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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Best HDD

    Yep I can feel the difference with this Asus, over the previous MSI and other MSI's ive been using lately .. MSI's are much easier to get down here though and also considerably cheaper .. this Asus board just cost me $160 .. its only $80 in the US .. the MSI's start at $110. Worst thing is, the MSI board i just replaced (cost $180) .. if it is bad (still need to test over time here at my place) even though I got it back in November 2006, they wont replace it (bought it locally) and even if I send it back to MSI in the US, that would cost me more than the cost of a new Mobo .. So if its bad its going in the garbage literally .. Other than that the system is up and running great right now .. Onboard video also .. And yeah the Antec is running smooth also ..
  2. rory

    Another mother board question for GV-800-8

    Update here .. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=55147#55147
  3. Turns out i just today had to swap a MSI board that was causing issues, at least everything was changed and still causing issues, so only thing left is the mobo (well CPU also but doubt thats it).. anyway all they happened to have in the local store that wasnt over $300 and had an Intel Chipset, was a P5L-MX Loosing money on the job but at least now I get to test this mobo .. with a GV1120 also Its all been swapped but still have to attach the power switch cables, etc, boot up, and load Windows and Geo. Will let you know how it goes .. Oh yeah, im going to use onboard video for now ..
  4. rory

    Best HDD

    Im swapping out a motherboard now on a DVR .. already changed everything else .. but it keeps powering off .. and yes it has a Seagate now also .. was WD before, but I changed it because it was too noisy is all.. the Seagate is nice and quiet .. BTW, im switching an MSI for an Asus mobo .. would have gone Asus from the start but the MSI was all i could get on the island at the time Also switching a Coolmax PSU for an antech, but i doubt thats the issue. But to Phred, ive used even the cheapest PSUs before and they lasted .. it all depends .. I think im going Antech from now on though . the dual fans.
  5. It came up on google as a Wave-P card .. http://www.wave-p.com/en/productsc-5.htm http://www.wave-p.com/en/sales.htm Did you try the password he mentioned above? last resort would be to contact them direct. Rory
  6. Yeah I do envision they would need to get some certs at the least .. especially for the large networks (most of what I was mentioning was regular networks). Like you said, many IT depts dont like anyone else touching their equipment as it is already ... so next they will be asking to see some qualifications .. which is justifiable. Honestly If I had the money I would play around with IP cameras more, but right now, the CCTV gear is cheaper to test .. As the prices drop and things change, such as more software is released, it will be easier to get our hands on that and do more testing. In fact I just bought a basic webcam, not to use for myself (dont want anyone to see me LOL), but to write software for as thats actually a pretty large market right there .. just for a single webcam in this case .. such as home users. Next step would be to work on IP cams after that .. but then it gets really pricey as you need an IP cam/server from each manufacturer ... One day though .. The thing is though, even with CCTV techs, most dont realize that it takes alot of hard work and experience with cameras to set up a very good Video Surveillance system, as in the end the camera still needs adjusting, even if it is done automatically as in some CCTV cams, and most IP cams .. manual adjustment is always the best, but more difficult in that it requires alot of experience in that area. I hope they never get rid of manual adjustments though, at least as an option, as I still dont like the end result of the automatic ones yet (in CCTV and IP cams). All one has to do is take one look at most of the CCTV systems out there in the field and or ask the installer how long he took to adjust the camera, or what he did to adjust it .. in most cases, he just plugged it in and did some minor adjustments, and left.
  7. Possibly, but we wont know for certain for some years yet. Currently it doesn't look that way, but things do change. Personally I see Hybrid systems in the future, not just NVRs. They still have a ways to go with the IP cameras though, to match what is available in the CCTV industry. Ofcourse there are always video servers to work with CCTV cameras, and many here have used them already. It becomes extremely useful in large Wireless applications, either with decoders and DVRs, or an NVR using something like Milestone, and that has already been pointed out on other threads. Luckily there arent many CCTV technicians left that do not have any experience with IP networking, IT work, etc. The majority these days use it on a daily basis either with DVRs or other devices. So with their added extensive knowledge of CCTV, Video Cameras, and the Security Industry in general, when and if they do ever start to use a Webcam, IP cam, or NVR, they will be at the top of their game. So you see it is not that they cannot do it, or have not used it, but more so that if they are not using it, there is no need for it in the security applications they are dealing with. After all, it is actually easier to install and setup, and does not require much knowledge of Video Surveillance. From there we get back to price; typically it will cost much more than the "average" DVR application (notice i said average). Anyway, I think that other thread is a better place to discuss any pros and cons of both technologies mentioned..
  8. rory

