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Everything posted by rory

  1. Yeah the 2004 and 2008 are still new, so not as tested yet. They also cost considerably more.
  2. rory

    Geovision skips frames on playback

    yep the same GV800 didnt work with the Via that came with the PC .. so i switched to SIS as that was all I could get at the time .. been working since then .. but typically you can get away with Via on the GV250's as hats basically a generic card anyway .. i dont trust it for the other cards though.
  3. rory

    Geovision skips frames on playback

    actually i got a GV800 to work with SIS before
  4. Opitical PTZ Camera for $150?? I Paid $200 for a Mustek Digital video Camera and I cant see anything in low light? Id like to see some images though .. Also remember they are not designed for 24/7 operation. I would need to see the specs of the camera, google just brings up spam websites for that model you mentioned. Cheap video cameras dont produce better images generally. For one thing, there are the components which make up the camera, which cost alot. There are many versions of chips, and they cost depending on the quality of the chip, and then the amount you buy. So since Sony makes the Chips for those cameras you mentioned, and probably sell alot more of them, they can afford to sell them for less. BUT, if you look at the cost of their CCTV cameras, they arent exactly cheap. There are many things that make the difference between a CCTV camera and a consumer product. From a cheap CCTV camera to a high quality (expensive) one, alot of it is just in the PSU board/s .. but the Chips also make a huge difference. The ability to see in low light brings the cost of the chip up considerably. Most consumer products dont have that requirement .. Anyway there are alot more but if you post the camera's specs then we can go through them. . I havent used a Pano myself, yet, but ive used others and I know that most of the time, the more it costs, the better it is, but that is not always the case. I have used quite a few Day Night cameras though, including Extreme CCTV. But really just because it costs alot doesnt always mean it is better than one that costs half the price. Its really important to read the specs and understand what the features represent. Most cameras under $200 dont generally do much of anything in the way of Decent Day Night video though. Rory
  5. rory

    Geovision skips frames on playback

    the evidence sharing quality on the Geo is going to be much greater than that swan DVR. Also, I dont think this is a dedicated PC DVR right? If you have other programs and processes running it will slow it down and cause this. Remember the RTOS or just Embedded OS on the Swan will not be running anything else .. download my Tweak Software and run the Tweak ., you can always untweak it. also close all other programs ... remove programs you dont use much. then try again .. BTW, one way around an embedded RTOS system's evidence sharing quality issue, is to loop out in playback, from the monitor output, to a simple capture card in a PC .. then you will get decent video and can burn the video to CD etc. Also turn off the post recording or at least drop it lower like 3-5 seconds, shouldnt need a whopping 20 secs ..
  6. rory

    Geovision skips frames on playback

    if its recording at the same time, then its probably just the system itself .. using the Mpeg4 codec will not effect this.
  7. rory

    Robbery on December 31, 2006 (ICR-Pro DVR)

    looks like they could have used a better lock on that door .. didnt he just open it from the inside?? Yeah Hurricane glass is tough, we have it on the main house here .. actually the stuff we have here is more like some kind of plastic, it will never break or shatter, but I guess it could be "cut". I didnt notice, but I wonder if they had an alarm? BTW .. they come with Jackhammers here now, and dig a hole in the wall in the back of the store .. sometimes they have a torch to make a hole in the steel doors .. its amazing at what extent crooks will goto these days ... like they arent scared of jail time ..
  8. rory

    IE 7 jumping

    true pay me a couple dollars to convert it to an exe .. i works for cheap too
  9. rory

