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Everything posted by rory

  1. This was 2 years ago, I hope they got it straight by now ..
  2. I would sub it out to a local installer, Florida has alot of strange laws.
  3. rory

    Help me!

    Honestly I don't think you would want to install an Avtech DVR in a Bank .. Great for a basic home DVR but not for anything serious like a bank.
  4. Its called years of dedication.
  5. rory

    liscense plate reader

    Here is the Extreme REG Camera .. Images are much smaller than originals, for the web. Plates vary from White (Self Drive), Red (Gov), Blue (Standard) Plates.
  6. rory

    liscense plate reader

    Yep, i got a quote for a couple REG's, just the software that is, was like $10K
  7. Since it was asked about before, I just hooked up a USB DVR thing for a client, just to test, not to leave up, with a cheap HW Color Bullet (real cheap) .. anyway, the DVR part itself was okay, installed drivers and software without any errors, and worked right out of the box. The software is very basic, but looks professional (kind of), Setup is very simple, at least for us experienced DVR users. I cant quite get what resolution it is, but looks like the highest recording res is 320x240. Saves video and images. It has a simple network setup, didnt test it though yet, it may only be an image viewer for the remote software. Lets you select different Hard Drives and / or Folders, and also has the ReCyling (over write). Has a schedule as well. A couple Con's i noticed straight away is to playback you have to stop recording, no full screen, ofcourse the low quality recording, and lower quality display than what I am used to. Pro's are you can just plug into your USB port, Minimize, can use it on a laptop, and its cheap .. Anyway, here is the product, let me know what yah think, maybe good for DIY and okay for laptop mobile jobs .. http://www.georgia.com.tw/Product%20Info/GA-SE004%20PI.htm The client purchased it in Miami a year or so ago with some DIY wireless covert and 1 HW color bullet cam ..
  8. rory

    Cold Temp Cameras?

    no prob, you could also do what Ken said above .. with a heated housing. Here are a couple of the Extreme Cameras that go that low .. note though, Extreme is not cheap. http://www.extremecctv.com/product_detail.php?producttype_id=5&page=1&product_id=58 -40c http://www.extremecctv.com/product_detail.php?producttype_id=5&page=2&product_id=68 -50c http://www.extremecctv.com/product_detail.php?producttype_id=5&page=1&product_id=56 -60c PS. i kinda wouldn't know how that feels but I got the AC running right now
  9. rory

    Cold Temp Cameras?

    Extreme CCTV have some cameras that go very low, great for Large Refrigerated areas ... freezers, etc .. plus they are made in canada so they are use to the cold They are also weatherproof for outdoors. www.extremeCCTV.com
  10. rory

    Geovision Questons Numerous

    Which UPS are you using .. I dont actually have one myself .. ill get one someday So i havent had much time to delve deep .. Also what program/s are you having problems with, is it Geo? With XP all they really have to do, apart from the usual easy command stuff, is use the InitiateSystemShutdown API .. http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376873.aspx personally i just use the command line shutdown as its so simple .. and im only dealing with XP. Plus it can be added into a simple VBscript with just 2 lines of code. Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "shutdown -s -t 00", 0 Maybe the UPS company is doing something wrong .. they definately shouldnt be just terminating everything .. BTW ... "The WM_QUERYENDSESSION is sent to the top level Window of each application when the user chooses to end a session by either logging off or shutting down Windows (or if a programmatic request to shutdown the system is made). By default, applications return 1 in response to this message, however, if you return 0 then the session is not ended and the system will stop sending the message to any other application." "Note that your application needs to respond to the message loop for this technique to work. That means that the long operation must be non-blocking, otherwise if Windows sends the WM_QUERYENDSESSION but does not get a timely response it will attempt to kill your application after a short delay anyway. Another thing is that you cannot (for example) put up a dialog or MessageBox here asking the user what to do: if you do Windows will again see that it doesn't get a timely response and will kill your application. "
  11. rory

    Geovision Questons Numerous

    Id have thought they would use Shutdown which is built into Windows ..? Even the command line is easy to use .. http://www.computerhope.com/shutdown.htm Otherwise it is easy to send close messages to specific programs.
  12. Looks like Linux, looks similar to the Linux DVRs Eclipse CCTV are using.
  13. rory

    Geovision Questons Numerous

    1-I dont use that, I backup to a folder first. But I imagine it does leave them in your temp folder until you burn the files, which is why you would see the message "files are ready to be burnt to CD, click here ..". Check here to see if they are still there. C:\Documents and Settings\***USER***\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning 2-I dont use it, I wrote my own software for this. 3-Good Question 4-What's a backplane? 5-No that is how they programmed it. 6-The UPS Software should use Windows Shutdown, which always sends a Close Command to any open applications. Even if it uses the command line "shutdown" it will still send the close to all. 7-No, but just have them call you and make some AUS$
  14. can you get a closer image? what does it say on the chips?
  15. rory

