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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    Wonder if Geo could use True Crypt .. would be nice .. dont know about the speed though .. but you can create True Crypt volumes and format them as NTFS .. then when you reboot unless the user is logged into Geo, or if they yuck the hard drive out and try it in another computer .. they wont have access at all to the video no matter what they do .. without ofcourse the True Crypt login and a way to mount the volumes. Ofcourse a Windows user can also make their folders private .. but that doesnt effect the video files which are typically on another drive. I use true crypt in a program I wrote .. great free tool.
  2. rory

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    Yeah and there are other ways. Only way to really be secure is to make sure only certain people have physical access to the computer. Can the average user bypass it .. probably not.
  3. rory

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    Format the drive with a boot disk ... USB or CD ..
  4. rory

    Geo H.264

    I figure they just stuck their name in the codec files
  5. rory

    no auto login

    Ok here are all of them - 4, 9, and 16 channel versions. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/GeoWebCam.zip Things you want to change are: Camera, IP, User, Pass, BandWidth, Quality Camera = 0-15 (1-16) IP = your DVR's IP or DDNS User/Pass = your user login Bandwidth = LAN or MODEM (modem for slow connections) Quality = 320x240 [0=High, 1=Med, 2=Low], 128=640x480, 130=720x480 The playX function is all you need to change, unless you want to add or remove controls.
  6. Not off hand, but 20fps looks like real time motion to the human eye, and 15fps is not far from it. Im still testing this one so will let you know. Only have 2 cameras connected right now as had to get rid of the Nuvicos (they were * cough* and buy a couple Eclipse day nights to replace them ..) I was looking at the Intellicam one mentioned above, would like to see some images from it if possible .. cant find that on the website .. since it has all those features .. would be interested in the video quality as if it is great quality then that could be a great unit too.
  7. If you can live without the lower quality H.264 (and a couple other requirements you mentioned) its worth checking out the Avermedia 1304 .. its a great little unit .. great video quality which is what impresses me for such an inexpensive and small unit. http://www.aver.com/dvr/eb1304net_feature.html
  8. rory

    no auto login

    Also, the only params you should use are these, the rest goes in JavaScript prior to that: <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" width="480" height="360"> <param name="_Version" value="65536"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="FixSize" value="-1"> <param name="FixWidth" value="480"> <param name="FixHeight" value="360"> <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1"> <param name="MaxRetries" value="100"> <param name="RetryInterval" value="40"> </object> This is an example of the JavaScript as I posted above: function LiveXPlay(id, camx, camera, ip, user, pass, cmdport, dataport, audioport, bwidth, quality, w, h){ camx.ChangeCamX(camera); // CAMERA - 0=cam 1, 1=cam 2, etc. camx.ChangeQualityX(quality); // QUALITY - 0=High, 1=Med, 2=Low camx.ChangeSizeX(w, h); // SIZE document.getElementById("X"+id+"Quality").innerHTML = quality camx.CommandPort = cmdport // COMMAND PORT camx.DataPort = dataport // DATA PORT camx.AudioDataPort = audioport // AUDIO PORT camx.BandWidth = bwidth // BANDWIDTH - normal="LAN", low="MODEM" camx.DisablePWD = "True" // AUTOLOGIN PART1 camx.UserName = user // USERNAME camx.Password = pass // PASSWORD camx.AutoLogin = "True" // AUTOLOGIN PART2 camx.IpAddress = ip // SITE IP/DDNS camx.PlayX(); // CONNECT } Then use that function like this still inside Javascript: LiveXPlay (1, document.WebCamX1, 0, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360") Also, this is very important to initiate the above LiveX play when the page loads: I have a couple versions of the above, 4, 9, and 16 way, if you want I can post each one here.
  9. rory

