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Everything posted by rory

  1. Okay I just dont think it searches for 8081, can you try something else like 1080 or even 81 just to test? EDIT: okay thats not the issue .. i cant even telnet to port 8081 which is the DVRs port .. so the No-ip redirect thing is blocking something or not letting it through, perhaps its looking for a browser useragent or something? Basically if I cant telnet to the DVR LiveVue wont be able to connect either. I imagine using Telnet to port 80 is just me connecting to the No-ip server, not the DVR itself.
  2. I didnt get it yet, can you email me the info? Rory
  3. Strange .. I can telnet to it and port 80 but doesnt work in LiveVue, neither in IE or Firefox .. Question, do you have a router? You mentioned software? I really need to know the exact setup to understand it better, hardware/software used, and port numbers, static internal IPs, webcam settings. Also make sure if you do have a router, 4550 is also port forwarded.
  4. It shouldnt matter, if you have webcam set to port 80, and the routers are port forwarded with port 80 to the DVR's internal IP, then in IE you just enter the DDNS name or IP address, no need to add a port number when using port 80, thats the default port. Unless im missunderstanding the port issue? Are you actually using a different port from port 80? In LiveVue it will use whichever port is assigned in Geo. No need to set any ports there either.
  5. rory


    Welcome Evelyn! I think he was joking
  6. Hi, is port 80 forwarded to the DVR's internal IP, if using a router. Also, does your ISP leave port 80 open? Some close that port. You could try to set it up for port 81. But still if you have a router (not a direct internet connection to the DVR) then you need to port forward. Rory
  7. rory

    training for geo vision?

    Hi, not sure on training, but there are many professionals on this forum that can answer any questions you have regarding building, setup or using a GeoVision system.
  8. rory

    Camera Video on 2 TVs

    Depending on what you want to see, all cameras or bring them up manually also? You can add a number of modulators that add up the number of cameras installed, and put each camera on a seperate channel; eg. 4 cameras - 1x 4 channel modulator, Channels 72, 74, 76, 78. (Example only). Or just use a single channel Mod as mentioned above, and put the multiview out on that. ChannelVision and ChannelPlus are both examples of RF Modulator Brands. Another option is to run a cable from the DSP output to the AV on the TVs. In both cases, if you want to be able to change the views, just extend the IR Remote cable and run that to the TVs, so you can use the IR Remote at the TV to change the view. What you change with the IR Remote will change both views on the TV (DSP Output) and the DVR.
  9. Isaac that sucks big time .. hope that gets resolved ASAP!
  10. Ill have to check that out some time .. Why a port redirect and not the normal DDNS setup? Port forwarding in a router to the DVR works, not sure why this wouldnt, can you send me a link to the software you are using for that? Thanks. Rory
  11. rory


    Welcome to the forum!
  12. rory

    GeoVision distributor in Canada?

    Yes, I imagine they do, I am in the Bahamas and they deal with me
  13. You will need to adjust the Day/Night level to how fast you want it to switch over, the IR you can typically leave at max IR level. Treat it as 2 different cameras, focus and adjust the color camera as you would a color camera. Do the BW camera separately, must be focused under IR or it will not be the clearest. I just use to get them here and do all the color cameras inside, then at night take them all outside one at a time on a ladder, and just focus them on a 9" BW monitor, with the IR on full in a dark area of the yard .. came out great. I had to set up the switch over level at the location on some of them, depending on their locations, and how they were initially set up at the factory. But that is easy as its in the rear of the camera. Expect to spend some time on them, at least double the labour from a Pro Box camera and add labour to adjust IR lighting. Lastly, physically install them in the day, but they must be positioned in the dark. And the lower they are mounted, the more the IR is pointed just above the ground (slightly upward), and the more reflective objects such as walls, bush etc, are in the view, then the more the IR will be spread out at longer distance. Height around 8-10' is best, but you have to install it where ever you can.
  14. If you will use 12VDC, you need a 2Amp Power Supply, the extra Amp for the IR at night specifically. If using 24VAC it would not matter. And use 18AWG for power, anything thinner is asking for problems in the long run. Doubled up Telco wire would work in the short term just to test it though, an installer did that here for 50' and it still worked. But i wouldnt recommend it.
  15. Tell them you must quote it
  16. rory

    hello, from chengyu

    Welcome Doris!
  17. rory

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome! and LOL ..
  18. rory

    Hello from Missouri

    Welcome .. enjoy
  19. BTW this is information from a GE Power Point file in reference to cable for their PTZs. And like CacheCreek said, "2-24awg do not make 1-18awg wire".
  20. Sounds like the sales guy screwed you on that. Only thing you can do now is to power them locally unfortunately, that or run all new cable. BTW, when in doubt, ask the camera manufacturer. If its OEM gear, then always go with the worst case scenario. What is the camera brand and model?
  21. rory

    Who sells Honeywell CCTV Products?

    Honeywell Video = Extremely overpriced gear. I looked at it in the past, and ran from it quick. You would be better off selling all Extreme CCTV and Panasonic gear (which is much better), at those price ranges. A colleague here is an Ademco Alarm Distributor in the Bahamas, and sell CCTV gear, and even they wont go near Honeywell Video.
  22. Most people are using DDNS with it, the majority of sites i test it with are DDNS names also. Does the DDNS name you are using work in the browser app? Not sure about the Port Redirect, never tried that. Rory
  23. rory

    Where do you buy CCTV Products?

    Yeah thats the original one, ive used that before, basically similar camera, just not Pan Focus.
  24. rory

    Where do you buy CCTV Products?

    all of their domes are horrible .. especially the 557. The GE would be much much better without any doubt. Check out the Sanyo Pan Focus right now, GE is supposed to have some new Day Night Vandal Domes out soon, but just not yet.
  25. you could also extend an IR Remote out to the cashier area, and then she could switch the views on a regular TV using the DSP out. In that case you dont use the DSP feature in the Geo software, and it switches the view on the DSP output and the VGA Monitor.