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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    upgraded gv250 to gv1480 but won't run

    It was probably just driver related ... or something .. registry perhaps. Anyway ba da bing ..
  2. rory

    Police Interview/Interrogation Room Help

    Glad you brought this up, we need this down here really bad, a kid just ended up brain dead because he was beaten by the police while at the station, and also a clear cut murder case was thrown out because the cops beat the suspect during the interrogation .. Dont know if they will ever do it here but still like to know how this application came out.
  3. rory

    geovision uk seller?

    yes setting for smart motion, etc. and can set cameras manual fps also. Yeah I know also, we have become so use to faster video now, back in the day 5fps was great .. now .. if its not at least 15 then whats the use right
  4. rory

    geovision uk seller?

    Just means slow ... like a time lapse tape .. so instead of real time it stutters .. move stop move stop move stop kind of thing.
  5. rory

    geovision uk seller?

    same quality and features, but the GV250 will be 7.5fps per camera in live view. If you dont mind the time lapse mode it will be fine, I have it here. If you want something faster, then get the GV-600.
  6. rory

    geovision uk seller?

    Yes, as it does not have a 1440x900 display, it will automatically be at a lower size even if not set. I had it on my PC for a year which had 1440x900 display.
  7. rory

    upgraded gv250 to gv1480 but won't run

    What he said .. Remove all Geo software, remove all Geo hardware drivers from the Device Manager. Remove the GV250 Folder, delete all Geo INI Files from the Windows Directory, specifically GeoMulti.ini. (note this will remove any previous settings) Command prompt: (perhaps do this as a last resort) CD C:\Windows Del geo*.ini That will remove the main geo ini files. Some will remain but should not matter. Run a Reg Cleaner, such as CCleaner. Restart the PC, dont install any drivers when Windows finds the hardware, just cancel. Run the Geo Drivers Install program from the Geo drivers folder, let it do its thing, dont click anything until it has completed. Restart the PC, check the Device manager that it says DVR Device and GV1480. There should now not be any Geo hardware in the Sounds Device section; the Combo cards have their own DVR section. Reinstall the new geo software and select the GV1480. Restart and see what happens.
  8. rory

    geovision uk seller?

    You can't resize it once it has loaded, but you can set the program size in the settings, such as 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024. Also you can minimize it, set to full screen, and even have it start up in either of those modes.
  9. rory

    Camera suggestion question high light

    with camera 1 and 3, if you could even just point them down enough to get the door out of the image. Also, if you get a regular box camera with an Auto Iris lens, you could just close the Iris a little to cut back on the glare. Make sure the DVR does not have the brightness turned up too much either.
  10. rory

    Looking for a field of view monocular

    cant see anything on a TV out in this sun
  11. rory

    Looking for a field of view monocular

    Its useful but mostly for installers. Either way VJD posted the model. And scorp, I got mine foe free .. second hand
  12. rory

    540tvl cameras over RF

    Modulated video will be much lower res regardless of the camera, coax, or amplifiers, but the only choice you have if you cant run a separate cable to each TV. On a hi def unit it is a little better, but not that noticeable. Best quality is to use a multiple output distribution amp and run a separate cable to the A/V input on each TV. If its coming from a PC DVR and going to LCD HD TVs, then best quality is to use some kind of DVI distribution to the LCD TVs HDMI Input.
  13. rory

    Windows Vista

    GeoVision says it works now, with their latest version 8.12. I havent used it on Vista myself, not a big fan of Vista myself.
  14. rory

    Windows Vista

    No prob. http://reviews.cnet.com/desktops/emachines-t5226/4505-3118_7-32425781.html http://www.emachines.com/support/product_support.html?cat=Desktops&subcat=T-Series&model=T5226 Its got an intel chipset (945G) hence the onboard Intel Graphics. Only issue I see is it uses the older Pentium Dual Core, while for the $550 retail price tag, you can typically build a Decent 2.4-2.6 Core 2 Duo for that same price. Regardless of that, it will certainly work. Just note the Pentium Dual Cores get extra hot, compared to the new Core 2 Dual Cores. Once its located in a cool area it will be fine though, otherwise you may need to add additional cooling fans. I used an Emachines case before for a DVR, with an MSI 945G Motherboard, actually the only problem I had with the case itself was the cooling, but then I just added an extra fan. I also had switched the Power Supply for a name brand unit but then Ive also used cheaper ones before in the past without problem, just get a Voltage Regulator if possible. The basic answer is yes, it uses the 945G chipset which many have and still do use for DVRs. Personally Ive used Asus and MSI with that chipset and even ran the GV-1120 on it with the onboard video only. Rory
  15. rory