    no auto login

    The above script example works for you though? Ive used it as demo on my site before and another member here also uses it, so should be okay. You are using ActiveX right, not the Java applet? Rory
  10. Nother update .. Going down tonight to see whats up with the Nuvicos .. may use an Avermedia 1304 net DVR i have here now, instead of the Geo. Anyway, I got the broken CNB working, did this and that until I had parts from a couple other broken cameras on it .. anyway in the end its stuck on 8mm now which is fine .. and I disabled the IR but it still switches to BW and back to Color fine.. .. IR cut Filter works good also (had that and the lens etc all in pieces but managed to get it back together LOL). So I have an 8mm True Day Night Bullet camera now ... without IR. Spent hours just getting the wires right so it would switch back and forth properly since the last disection it was pretty much gone .. so I thought .. anyway no IR is fine. Unfortunately the IR ring has to stay there as the IRIS and Photocell is on that. Okay so I will put that up against the Nuvico .. in addition I also now have a WizKid WZ18 and an Eclipse ECL-598HIM .. yep will put them all up against each other and post my findings.
  11. rory

    infrared vs normal

    The older technology works fine, when its new Could be the lens or the camera itself is not working properly. is BLC turned on? That can cause issues also.
  12. rory

    infrared vs normal

    Something is wrong with that "Day Night" camera .. First there is no IR (visible in the picture) and second there is way too much contrast/AGC or the Iris is open too much. The problem with these camera coming out of Korea Specifically is they need AGC turned on for Day Night mode to work .. which is ridiculous .. using a professional Day Night camera, you will not have the problems you are seeing there. I sometimes wonder if these "new" manufacturers actually test their cameras, and if they have ever used a real day night camera before!
  13. Well Im back, and I never ... had the Nuvico's here by me and they looked great .. at least i nthe garage in the pitch dark and ourtside in the sun .. mount them at the client .. not too bad .. but didnt seem to go into full BW mode .. kind of pixelised .. the CNB meanwhile is mounted there and that goes into BW right away soon as the sun goes down .. no pixelisation at all. No settings either but color in the day and thats what matters! So maybe the CNB is good after all!? Anyway .. long story short, plugged the Nuvico into the Geo and its got mad contrast .. lone bright bright and tons of pixelising .. 10 pm at night, hadn't eaten since 7am, and been at this for almost 2 weeks with one problem to the next .. so yeah I left it for tomorrow. Good thing is the Nuvico's still belong to someone else, so I still have time to switch them .. but Im even looking at just switching the DVR now .. for the Avermedia 1304. Oh well .. so goes life. Back to Extreme CCTV from now on!!
  14. you just killed the quality of that pano with the AvTech Perhaps the Avermedia 1304 net with at least a 250GB HDD
  15. rory

    no auto login

    LiveX7 Installer http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/LiveX7Install.zip
  16. rory

