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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Sony ExView

    Cosmetically they look nice .. and on the color only models the color is good .. but to work with and the final image, and the HDA has no IR cut filter plus we thought we were ordering a color only dome as thats what their site says it is .. Arghh. Maybe Im just spoilt with Sanyo and GE products and their great quality images and interior guts that dont fall apart and are not loose
  2. rory

    Sony ExView

    All their new domes .. the ones with Panasonic CCDs. I used 3 different ones. But the worst one was the HDA. The design is terrible, parts not screwed together properly, etc etc the list goes on, imagine spending several hours just trying to get 1 single camera working properly .. not good at all, especially when the end result is less than good and the main reason being you cant get a focus throughout even 3/4 of the image .. i imagine backfocus issues as they have these little plastic rings between the lens and the lens holder .. the H dome was just as bad .. fixed lens and blurry on one edge all the time. Going to check out CNB at least they use Sony CCDs, and actually they are less expensive.
  3. rory

    Beginner questions....bare with me

    No Experience with them either, but seen them around here. Big diff in price between the 2 though. Also, if you want the best Consumer based Dual Day-Night vision then look at Extreme CCTV.
  4. Update on this. Put the same type cameras on an Avermedia EB1304, no problem. Also, happened to be cleaning up another Geo, a GV1120 and decided to upgrade it to 8.12 from 8.1. After the upgrade, one of the cameras which was a gate cam (bw built into a gate controller) had black edges all around it. Going to go back to 8.1 and see what happens.
  5. rory

    Sony ExView

    LOL on a side note, its the new eclipse domes that I was talking about .. I would stay clear of them like a rusty nail right now ..
  6. Yep XP Pro ... and yes runs all my software ..
  7. 900 Mhz Celeron with 2GB DDR2-667, 4GB SSD CPU is clocked at 630Mhz (Asus underclocks this by default) Custom Nlited XP SP2 Install (270MB Compressed). Fully Tweaked. Check my boot time Audio, WebCam, SD Card Disabled - Themes, Wifi and DHCP enabled (etc). http://www.bahamassecurity.com/eeepc/eeepcTweaked.wmv (3.36mb) Prettied up with the Razor Style and a newer Bliss Background, Remote video example also: http://www.bahamassecurity.com/eeepc/eeepcTweaked2.wmv (6.31mb) used it today to walk around and readjust some cameras on a DVR that wasnt yet setup on the main network, just plugged in a spare Linksys Wireless Router I had and ba da bing ... hold it in one hand or rest it down .. good to go
  8. rory

    Geovision on a Blackberry world edition

    i watch Geo remote video on my Eee PC 7" Laptop .. nice and smooth and fast too .. anything smaller than that I might as well just pick up the TV remote watch TV and retire .. cause thats just the perfect size
  9. Hi, this forum does not allow any discussion of Pirated cards. If you still wish to discuss the issue with the cameras please start a new thread on that in the Security Cameras forum. Thanks
  10. rory

    Sony ExView

    Well these last couple jobs I was just buying what I could get through others, as the shipping companies we use here they had issues with their CC and so I didnt want to bother importing and one of the jobs I did import but I wanted to test a couple other products ... not again though .. just not worth it IMO. Im supposed to be working on software now anyway .. I mean I've seen ALOT worse .. dont get me wrong .. but Its just that nothing worked out the way it was supposed to .. trying to cut costs .. well I should have known better after all these years .. Do we ever really learn from lessons though ... its like eating food from one restaurant and getting ill .. or even just lousy service .. I always still seem to go back sometime in the future after eating elsewhere for so long .. just to "try" it in case it got better .. but only to have the same thing happen again .. LOL I guess though in my case the main thing is all clients involved were/are happy .. little things like these really get to me though .. when I know how they are supposed to be I guess. Thing is, I can afford to spend weeks getting some really cheap cameras working great at my place, for me, but clients just cant pay enough for that.
  11. rory

    Sony ExView

    Got stuck with some what was supposed to be Color Vandal Domes today on a job, waited 2 weeks for them to get here .. spent a couple hours a camera setting them up as they were difficult to work with, terrible design .. one of them the entire lens was not even tightened .. and the small mini alan key holes would not tighten either. so that was left loose in the end, only after I had refocused it hundreds of times since it would keep going back out of focus!! Another one, one of its boards was not even held together and so it did not work at all, it plugged into the other inner board using PINS and so I just fixed that and it worked .. but still !! They all had this stupid plastic ball thing that dropped down and clicked back up when you were done, to imitate the black plastic inserts most others use. Either way it is rubbish and ended up breaking off one of them. basically as the lenses holders also on all of them were loose no matter what I tightened .. everytime you knocked the camera when you were trying to fit the dome cover back over that stupid plastic ball the camera went back out of focus. As it is they dont focus the entire part of the image, and any focus .. crappy lenses probably. They also all had these 2 little plastic risers for the lens .. really bad design. The worst part was the colors were off, someones black jeans were green ... then looking on the box in tiny words it mentioned DAY NIGHT Camera .. I was like hang on now .. I ordered a Color camera as this is indoors and definitely expected a fixed IR Cut .. anyways .. its a FAKE day night camera like all the other crap out there. so when the sun was coming through the windows at the end of the day all the IR from the sun had certain colors looking washed out or non existent. 2-3 hours of work per camera, and only to have an "okay" image .. not worth it. Resellers and Manufactures need to stop with the crap products already. I like money ALOT, but I rather be broke than to install something with a crappy image again - when I say crappy, if its not perfect, to me its crappy. No more cutting people deals or installing what they can afford (other than for myself ofcourse!), its the really really expensive stuff or nothing!
  12. rory

