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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Infrared Stuff

    Extra IR will definately help, though not sure what you are looking at there to see what you need. Can you post a daytime image? Also, the results of additional IR will differ Depending on the cameras sensetivity to IR Spectrum Levels, but it will help either way. I would not suggest 940nm though as I doubt this camera will pick it up, plus 940nm cuts down on the amount of IR put out on the area. i would recommend at the least 830nm or even higher. Lets see a Day time image to get an idea of what you are trying to cover. Thanks Rory
  2. Ok, yeah its really still a beta for a while until they find all the bugs and fix them, reason im staying away from it for now.
  3. Looking for somewhere I can buy Fully Legit software that is downloadable, particularly Microsoft software .. any ideas?
  4. Did you have this problem before upgrading to 8., or did 8.0 come with your card?
  5. rory

    CCTV -> IP

    Yes its a good choice .. just a little pricey .. but then you can easily add cameras as you go along ..
  6. rory

    CCTV -> IP

    The Acti will be faster though as it uses MPEG4-ASP and also will require less bandwidth - 1.5mbps - for real time transmission using a single channel server. Generally you wont find real time from a multi chanel server no matter which one you use, at least the ones that are on the consumer market right now.
  7. try this one ... has little speed up/down settings .. i never really finished it as i was only playing around with it, so it is what it is .. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/player.exe
  8. Yes, shouldnt really be any loss of quality from the view log to this, though whenever something is compressed you can loose something. You can optionally just copy the original AVI to a CD and give them that. But you need a media player that can slow down and speed up better then Windows Media Player .. I have one i created but its not online yet.
  9. rory

    PowerTelecomm DVR Problems

    Well to be honest we arent talking about a high end DVR here ... and why would anyone try to hack into a budget DVR in the first place .. makes no sense ... so I would not worry about it. Othewise spend the $ and buy a GE ..
  10. thought this was kinda cool, been messing with this for some Surveys & Plans for my Real Estate web site // 1600x1200 http://www.bahamassecurity.com/zoommp/default.htm http://www.bahamassecurity.com/zoommp/default2.htm 2500x1875 http://www.bahamassecurity.com/zoommp/default_3.0.htm They load Zoomed in .. drag box to move around image double Click outside of box to fit small double Click inside of box to zoom in Requires IE to work properly - Java Script Only.
  11. rory

    Zoom with MegaPixel Cameras

    heres a better example with updated script ... single click inside box to zoom in, drag box around to view, double click inside box to zoom out (IE only). wait for "Loading..." to disappear first (4MB image). http://www.bahamassecurity.com/zoommp/zoom.htm
  12. Im not 100% sure but I believe the Export as EXe will make it play regardless. Otherwise there is a program on my site called Geo Fix that you could unzip and burn to the CD also. If they cant see the video in Windows Media Player, they just have to click the "Install Codec" button in that program and it will install the codecs for them so they will then be able to see it. Doesnt install 8.0's Mpeg4 ASP or H.264 codecs.
  13. rory

    playback recorded video on geo gv-800 rel 7.04

    Cool, glad I could help ..
  14. rory

    Mace & Support Issue's.

    Ive noticed a trend with some of these companies, going over to importing some higher quality equipment from Korea now .. I wonder if its from feedback, competition with other companies, or just the pricing is getting lower on the Korean Products ..?
  15. rory

    What PC's are you using for your Geo Systems?

    Same here (with the 250), its on the PC im using now which is Via and AMD ..
  16. rory

    Differences between Mace models

    I dont know about Mace, but since you are looking for Budget cameras, also take a look at the Eclipse CCTV cameras .. cant beat their pricing ... .
  17. I havent used 8.0 but i know my program uses the same codec and settings (7.0) and works with 8.0 webcam.
  18. rory

    Mace & Support Issue's.

    Actually they are a distributor, not a manufacturer.
  19. yes, its on my home page, GeoFix. havent had the time to do the Pal yet Kobi. Rory
  20. rory

    DVR's which one??

    If you want high end, I would suggest looking at the GE Kalatel DVRs ... or even Dedicated Micros .. Im pretty sure you can get either one of those DVRs you mentioned for half that price retail though .. . at least the Nuvico... if not then they are charging Bahamian prices! I know Nuvico is half the cost of the GE's and DMs. Take a look at the advertisers banners, they have a good selection of DVRs.
  21. Who makes that power panel? If the fuses are removeable, sure you can just replace them. Hopefully the cameras arent fried though.
  22. rory

    Testing ir

    Here are a couple of night views with a light on
  23. Gusy we're getting off topic .. i said For Manufacturers, not from Manufacturers .. since no Manufacturer makes the dome I specked .. Also, True Day Night domes only if you must post .. that means no 540TVL cameras as they are digital day nighters ..
  24. rory

    DVR's which one??

    Nuvico's are solid proven DVRs, cant go wrong with them. Otherwise there are many other choices of solid mid range DVRs that are just as good. I havent tested the IC ones yet so cant comment, but im sure they are decent also.