    no auto login

    since im feeling generous today .. right before I goto the dentist LOL .. place this in a HTML file and change the IP and user and pass etc .. ---------------- HTML REQUIRES IE as it is VBSCRIPT METHOD ------------- <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> // CONNECT AND PLAY // add sites here function PlayX(){ // ID, Control, Camera, IP, User, Pass, DataPort, CommandPort, AudioPort, BandWidth, Quality LiveXPlay (1, document.WebCamX1, 0, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360") LiveXPlay (2, document.WebCamX2, 2, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360") LiveXPlay (3, document.WebCamX3, 12, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360") LiveXPlay (4, document.WebCamX4, 10, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360") } // DISCONNECTS // add above sites here also function DestroyX(){ LiveXStop (document.WebCamX1) LiveXStop (document.WebCamX2) LiveXStop (document.WebCamX3) LiveXStop (document.WebCamX4) } // MAIN FUNCTIONS - DO NOT EDIT function LiveXPlay(id, camx, camera, ip, user, pass, cmdport, dataport, audioport, bwidth, quality, w, h){ camx.ChangeCamX(camera); // CAMERA - 0=cam 1, 1=cam 2, etc. camx.ChangeQualityX(quality); // QUALITY - 0=High, 1=Med, 2=Low camx.ChangeSizeX(w, h); // SIZE document.getElementById("X"+id+"Quality").innerHTML = quality camx.CommandPort = cmdport // COMMAND PORT camx.DataPort = dataport // DATA PORT camx.AudioDataPort = audioport // AUDIO PORT camx.BandWidth = bwidth // BANDWIDTH - normal="LAN", low="MODEM" camx.DisablePWD = "True" // AUTOLOGIN PART1 camx.UserName = user // USERNAME camx.Password = pass // PASSWORD camx.AutoLogin = "True" // AUTOLOGIN PART2 camx.IpAddress = ip // SITE IP/DDNS camx.PlayX(); // CONNECT } function LiveXStop(camx){ camx.Disconnect(); } </script> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript> <!-- CONST iCount = 3 '// **** 4 WAY ONLY ******* sub WebCamX1_OnConnect() WebCamX1.EnableDirectDraw True end sub sub WebCamX2_OnConnect() WebCamX2.EnableDirectDraw True end sub sub WebCamX3_OnConnect() WebCamX3.EnableDirectDraw True end sub sub WebCamX4_OnConnect() WebCamX4.EnableDirectDraw True end sub '// ********************** sub WebCamX1_OnLButtonDown() Call left_click(WebCamX1, 1) end sub sub WebCamX2_OnLButtonDown() Call left_click(WebCamX2, 2) end sub sub WebCamX3_OnLButtonDown() Call left_click(WebCamX3, 3) end sub sub WebCamX4_OnLButtonDown() Call left_click(WebCamX4, 4) end sub sub WebCamX1_OnRButtonDown() Call right_click(WebCamX1) end sub sub WebCamX2_OnRButtonDown() Call right_click(WebCamX2) end sub sub WebCamX3_OnRButtonDown() Call right_click(WebCamX3) end sub sub WebCamX4_OnRButtonDown() Call right_click(WebCamX4) end sub '// dont edit below here sub super_res(camx) If camx.ChangeQualityX(130) = False Then If camx.ChangeQualityX(128) = True Then Exit Sub Else camx.ChangeQualityX(0) End If End If end sub sub right_click(camx) If camx.FixWidth = "960" Then camx.FullScreenX end sub sub left_click(camx, cam) Dim OriginalQ OriginalQ = document.getElementById("X" & CStr(cam) & "Quality").innerHTML OriginalQ = Cint(OriginalQ) If camx.FixWidth = "480" Then Call hide_all(cam) camx.FixWidth = "960" camx.FixHeight = "720" document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none" document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block" Delay 0.00001 document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none" document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline" camx.ChangeQualityX(0) Else camx.ChangeQualityX(OriginalQ) camx.FixWidth = "480" camx.FixHeight = "360" document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none" document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block" Delay 0.00001 document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none" Call show_all(cam) document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline" End If end sub sub hide_all(cam) Dim i for i = 1 to iCount if i <> cam then document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "none" end if next document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "none" end sub sub show_all(cam) Dim i for i = 1 to iCount if i <> cam then document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "inline" end if next document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "inline" end sub Function Delay(nSeconds) Dim nStoptime nStoptime = timer + nSeconds Do While timer <= nStoptime: Loop End Function --> </SCRIPT> </head> <body onLoad="PlayX()" onUnload="DestroyX()" bgcolor="navy"> <span id="X1Quality" style="display: none">0</span> <span id="X2Quality" style="display: none">0</span> <span id="X3Quality" style="display: none">0</span> <span id="X4Quality" style="display: none">0</span> <center> <!-- CHANGE IN EACH CONTROL: id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" --> <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="cover" name="cover" width="960" height="720" style="display: none"> <param name="_Version" value="65536"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="FixSize" value="-1"> <param name="FixWidth" value="960"> <param name="FixHeight" value="720"> </object> <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" width="480" height="360"> <param name="_Version" value="65536"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="FixSize" value="-1"> <param name="FixWidth" value="480"> <param name="FixHeight" value="360"> <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1"> <param name="MaxRetries" value="100"> <param name="RetryInterval" value="40"> </object> <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX2" name="WebCamX2" width="480" height="360"> <param name="_Version" value="65536"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="FixSize" value="-1"> <param name="FixWidth" value="480"> <param name="FixHeight" value="360"> <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1"> <param name="MaxRetries" value="100"> <param name="RetryInterval" value="40"> </object> <span id="br1"><BR></span> <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX3" name="WebCamX3" width="480" height="360"> <param name="_Version" value="65536"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="FixSize" value="-1"> <param name="FixWidth" value="480"> <param name="FixHeight" value="360"> <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1"> <param name="MaxRetries" value="100"> <param name="RetryInterval" value="40"> </object> <object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX4" name="WebCamX4" width="480" height="360"> <param name="_Version" value="65536"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="7938"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="5583"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="FixSize" value="-1"> <param name="FixWidth" value="480"> <param name="FixHeight" value="360"> <param name="AutoReConnect" value="1"> <param name="MaxRetries" value="100"> <param name="RetryInterval" value="40"> </object> <BR><BR> <input type="Submit" name="Disconnect" value="Disconnect" onClick="DestroyX();"> </center> </body> </html>
  17. rory