    Best NightVision Camera

    Extreme CCTV and other high end IR manufacturers .. would be the 950-1100nm IR range.
  13. Its definately not a power issue. 16 existing cameras on the GV800 DVR. None had that problem. That camera you see is just one of the new ones which replaced an old one with lower quality. Its powered the same as the other old one was and as all the other 15 cameras are, in the ceiling. No ground loops or anything. I didnt install all those BTW and can only suggest a total rewire of the place which would cost the owner a couple thousand. The second DVR, 4 channel GV650, using a 4 Channel Fused PSU at the DVR location. 1 of the cameras is an older version, but still brand new in the box - no issues. The other 3 are the new versions like that other one on the 16 channel DVR - all 3 have the same issue as that other one. All cable on the 4 channel DVR is the same ive always used, RG59 Siamese with 18AWG and Copper in and out. Made sure they are away from high voltage the entire run of all wires (which in itself was difficult due to the amount of lights they have there) but even if it were not, the other cameras on the 16 channel DVR are slung all over lights and have no issues, execpt one or two with minor interference. This big black spot of missing video is not interference BTW. I have another one of the newer domes here, so I will be putting that on both a CNB stand alone, an Eclipse Stand alone, and will also try a Geo Combo Card and a GV250 .. probably this weekend. Im putting a similar one though on an Avermedia EB1304 today so that should tell us as well (its just the vandal proof version of the other domes). If there is a problem then we know for sure its the cameras. If not, then more investigation surrounding the DVR is needed. The strange issues I have seen coming up with Geo cards lately though, it does not surprise me anymore - just want to know how to fix it though. The software is great but also need the cards to work properly Rory
  14. rory

    Why does tag [img] not work?

    Many sites prevent linking to their images this way using code.
  15. Hi, thats remote view right there, its a much thicker black line on the local view.
  16. rory

    Best NightVision Camera

    i have had .. sell them whenever I get a chance .. then replace when i get more money or a better product .. right now just a BW Exview bullet and a couple color bullets .. I have a couple IR Day Night bullets left over now though so will find a place for them here also .. when i get some free time for myself .. no recorder at this time .. sold that the other day also! Basically though I only install what will work for my location for the least amount of money .. cameras are mostly at a height that can be reached due to it being a garage apartment .. and Vandal domes wont fit either (well they could but the landlord wouldnt want it) .. and since i rent I dont want to do too much physical work here.
  17. rory

    Sony ExView

    Did you see this thread yet? http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=12063 I spent so much time on it for little to no money .. like 1 month not to mention another month it took to order and wait for the parts to get here!! It was a small 4 camera job with bad lighting .. really bad lighting. .. turned out worst lighting conditions than expected once on the job.
  18. rory

    Best NightVision Camera

    no prob, also, see what can be achieved with the Extreme IR products:
  19. rory

    Sony ExView

    Suppliers dont often have hands on real world experience with the products they are selling, due to selling so many different ones, especially the low cost resellers (the ones that advertise at dealer cost to end users). Always have to do your own research before hand, and if possible test one of the cameras before ordering many .. been down that road before and got stuck a few times with rubbish that was said to be great. As for that camera, no experience with it but it looks interesting, might get one to test. Always remember though you get what you pay for, so basically it wont match for example the EX82 for an EX82 type app, no matter what amazing new features it might have. Also never rely on Specs alone.
  20. rory

    Best NightVision Camera

    Ive used the EX82 before at expensive homes, they look nice, come in White or Black with cable pass mounts. Shoots the IR approx 100', you can also add more IR such as the UF series IRs or SuperLED (make it like daylight) or they have the ZX-55 with more built in. Unfortunately domes with built in IR will always be limited, even the Extreme CCTV IR Domes. Ive used the EX45 before with a separate LED Cube from Extreme (WZ12LED I think it was). Still works great to this day, but once again, limited distance, however there is no issues with IR glare.
  21. rory

    Sony ExView

    Possibly but ive never used it: EM CCD Check out Samsungs latest EM CCD Camera: SHC-750N Needless to say, its not cheap. Also: http://www.emccd.com
  22. rory

    Best NightVision Camera

    Hi, you would want to look at the Extreme CCTV line of Infrared products first, then if you want you could also check out FLIR and their Thermal Imaging. http://www.extremecctv.com http://www.flir.com The OEM IR products can be pretty nice, but none of them compare to the above products. Also see these threads if not already: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=6122
  23. rory

    CCTV System for Shopping Mall

    until Honeywell updates its Compass Alarm Downloader software and brings that into the "20th" Century ... dont think I would be buying any honeywell surveillance systems any time soon.
  24. Yah know what really gets me .. All the [mostly new] manufacturers with their marketing and high prices .. Yet none of them are posting any real world camera demos out there for potential buyers .. they just EXPECT us to buy it .. come on now .. we want some idea of what we are going to buy before we spend thousands of $$ .. these are not $50 bullet cameras we are talking about .. plus the industry is still is in its infancy .. anyone from the CCTV and PC industry knows you don't just take a manufacturer for their word .. seeing IS believing .. Some of them can thank thewireguys though for his great posts
  25. Yeah Im amazed at their fast response, being a fairly well known company. I opened a ticket on their main site (guess in Asia) and to every question over the past few weeks they have responded just about the same day, sometimes right away. The person I have been dealing with seems to speak pretty good english, well at least type it. Glad you got the mac thing sorted out