    Another mother board question for GV-800-8

    I dont know about the OCZ memory though, never used it, I typically use Corsair or Kingston .. but it should be fine .. Also for a couple more $$ you might want to look at the 3.0 Dual Core .. But really depends what Tiger has in stock also ..
  9. VideoComm is one of the major players.
  10. rory

    Another mother board question for GV-800-8

    Is it different than whats on the forum already? thanks Rory
  11. rory

    Another mother board question for GV-800-8

    I wouldnt worry too much about the tested list though, when i meant tested I meant its been out for a while and used in other applications .. lots of reviews on it, as opposed to the 965. Also the list is rather old now, considering they have had bios updates to those Mobos since then probably also. No idea on the message, but you wont have a combo card so no worries
  12. rory

    Another mother board question for GV-800-8

    Hi. Well that is a Micro ATX board Basically, that is a newer board and has support for newer CPUs and Memory as well. Being newer means its not as tested, but being Asus I feel it should be great either way. Im definitely going to try it, it cost $50 more but should be worth it. If not concerned about the newer CPUs etc for the distant future, then the 945 version is tested. The 800 and 650 are basically the same cards, just different speed. For 4 cameras though the 650 is fine. Neither of them do full 120fps in 640x480 regardless, with the 650 being slightly slower. All geo's specs for speeds are done in 320x240, as with most other DVRs. Ive used the 650 8 channel recently with 6 cameras and it was fine, 4 cameras "looked" real time enough for me (before i connected the other 2 cameras). 15fps can look near enough to real time to the human eye.
  13. Sorry I missed this .. are you looking for a real island experience, or a holiday resort type thing ..? Quite a few choices .. let me know ..
  14. rory

    Another mother board question for GV-800-8

    I havent used either yet, but the specs and reviews are good. That said, Im now looking at purchasing the 965 chipset. http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=3&l2=11&l3=332&model=1312&modelmenu=1 I should have a couple of those here next week to build. In this case they will actually be for home PCs but that way I can test them out for Geo the same time. The 965 version is more expensive than the 945 posted though. The other parts .. anything from a 3.2 P4 and up, a 3.0 Dual Core and up .. etc. Ive run 8 channel GV800 on 256DDR with a 2.8 Celleron and SIS chipset, and its been running fine now for almost 2 years. Now though, there are other options besides DDR and Cellerons. As to video, these are PCI Express boards, so has to be a PCIex16 card. ATI seems to be the best for Geo. But NVidia has been fine with GV800. Definately at least a 128MB card if you are going to use one (64MB will work fine also but for the price 128 is a better choice). The onboard Intel video will also work fine. If you do get an External Card, try and get one without the Hypermemory feature as it steals memory from the PC. If you have 1Gig of ram though, should not be an issue there. Obviously if you can afford a 512 or higher version, go for it, the bigger the better But make sure to add a couple case fans and a larger Power Supply. Hard Drives, I like Seagate, had too many problems recently with Western Digital, the Seagates are quieter also, and have Dos based Zero Zero Fill tools when required. 7200rpm SATA Drives are fine. Use a higher quality Power Supply also, such as an Antech or Coolmax, dont go cheap on that. For Cooling; Add case fans, as you said you are in Miami, not sure if your app will be in an AC cooled environment or not. Either way case fans are cheap now, add at least 1 on the rear for outgoing air, and if it has room, 1 on the front for inbound air. The PSU also will help. If you want to go all out, also look at Hard Drive coolers, though not really required, but in very hot environments it does help alot. Also get a round IDE cable for the CDRW or DVDRW .. this helps cut down on the congestion in the case, and aids in cooling. If you need it be quieter, look for low noise fans like Vantec. The CPU Retail fan should suffice. Its up to you if you want to spend more on a specific one, I havent lately though and its been fine. Also to keep it cooler, dont use an external video card, use the onboard. Though if you want higher quality, you may then want to go with the external board, just have to deal with a little extra heat/lack of air flow. I prefer the micro Atx cases hence the motherboard mentioned above, as well as all the extra cooling stuff. But thats up to you. If you are going to use a Mid or Full size ATX case then pick an ATX motherboard instead. Rory
  15. You dont need Camtasia though, you can download CamStudio for free. http://www.camstudio.org/
  16. rory