    no auto login

    In this order: DisablePWD = True UserName = MyUserName Password = MyPassword AutoLogin = True CommandPort = MyCommandPort <- OPTIONAL DataPort = MyDataPort <- OPTIONAL AudioDataPort = MyAudioPort <- OPTIONAL IpAddress = MyIPAddress BandWidth = LAN <- LAN or MODEM ChangeQualityX 2 <-320x240 - 2=low, 1=mid, 0=high <- OPTIONAL ChangeCamX 0 <-camera number 0-15 PlayX
  18. The Nuvico comes with the packs now.
  19. Update on the Nuvico .. I figured out where the clicking noise was coming from for the IR cut filter, kept resetting it back and forth using the Menu's Color/BW/Auto section, where it was also having issues turning on the IR cut filter, until it finally worked several times after pushing the piece near the lens some more in the direction of the lens. Guess that was somewhat loose or not getting proper contact. So for now .. it appears to be switching back to color normally with the IR cut filter. Lets hope it stays that way after mounting it .. Plug and Play .. they say?
  20. Ok so this afternoon I tested one of the Nuvicos that was already mounted, and that one works .. it switches back and forth fine .. but the other one still no go .. hear a faint click but then nothing and it does switch to BW fine at first .. when you power it down and back up again, works again .. anyway going to unplug all the cables right now and plug them in and see what happens .. Thanks Rick .. not looking for Domes though .. in most of these cases there is no place to mount a dome .. will still take a look though
  21. rory

    Problem with geovision and sony hq1 cameras

    Kind of making me look to going that route also .. MegaPixel only though .. im not that happy with the quality on the combo cards anymore either, short of using the DSP output, but nobody wants the huge CCTV CRT monitors anymore so the DSP is kind of useless now .. other than for TVs but thats low res (analog->digital -TV/LCD). With the DSP out to the CRT it was great quality .. now its all LCD
  22. rory


    Hi Jasmile .. sorry to beat a dead horse but please read this link: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=9805
  23. Start with 811x508 total pixels (or close to that) Forget TVL as they lie alot .. Lighting plays a huge factor .. no matter if it is color, BW, or Day Night, too much light at night can make the image bad (unless its a $600 Panasonic WDR), too little still bad, Too Much IR, same thing, daytime no IR Cut filter, might as well just buy a BW camera and save $100+. Lots of factors ... but it starts with the camera.
  24. rory

    GV. live view incompatible cameras

    Hi Dominic, welcome to the Forum. Looks like we are having some similar issues. Im my case I even loaded the Bt drivers and used AmCap (raw video, no Compression and no Geo Software) and still had bad video, so seems its probably a firmware issue. Will wait and see if Geo comes up with any solution to this.