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Everything posted by rory

  1. Specifically MATX such as these http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/dg965ss/index.htm http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/dq965gf/index.htm for a DVR ofcourse Basiclaly looking for MicroAtx (uAtx?) form factor for MATX case sizes .. with the 965 chipset ... Intel has a few of them ... Asus also has this one .. http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?modelmenu=2&model=1312&l1=3&l2=11&l3=332 They are all around the same price .. not exactly cheap but .. you get what you pay for .. Has anyone used them yet, any ideas, comments? Right now its for Geo cards, maybe the combos .. also home systems .. Thanks Rory
  2. the supplier .. it would cost more to send it back to the manufacturer than it costs to buy a new one ..
  3. Due to our impeccable power here They will not warranty them, as most people will not spend the extra $$ on voltage Regulators and in that case any time they are damaged is a 99% chance due to power problems.
  4. We dont get any warranties on hard drives down here How old is the mobo? That might explain not having the option to set it as IDE and or define the SATA, PATA section. I used 2 945 Mobos (MSI and GigaByte) and they both had those options, but that was just the end of last year, plus I updated both of their Bios. I reloaded an older mobo last year and i had to download the drivers from the mobo's site and load them on start of XP installation, as the mobo did not recognise the Sata Drive.
  5. I was asking cause ive never used any other drivers for Sata Drives ive installed .. was wondering if there was something I was missing .. i figure you must only get that Raid Floppy if the Mobo supports raid right? In the bios i just set it to "IDE mode" and "Sata (HDD), Pata (CD)" .. They dont seem to be faster to me, nor queter, but less cables in any case means more air in the case. Though you can buy round IDE cables .. actually the Seagate seems much quieter than the Western Digital ones .. i have a WD 250 here that was making so much noise I had to replace it with a Seagate 160GB
  6. Why were you loading drivers from a floppy? Was it Raid?
  7. Yeah thats what i meant really .. like how often is that ..
  8. not micro ATX though ? Im going 965 chipsets now .. i think im stuck on the Asus at this point .. will look at the Intel mAtx 965 boards a little more though.
  9. here's a simple one based on media player, installs the Geo mpeg4 and mpeg2 codecs on load. http://bahamassecurity.com/Geo/GeoPlayer.zip
  10. rory


    check the advanced properties for the file and see what codec it is using .. also, you can use remote playback to open a local file and save as AVI or EXE .. and a very basic player i made for Geo, loads the Mpeg4 and Mpeg2 codecs .. I do need to update it .. soon. http://bahamassecurity.com/Geo/GeoPlayer.zip
  11. Which is the best configuration for Speed and Cooling: Multiple HDDs or Single HDD .. these will be Sata Drives. In other words as an example, if I can buy 2x 320GB HDDs, would that be better than 4x 160GB HDDs. Price difference isnt an issue. I would think the less the better, am I correct? Also, anything to watch out with when using 4x Larger HDDs such as 400GB Satas? Thanks Rory
  12. rory

    4.5 mm 1:3.2 lens

    There are many models that use 1/3" 4mm fixed or 4-8mm varifocals. Most of the budget OEM IR cameras will not give you much of any selection nor any kind of really decent image, though they are meant for budgets. Affordable higher quality IR cameras though can get you anywhere from 3-22mm fixed lens or 3-50mm (+/-) Varifocal, depending on what you can afford and which models you choose.
  13. The Bahamas doesn't believe Stern is the Father BTW .. Just because he signed some paper that said he is .. well he should know that means little here. I Wish the US media would get their story straight ! And he needs to be kicked out of that house he doesn't own .. In fact he needs to get deported already!!! The majority of us think most of our laws are ancient and we have an election in a couple months that will hopefully fix some of that - whatever happens the current administration has to go. They are typically racist against whites, as shown from recent rallies and their detest against a white man running for DPM for the other main party .. they lost my vote right there. SHAME gibson (our immigration minister that resigned) was right to resign (should have been fired actually) and he is under investigation currently. Corruption is our middle name here, so says the US media, and really they aren't far off. It is typical to get work or things done here on "who you know", not "what you know". I also wish they would call our country by the right name .. THE BAHAMAS .. NOT simply "BAHAMAS" . .. Thats like calling the US .. "A STATES OF AMERICA" They also need to realize it is "BAHAMIAN" and not "BAHAMIAN" .. thats "HAME" as opposed to "HAM"!!
  14. Colin, gone all out with ISO files and all .. Why the ISO's? I dont have a DVD player hence the curiosity And what program are you using to make the ISO's? Also tesfeld, to burn an ISO to Nero just right click the ISO "Open With" Nero .. or set Nero as the default association for ISO files .. PS. the Mpg file gives me a codec error ..
  15. The author in this case works for a manufacturer of said cameras so the article is biased to begin with. Other than that, the only real issue i see with the article is that they think you can get away with only 2 cameras, which is not going to happen in the real world. What is covering the sides of that camera, or behind it, or around the corner of the building, etc? Nothing. But, remember they have to make sales somehow
  16. rory