    Calibur by Kalatel DVMRe-16CD

    Yeah but those Apps are created to work with Generic cards, cameras, etc while stuff like the Geo, VI, etc, only work with their cards .. hence they tend to be moe stable all around .. Yeah you could get a SVHS-RCA convertor, not sure about one to BNC though .. but you could then get the RCA-BNC .. Rory
  17. rory

    Calibur by Kalatel DVMRe-16CD

    Err ... Geo .. and VI, etc, but they are PC Based..
  18. rory

    Calibur by Kalatel DVMRe-16CD

    Just watch out, cause the CT is not even the newer model these days .. they have a couple other rather more expensive units now ..
  19. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17050167/?GT1=9033 down here, this has been a big story ever since her son died as it was here that he died .. and now this .. so sad .. mother and son gone now.
  20. Please take some time to read the rest of the forum, this is a CCTV forum, therefore it deals primarily with what you call OLD technology; this OLD technology being the leader in the Surveillance and Security industry to date. And as you will see when you read some more, this technology is not old at all. CCTV can utilize Cat5 also; once again, please read before making assumptions based on myths created by a few NVR marketing folks with no prior experience in the CCTV Surveillance and Security Industry. As to VOIP, we are not here to discuss that topic, as it has nothing what so ever to do with CCTV. However, I DO realize there are other options besides using those free services, but the ISP is always going to be the problem. Also please see a thread we already have here regarding your other questions: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=7210 Thanks.
  21. Also, short of giving them the DVR software to play it back with, you could play it back on your PC and use something like Cam Studio to record the screen, save that as an AVI file and send that to them. I havent used the Nuvico DVRs yet so cant say anything more on that. Most PC based DVRs will give you options such as what you require, or record direct to AVI (still requiring minor conversion or codecs on their PC), but seems Stand alone Non PC DVRs typically are a lot more difficult in this regard.
  22. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    Yes i realize that now, thanks. I did a complete retest. In any event I already explained all that above, and also how UVnc can do the same thing.
  23. Going by your questions/assertions it appears that you haven't used a professional CCTV system yet. I would suggest reading the forum and that should answer all of the questions, and put to rest any of the myths about CCTV. Also cat5 is the same cost of coax in most parts of the world. As to reliability, maybe in the US, but most of the world's ISPs are not that reliable. I come from the Burglar alarm industry, and there is no way VOIP would ever be satisfactory, not even in the US. Lastly, dont assume non IP cameras, or non NVRs, means analog, as they are mostly digital now and there is little difference between an NVR and a DVR besides the connections.
  24. Noone is "bagging" on IP, we that use DVRs use IP technology every single day with DVR systems .. everything i personally do is IP related, sockets, and such .. nothing new. IP technology has been in our market for years now. As to VOIP, sure its great, I use it on a daily basis myself, but it is still not used as a primary phone system due to its unreliability. As to analog cameras, well they are actually digital now, but regardless, they arent going anywhere anytime soon. Who knows, next 5 years from now, something may come out that will replace IP technology, something even better. I doubt your competitor bid all analog CCTV equipment, that doesnt exist anymore. well unless they were using VCRs, but most of us havent touched one of those for several years now. Besides, the end price doesn't dictate what the actual product cost. Eitherway, congrats on getting the job .. Welcome to the forum, id like to see some more movement in this IP section of the forum also. Any info on what product you use would also be appreciated.