    Windows Vista

    For less than $200 you are stuck with either the GV-600-4 or GV-250-4. 600 has 30fps total while the 250 has 15fps total. Emachine; I would recommend against that, as typically they have very generic motherboards, but if you do, make sure it has an Intel Chipset if possible. Sometimes other Chipsets work with the GV-250 and GV-600, but not all the time. To prevent any unknown errors its always best to stick with the Intel Chipsets. If you know the model of the Emachine, please post it if you dont already know the chipset.
  16. rory

    Windows Vista

    GeoVision, any 4 channel model. However, cant say I would want Vista as the OS for a DVR, but then again sooner or later we will have no choice anyway when XP goes for good
  17. rory

    Guadalajara Mexico

    what do you mean? this has always been my name. na my screen name for everything else is jisaac so i got sick of typing in the wrong username and password atleast one time every time i try to log in. True that .. shorter now .. easier to type. .
  18. rory

    RG-11 ?? Coaxial Cable

    Just so yall know, google maps uses google earth which was originally owned by a company called Digital Globe who developed the software and put the satellites up; google bought Digital Globe. I'd say FireFox is mostly better for its slightly higher security over IE in general, and much higher security over IE6; being it does not allow any ActiveX or Vbscript, though there are the odd vulnerabilities that pop up from now and then due to java, javascript, embedded media players, or other plugins. Thing is with Tabs, its the same as just clicking on the taskbar buttons; these are the items on the taskbar at the bottom that appear every time you open a program (or a new window of the app), if the program has set their app to show in taskbar. Just need to turn off the default feature in XP under Taskbar which is called "Group Similar Taskbar Buttons", which should be done on all XP PCs after the initial install. Then you have that extra space left in the browser window when you have tabs disabled.
  19. Dont know which software, but if you used a PC based DVR, not an embedded non Windows based, then you could always just run that software on the side. Usually it would just use scheduling which would not do anything to the PC performance, until it starts uploading that is. Other option, and im only using this brand as an example as I know it, is to use something like a CMS software such as comes with GeoVision. Set everything on the DVR and set motion record. Set the Center software, or their CMS software (Center is free but limited to a certain amount of DVRs and cameras), then have the Center or CMS download on motion detection; the PC running this software would also be able to view live video. Only thing is this will be 320x240 but its something and it is still recording on the DVR, and if the cameras are not high resolution it would not matter anyway. They also have other features such as Remote Playback, or the newer one Remote ViewLog which lets you playback video as if you are sitting there at the DVR, as well as other software add on modules. Other than that, you may need to look at an IP Video based Software solution. That said, typical of most DVRs these days, PC or Standalone, is upload images to FTP on certain events. Rory
  20. Personally I wouldnt want to download 24 hours of video over the internet, even if it is motion recorded and not completely 24 hours. It took me a few hours last night just to download 800MB of video from a DVR (about 30-45 minutes of recorded video from 4 different cameras) that has a standard business cable internet account .. something like 256 upload speed. - i need duplex or better dvrs to keep recording while i view or playback Most if not all DVRs will do that now adays. - remote ability to rewind etc Most that have remote video option will have this feature. - ability to upload on schedule via ip to a server or network space Not sure. - all dvr's must be able to use same piece of software Once they are all the same they would. - must be able to handle 9 cameras for 1 site and 6 cameras for the rest The amount of channels will depend on which card or dvr you get, some come in 10 channels, some in 12 channels, or some just in 8 and 16 channels. Seems its down to the scheduled upload now to determine which one you get. You could always use another 3rd party program to do that for you though.
  21. I wouldnt worry too much about the LAN, as much as I would the WAN .. less they got tons of bandwidth with the ISP. PS. Disk space is very very cheap these days
  22. Does he want to record it all off site? If so the video will either have to be heavily compressed and shrunken down to something like 320x240, or video with much slower frame rates, or just send images. Either way video takes alot of bandwidth. The CMS software with the Geo's and others, will typically record on the monitoring PC on motion detection if setup on the DVRs, once again 320x240, though it is also recording in higher resolution on the DVR. Also, if a 5 minute Mpeg4 recorded video clip from a single camera is say 100MB, imagine how much GB of data you would be backing up remotely every day ...
  23. I want to try their SDK really breifly, to see what is available. But trick is I need a server or camera to connect to. Will only be for maybe 1 day/night .. please PM me if anyone can help. Thanks Rory