    Binary Cracked -2(2)

    Anyone ever seen this? This is a Geo WatchDog Log Message .. this has happened twice now on one system, where I got to the location and Windows was up but the Geo system was not. Binary Cracked -2(2) Basically its in the Health Log file. What happened was the other morning I was called to check out a system, as there was no video. I get there and Windows is fine, there is nothing in the system log that Geo was shut down, nothing in the UPS history for the previous night, but i got this message for 2 am that morning .. Im thinking there is a problem with the hard drive anyway, but for this to happen only once it is strange .. Any ideas .. before i spend $200 on a new 160GB hard drive .. Thanks Rory
  16. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    You fill that info in when you setup the program, it is all sent to their web server/site, from what I could tell (may be wrong but still it is suspicious). Geo isn't software that allows you to control the entire PC, its very limited. There are ports required open for remote video, but you can change them, and should. No information is ever "sent" to Geo, and nobody can just access your desktop or files without installing additional software on the Geo PC first. So yes safer. Check the open connections with Logmein when you get a chance .. . but that said, nothing connected to the internet is really 100% safe. It does help though if you turn off most of the windows default services and use Port filtering so other ports cant be used. Once again though, if they dont let you change port 80, it is just asking for problems. I didn't see an option for that. Also, the fact that it is browser based is another turn off.
  17. Maybe Acti? http://www.acti.com/index.asp
  18. rory

    Opinions on www.logmein.com Thomas?

    I dont like the idea of my PC's user name (and pass) being in a web based Database. Not to mention them having access to all my files .. i tried it before and removed it very quick. Web based does not mean easier, is just as quick to install Ultra VNC and less likely to have any Browser based (Java, Flash, etc) Registry issues; which do occur. You still have to install something on your PC. Now you are essentially running a server open to the web and ready for attacks, and using a default HTTP port - port 80 (also port 443) .. basically it is not safe at all. May as well install MSN IM and Ares as well That said, unless you change the VNC port from the default 5900 that is also open to attacks .. but port 80 is just asking for trouble.
  19. Video Insight, but not sure if they have POS .. send a PM to Thomas .. plus i think you need their cards.
  20. rory

    liscense plate reader

    They do alot more than just the IR .. they have the glass tinted very very dark, what they do in the camera I dont know as I never had one here in my place to test, but as far as I remember the IR is invisible, probably around 950+.
  21. rory


    check this out .. i don't yet know how they do it, but its really cool .. totally different profile, desktop, etc, even different processes and drive letters .. i figure it must be some version of windows PE using the host PCs windows files .. maybe not, but anyway it actually works, i put it on my 128MB Jump Drive .. check out the trial .. no spyware so don't worry .. I cant say whether it is worth purchasing yet, as personally I haven't fully tested different software on it, typically you are supposed to be able to install software in that profile and it just works on other PCs with no installation .. Im thinking its usefulness for us may be demos for CCTV .. not sure yet .. http://www.mojopac.com/portal/content/hellomojo.jsp
  22. rory


    ive just gotta disect it and how it works .. then see if it is worth it .. I could always revamp my software to work with it somehow .. will need to see .. the thing is .. I can also just create a self executable file which wouldnt need installation anyway .. though it still registers the files on the users PC .. i wonder if say using IE, and we download an ActiveX if it will register it for the mojo drive .. ill test that tonight .. cause if that works .. would be one great thing to come out of it I did only test my program on 1 other PC, they may have had their windows directories different, or something .. Ive gotta go through Geo's (in this case) registry settings and the activeX registry sections and see what may be causing the issue ... Cause really im only thinking about CCTV at this point .. though I need to test some other programs and see whats up .. Rory
  23. rory

    Binary Cracked -2(2)

    i already bought a new Hard Drive .. even Zero Fill took too much time let alone Spin Rite .. My issue is whether it is the hard drive or something else . ..
  24. rory


    thanks .. yep i do realize it has its flaws, but none the less, nice idea still .. 1-Hardware Serial Number Activation. But its one of the only true ways to protect software .. 2-Didn't recognize the installation of my LiveVue OCX .. but my program did install fine, only thing is where did it put my OCX, on the hosts PC? I gotta email them about that .. 3-Not super fast on initial load, but what can we expect from USB .. I'll read that blog some more as there are alot of posts. I have a feeling though much of that has been addressed so far, will read on.
  25. rory

    liscense plate reader

    Extreme CCTV has the REG line of cameras for LPR .. $$$$$ though.