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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Anyone seen this DVR before?

    4GB .. using 32 or 64 bit windows? Far as I know 32bit windows only sees 3GB? So the question is, does Geo work on 64 bit windows .. ?
  2. Dunno, but I was looking at this manufacturer for a replacement for Geo, as a Hybrid DVR. Features are very similar to Geo, very similar, check the screen shots. http://www.nuuo.com/
  3. it plays slow but not timelapse as I get every frame .. also very good quality. Still 100% CPU. ill try both of them in another AVI player instead of WMP when i get back in about 1 hour.
  4. yep 100% CPU usage .. which is strange since i can view 64 cameras from remote sites and only get this .. so maybe its just a WMP issue. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/tmp/64wayEGWithProcess.jpg (shows performance, CPU usage approx 79% and memory size at 617K, this is on a 2.0Ghz AMD w/ 512DDR Ram)
  5. rory

    Day/Night cameras...

    my bad ..
  6. rory

    v8.11 fault

    are those channels disabled?
  7. rory

    How many domain names do you guys have?

    was going to say, they got one heck of a deal
  8. rory

    Monitor Connection Dead?

    If you want to plug it into a TV, you will need to use the TV's A/V input, which is typically RCA. S-Video will also work if the TV has that for A/V. Basically you can just get 1xRCA Cable and 1xRCA-BNC adapter and connect them using the RCA Cable .. or use a Coax cable with BNC on one end, and the BNC with a BNC-RCA on the TV end.
  9. rory

    Day/Night cameras...

    GE, Sanyo, ofcourse Extreme CCTV (EX-82) ...
  10. high quality, but back to the old timelapse speeds ..
  11. Hi, what type of enclosure do you use for it? Rory
  12. rory

    Camera Theft

    ahhh ..well cheap $50 bullet then replacing it wont bother their wallet Maybe you can find a wiper system for some RC cars or planes .. hook them up with 12VDC and bend them to fit on the dome .. Otherwise the Dome slipper may work .. Had some people pull down bullets before, though they were captured on the other bullet cameras as they did it .. Vandal domes, not yet, though I havent put many outdoors yet, the ones I did are either ceiling mounted or near a security booth, or in areas where they have to go through many other cameras first.
  13. Used a couple different models, the 4 channel 781 and the 16 channel one. Not brand new models though. The Video Server browser app I used uses ActiveX though. Just tested one the other day in FF and it didnt work ... has the activeX control, worked in IE6 though. Do you have a link to one of the new models we can demo? Id prefer to recommend them over Everfocus any day of the week Spoke with AvTech a couple years back about them updating their client software also .. is the new version any different or still the same? For the price still cant beat it, though I would go AvTech model over CPCam version, for price. Thanks Rory
  14. rory

    Camera Theft

    yeah I think it will cost quite a tad more than most others ... Mount the cameras where they can clean them regularly But yeah domes are worst in that regard. .. so yeah I hear yah. They are actually easy to clean, but just get dirty quicker. What you need to do is make your own mini wipers for vandal domes (blades that can be manually bent/adjusted per camera type) and market them make them also for Bullet cams and you got a huge market right there!
  15. rory

    Camera Theft

    http://www.extremecctv.com/product_detail.php?product_id=191 PS. maybe get a normal vandal dome and use RAINEX and caulking to seal? http://www.clean-image.co.uk/products/rainx.htm
  16. rory

    outdoor audio

    Louroe is available from all Major Distributors.
  17. rory

    Camera quality panisonic

    GE ... KTC-540E
  18. rory

    Warning! Cameras are discontinued.

    Because: 1-they are better quality in low light situations. 2-they see more in much lower light. Day Nights, even the bestest most expensive, do not come close. There is and always will be a need for a B/W Camera. The manufacturers still make them, its the OEM distributors such as the one Scorpion mentioned, that have issues understanding which cameras are used where.
  19. Yes, the DSP connection is composite video, it will be the best on a CRT monitor. Still it should be good video, though LCD TVs are not known for their quality with A/V - I have one right here myself and a client with like 10 of them - it will not match the VGA mode. One bug with the Combo cards, they have those black borders with 720x480, I would stick to 640x480 only. Otherwise quality does not appear that bad, the 320x will seem clearer simply as it is smaller, and not blown up. Focusing it on an LCD Field Monitor you will not get the full focus, and in a mode like 320x you will not notice it as much, but in a higher res mode it will be very noticable. So its hard to say without fixing that first. CRTs are still a must for a CCTV tech, for testing.
  20. rory

    Sound issue

    I thought there was no sound in Geo at all .. oh well yep that is what thats for.
  21. rory

    Sound issue

    not 100% sure this will effect it, but check that the windows firewall isnt blocking the Geo Audio Server.
  22. Yep, they are great for camera adjustments, but not for focusing, at least not to get the best focus. But please do post the images. Is the problem in recorded video as well as live? Personally I still feel the GV800 gives a better image than the Combo cards.
  23. You could add the backup button directly to the main screen. thank you, that is something that CAN be added .. the other things they mentioned above .. is more on the SDK level as it involves the menu. Will look at this one though. Rory
  24. I'm considering creating new skins with our own custom buttons and menus and / or modified Geo menus .. along with the help of a professional graphic artist .. Anyone got any ideas for add ons they would like to see on the Geo GUI? Thanks Rory
  25. Also, an LCD monitor will not get a good focus, you will need to use some form of CRT monitor, and something in the 9-13" range. Also we that claim great quality dont use the ASP or H.264 codecs, personally I use the Geo Mpeg4/Fast Mpeg4. That said sounds like there is some other issue. Will wait for the images/video. Do you have the Spot Monitor feature turned on? If so, that will cause Overlay not to work on the live view and the video will look bad. If you are watching this on an LCD monitor, will also not be as clear as it would be on a CRT. LCD using DVI instead of VGA, will be clearer. Remember that the image being 720x480 and your screen res being (1280x1024?) means when the image is enlarged it is being blown up, so it will pixelise.