    IE 7 jumping

    Why dont they use a Client Program for that? Is it just the software available is only browser based? Are you guys using Pocket PC .. which then I could see why to some extent. Though they have development versions for Pocket PC also. Had the same issue with the Sabre Travel network software .. Its only ActiveX now, with some Flash and Java. And it only works in IE . I asked them on the phone when calling tech support, and they didnt know why. If it has to do with remote access from anywhere, trust me most web cafe's wont allow clients to install activeX which is the same as installing a program, but even tougher with all the security now added to web browsers for obvious reasons. i stopped making activeX stuff now, its easier for the client to just download the program from my web site, and it is much more powerful than an activeX can ever be. I think these development companies will soon catch up .. Dont let the user be playing a Shockwave online game when theres a power cut, bang the registry gets edited and needs to be fixed manually.
  10. looked at the CAD software and it didnt appeal to me. Height will differ, but generally the reason for not mounting the camera too high is loss of FOV, Loss of Object Identification, and Maintenance and cleaning problems. In the case of Infrared Cameras, the lower the better, if they are mounted too high, dont expect any kind of IR distance. Criminals come with ladders these days, ive seem some that literally climb walls, sides of buildings etc, 5+ storeys and more .. so height does not mean that the camera will not be disabled. Obviously the application will determine the location of the camera, but if I cant reach it on a 6 foot ladder (and im 6'1) then its too high. Certain Restrictions apply, but those applications could also be done differently. If its a PTZ then thats a different story, but still some loss of FOV will exist when mounted too high.
  11. Its an AvTech DVR. .. one of the cheapest on the market, they created the name CPCam to push marketing to North America, trying to get away from their identity as a manufacturer of budget DVRs, the same exact DVRs which have been sold in stores like Sams Club and KMart, but basically they are the same, with all the same features, or lack thereof. One thing that I never liked was the low quality of their Remote Client software, and their Java Browser based. I had hoped they would at least improve that for the CPCam name, but they didnt.
  12. rory

    IE 7 jumping

    Still doesnt match FireFox for security .. i wouldnt dream of browsing the web with IE .. http://www.mozilla.com @ Khandurian .. whats Bar Code Scanners and a Web browser got in common? Just wondering .. why would you be using a web browser to scan in bar codes, when the best solution would be a client app?
  13. i watched a guy stab another guy to death (recorded video) at approx 75' away, and the judge through it out ..
  14. 150' away, you wont be able to identify the object or person anyway, and wont be usable in court.
  15. I use 100% motion detection, with no issues. It really depends on the DVR you are using, but also, just as important, you must thoroughly test each camera with motion, in each lighting condition, to get the best sensitivity setting for each camera. Its best to raise the sensitivity to just below max on priority cameras (eg. 9 on Geo), even with that, you save alot of recording space. On a GE Storesafe for one example, 40Gb with 4 cameras, we get just over 1 month recording at a mon-fri business center. Have had many incidents and never missed one yet. At the night club no issues also. Course if you got the cash for 3TB+ of Hard disk space, then worth doing Continous Record, though most apps dont call for that nor can afford it.
  16. rory

    Cannot connect v2centre software

    make sure all the Center Ports that are open on the DVR, are also open on the Center PC .. meaning open them in the windows firewall if it is enabled, and also portforward them in the router, if it exists. Otherwise it will do what you are experiencing.
  17. rory

    gv-1480 didnt work

    Not sure, would need some specs. Also, strange thing is under the Geo Tested PCs they list one with an NVidia chipset and Athlon 64 .. but its only on the GV800 though. The Combo cards are tempermental .. which is probably why you are having issues. Might be a because of different Chipset versions also.
  18. rory

    gv-1480 didnt work

    Nope, wont work, NVidia Chipset and AMD .. you need Intel Chipset for the 1480's and most of the Geo Cards.
  19. rory

    Robbery on December 31, 2006 (ICR-Pro DVR)

    LOL .. man ... well no licence plates or faces, but got the colors of the cars, models, and even right down to the rims .. think they'll get them? At least one of them wears glasses, and a couple of them are fat.
  20. were you able to create a back up of the old drive? you create the backup first, then select that backup to restore.
  21. It was in a PM and about a year ago, I think the user was seanmort .. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=30359 http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=27290&highlight=#27290 also .. maybe you can just copy the old hard disk and restore it to the new one? Partition to partition. Plug both drives into a XP PC .. as 2 additional drives.. dont format. Download SNAPSHOT.EXE http://www.drivesnapshot.de/en/down.htm Run it, make a backup of the old drive, then do a restore to the new one. If Snapshot can read the old disk that is. Also im going by if the OS is on the old drive.
  22. what part of the world is that, man I gotta move there!
  23. I'm sure plugging the drive in is easy, getting it properly formatted, initialized, and OS installed is something else. there was another member on this forum that exlained how he did this for DM DVRs .. i cant remember exactly how it was done, but seemed easy enough.
  24. I thought politricks was the most profitable industry ..
  25. Easier method (or best) would be to drill a hole out and mount the camera outside ..