    Can't modify Port 80 in LiveVUE demo

    Yeah, no worries. As far as i can tell, it only requires that port modification when using the web browser. Essentially it utilizes the same ActiveX control used in the browser, hence i can only trace what the activeX is doing connection wise after my code, without knowing exactly what it is doing within their code. The GUI and some additional features have been added by myself. The next release will have many more features though, as well as Vista Support, so if you'd like to wait until that is released I would understand. That's in the works right now. Rory
  17. rory

    Can't modify Port 80 in LiveVUE demo

    Hi, it doesn't require modification, it should automatically work with whichever port the webcam is set to. It was left in there originally for other reasons, but never taken out. It actually just connects to 4550 and 5550, and typically uses ports 1300+ locally just for outgoing. This is part of GeoVision's code. If it doesnt work please let me know. Thanks Rory
  18. In the future use the backup utility as that creates a version of the View log (EZViewLog) with the files you select, so you can then burn that to CD or even dump it on a USB drive, or write direct. for now .. this was created using Remote Playback and making it an exe. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/caught.exe Also see this link: http://www.geovision.com.tw/upload/en/ez_backup_viewlet_swf.html
  19. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    Actually an ActiveX control can be programmed in other development languages besides .Net languages, and I currently develop ActiveX Controls, but i wont continue with this anymore.
  20. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    Now you are going back to a web site, we are talking about the application; the java, activeX, Plugins, etc, not the website. Im not here to defend my vast experience with internet and browser based technology, it speaks for itself, been there done that; whether or not a person believes it is of no concern to me. And this 'someone" hasn't picked up one book on programming; trial and error, lots of time and dedication, real world experience, a true programmer is a programmer no matter what language or "framework" they code in. As to .net and websites, the browser could care less what server technology is creating the web page. Now, keep on topic please. Browser based are limited because of what I already mentioned in a couple previous posts - but to make it simple for the less technical among us, they are limited because of the browser itself. I don't feel anymore clarification is necessary at this point, there are many posts before this where I have clarified my opinion on that. Please, if you want to continue this conversation, please do so with someone else at this point, as i wont be replying to this thread anymore.
  21. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    I'm glad 11 years of development led you to that conclusion... Perhaps a few more years and you'll know that the .Net Framework is more than just ASP and web based applications. I have several books I could give you. Thats reaching .. but anyway. Real Programmers dont need books, and i know enough about the .lame network thanks. But if you want to live in the past and limit yourself with browser based only apps, go right ahead. And for the last time, im not talking about websites.
  22. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    Read the white papers, interesting. Much like the Ultra VNC stuff I posted above .. course you still need a program installed on the host PCs. And then there are still the browser issues. But if it works for you, like i said. They did seem to go in depth with the extra security checks so thats a good thing.
  23. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    actually i just read up on Ultra VNC and it has all that capabilities also Just uses a repeater/gateway etc ... send receive . and ofcourse there isa java viewer available, or you can embed your own activeX into a webpage. Anyway for those UVnc users interested: http://www.uvnc.com/pchelpware/ http://www.uvnc.com/addons/singleclick.html http://www.echogent.com/tech.htm
  24. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    I dont .. plus i dont want to open my PC up to them (or anyone) .. Just curious though, if there is no actual server and its not a direct connect, then it has to send the images (of the screen) to the logmein server first? Its now got to upload images to logme in server from the main PC first, then download images from logmein server on the user side? Could there be more of a delay in that or does it not effect it? So essentially it is just uploading .. hence no port forwarding .. though you have to enable the program and port in the windows firewall still? Anyway, ill try it on a PC when i build one, for now though im not using my personal computer for either VNC or any other .. LOL ..
  25. Yeah p checked that already .. i like the layout of the IDE slots, and the Power Slots also .. been all over that board and others last night ..