a Pano: http://www.eclipsecctv.com/ECL-599HT_security_camera.html
  5. rory

    Geovision wont acknowledge problem

    All Eclipse CCTV Cameras. Top Left: http://www.eclipsecctv.com/ECL-557H_dome_camera.html Top Right: http://www.eclipsecctv.com/ECL-599HT_security_camera.html Bottom: Cant remember model, but its their older Indoor Dome with Sony Notice the blue line on the right of those images also. Directly on a CCTV Monitor none of these lines appear. EDIT; Their other site says that Bullet is a Pano, see this link for that: http://www.cctvco.com/ECL-599HT_IR_bullet_camera.html All Analog Cameras. GV650 with 8.12 and 4 cameras (3 cameras have the line) GV800 with 8.01 and 16 cameras (been running a couple years now, just the 1 new camera with line) Also, there is a GV1120 which has 8 of the Eclipse ECL-598HIM Bullet cameras, those are fine, but they added a B/W Gate camera to it and that has lines on all sides of it, even thicker also, like a huge black border. That camera no idea what model it is, but it is powered from the Gate controller, and also is run over RG6 (probably CATV Cable as I didnt do it, was added in afterwards). Let me know once you have saved those images so I can remove them please. Thanks
  6. Popup on motion? Also just Display on Motion. See this one .. its in the motion information settings, 2nd image on page 7 http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=12575
  7. rory

    Check this out.... 360 Video.

    the housing of the camera itself is similar to the Extreme CCTV Moondance .. but thats just a ptz. Cool either way
  8. Dont focus at night, do it in low light though, but not too low.
  9. The camera is out of focus. Even when it is focused, that FOV wont catch the plate.
  10. this is what we use: http://www.aes-intellinet.com/technologyoverview.html
  11. rory

    Which Geovision Card for my application ?

    There's only 3 cameras connected in that video sample.
  12. rory

    Which Geovision Card for my application ?

    The GeoPlayer just installs the codecs anyway, just a few DLLs You can now open the video in regular Windows Media Player (should be able to anyway). The Blue video is blank video, when there is no motion, as it was set to Motion record.
  13. rory

    Which Geovision Card for my application ?

    Yep, the following are made by me so use at your own risk http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/InstallCodecs.zip And a basic custom player: http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/GeoPlayer.exe geo also has a codecs installer, I dont have it handy right now though.
  14. rory

    cctv for convenient store

    Basically a UPS with AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) .. APC has these units for LA they come in the 600VA and in the US I think they are in the 650 or 750VA units.
  15. rory

    Disable Geo Blinking Eyes

    In the 7.xx and lower non branded (OEM) versions ... But basically I dont work on that software anymore vperez.
  16. rory

    Night Image problem

    The OEMs change the guts of the cameras all the time .. just like Eclipse did
  17. rory

    Geovision wont acknowledge problem

    Yep just went back to the 4 cam job with those panos (the one that also has the 16 channel DVR with the 1 single Pano camera on it also) and was sad to see all the black borders .. luckily the client doesn't even notice it .. for now at least. Just went back to port forward with their IT guy. Andy, is UDP Tech still involved, if so have you checked on this with them yet?
  18. rory

    Night Image problem

    Looks like it has the infamous Sony HQ1 CCD http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=10919&highlight=sony+hq1
  19. rory

    Need help in choosing camera..

    Expect possible reflection from the IR back onto the lens .. such as white ring effect ... not always but its a 50-50 chance it will occur depending on the camera, location, and environment. Best to keep the IR Separate or use an IR Bullet. As mentioned 420TVL is entry level, though even with the 540TVL check the Effective Image Pixels, should be 768x +- , if not stay clear.
  20. rory

    Which Geovision Card for my application ?

    Surely Andy is forgetting to mention Smart Motion Detection settings? Andy? Whether it is real time or not I cannot confirm at this time, but the following video was recorded each camera in 640x480 and as far as my eye can tell, its certainly faster than 7.5fps http://bahamassecurity.com/video/day_quad.Avi
  21. rory

    NV6240 Video Card Recommendation

    Video card is only for the live display, so as with any DVR card you could actually get away with intel's onboard video if desired.
  22. There are tons to choose from, but for starters a sub $100 BW bullet camera typically does the trick and has for years now in night clubs and bars. As for Day Night IR Cameras, take your pick. I suggest a visit to the Security Camera forum for further info on that: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=6122 Not all cameras are made alike. The location of the camera, how it is setup, focused, Iris adjusted, and much more, effects the end result of the image. That said .. Typically they range as follows: Color IR Camera - basic IR out to 50' approx - $100+- Color IR Camera - IR out to 100-150' approx - $150+- Day Night IR Camera - IR out to 50' approx - $200+- Day Night IR Camera - IR out to 100-150' approx - $300+- Those are the OEM cameras, on the budget side of it. Plug them into a cheap 13" Color TV and its great quality. They arent designed to be plugged into LCDs as they are composite outputs. Look what we can do with $60 low res (380TVL) cameras and a $100 DVR card (+$170PC) http://bahamassecurity.com/video/day_quad.Avi http://bahamassecurity.com/video/night_quad.Avi I dont have the high res videos/images as they are private and only for the clients eyes; the above are/were my own cameras. I tend not to save the clients on my PC nor any evidence I have gathered for legal reasons. But we are getting ahead of ourselves here, I would still like to find the MP camera that can cover the areas I need, without spending thousands of $$, and I am being real. We all know, anyone that has at the least used or seen a MegaPixel Still camera, that the quality is much better, nobody is doubting that. However I was responding to the previous posts, at 20-30' with a non IP camera I can most certainly grab a face with an optimal image from a CCTV camera given it is focused properly and not covered in dirt or glare, even from the images shown in the video above, and blow it up and enhance for the cops if needed, and have done many times in the past. In fact I identified a vehicle over 75' at night on a low res BW camera only last year for a murder case - granted that was a worst case scenario, somewhat. Also realize that with Digital cameras using Analog transmission (as they ARE digital cameras) they have composite outputs - so when you plug that camera into a high res CCTV monitor that will be the optimum image quality - if one has never seen the camera on that type of monitor then they cannot talk about the quality of said camera as it differs greatly from when it goes into a PC or an LCD (any VGA mon) or even from a TV. Yes you still have the image size to deal with, it is NOT megapixel, thats a given. Wide shot cameras will make it difficult to capture the faces but with narrower zooms (eg. 8mm) even 20-30' from the start of the FOV you can most certainly without a problem, at least with 811x508 pixel cameras. back to the night club, bar, and pitch dark cameras though .. and megapixel .. we know we can do it with non IP cameras, been doing it for years .. but yes we want a higher quality MP image and hence the IP camera .. now all we need to do is find one that can perform in low light to suit our application.
  23. rory

    Fuzz in image

    Hi, what type of DVR is this? Please see this thread though as it looks very familiar. Thanks http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=10919
  24. rory

    Disable Geo Blinking Eyes

    Hi, I havent seen any versions of 8.2 with blinking eyes so this should not work with 8.2, only versions 7.05 and lower.
  25. Hi, sorry for the extremely late reply but only just seeing this thread, best to post over in the SimpleVue thread though so I get the reply. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=9767 In development I had no way to test that resolution which is why it was left out, as I am on the NTSC side of the globe. I am willing however to test for it once someone with a PAL system sends me an DVR IP to do so. Once I can find out what value it is then I can enter it in the program. Please let me know via PM if still interested. I have a feeling though the highest quality I will be able to obtain is 640x480, but wont know until I try. Thanks Rory