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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    GV800-8 jittery output

    make sure you have only camera input 1 enabled, the rest must be disabled or it will use up the total fps. Also play with the pre record or disable it as that can cause the jitter you are experiencing also, the file is so short it is hard to tell though.
  2. rory

    swapping new hard drives

    GE lets you archive to any back up device you like ... you can get decades and decades ..
  3. rory

    12VDC vs' 24VAC

    24VAC is also better for indoors with florecent lighting.
  4. rory

    Still 'SERVER START FAIL' after Geo reinstall

    pm me, load VNC and ill take a look ..
  5. rory

    Kalatel port question

    Thats the only port required.
  6. if the DVRs allow the ports to be changed in the DVR software, then it will work fine, change them then port forward those ports in the router to the DVR's assigned internal IPs. What DVRs are they?
  7. rory

    Camera selection?

    Auto Iris if you can ... with IR not a huge issue but with general Day Night sure.
  8. Not sure if Video Insight will do 60 cameras IP based ... thomas can maybe shed some light on that .... Also check out Acti Video Servers & Milestone. Acti has the lowest bandwidth for real time D1 transmission.
  9. rory

    GV800 problems

    Does Geo work on Windows 2000?
  10. rory

    swapping new hard drives

    like he said ... what kind of time? 2 months - 10 years? Stand alone or PC ..? I Know with the GE they advertise up tp 10+ years storage, basically you can use external SCSI or their own Ditigal Archiving but it costs $$ ... I get 2 months on a 4 channel 40GB myself ...
  11. the online downloads are just updates ... they will fail if you overwrite a newer version with an older version, plus if uninstalled and install the updates, will also fail as will be missing files.
  12. Roger that ... PM me about obtaining 7.04 ..
  13. Pixelisation at night will cause unwanted motion detection also. Mask off anything that can cause additional unwanted motion such as a tree or bush, if it is windy it will be recording straight through. Another thing is shade from Trees, when it is windy, that causes motion detection as well. Use the mask to mask off anything you can do withtout. Rory
  14. rory

    Geovision 7.0.5 full software available?

    a distributor should be able to get you the full software once you give them the Card's serial number ... do you use a Dongle with it and what version of Geo came with it originally?
  15. These are the files under Windows that have settings info in them. You would be getting an error if one of these are missing. I can correct it to just ignore it for you, or just manually copy these. \GEO_CS.ini \geoat.ini \geobcast.ini \GeoBrand.ini \GeoDxDraw.ini \GeoLan.ini \GeoMailSetup.ini \geomcast.ini \GeoModem.ini \GeoMulti.ini \geonet.ini \GeoPreview.ini \GeoServerList.INI \geoXCli.ini
  16. c:\ will work if you have a C: Drive ... Did you already uninstall anything ..? Generally yes, but there is info in other files also. goto the C: drive and the folder GeoSettingz and see if any files were copied. Also what version of Geo software do you have? Rory
  17. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4610
  18. rory

    Camera selection?

    If just Day Night without IR light, then anything from F:1.2 and lower ... f:0.95 is nice ... If you want you can buy an IR Optimized lens one time. That way it will cover you if you decide to use IR later on. IF cant afford that, check out something like the Tamron F:1.4 Aspherical lens, works well with IR, i used it for several years with little to no focus shift. BTW, if going to use IR stay clear of standard telephoto lenses such as 5-50mm lenses ... focus shift is immense ... and unless using IR if zoomed in telephoto you loose alot of light ... dont recommend for Day Night Apps. Basically if no IR and you want really low lux, get a Fujinon F:0.95 lens, and focus it in low light and BW mode on the camera. Will see in almost pitch dark then.
  19. rory

    Geovision ver 8.0

    they're in Taiwan, not China ..
  20. rory

    IR PTZ

    hire some israeli women instead ...
  21. rory

    Yellow where sun is coming in

    generally get strange things like that with the really budget cameras ..
  22. rory

    IR PTZ

    Yeah they emailed me before from off this forum actually, the guys in Israel. Rory
  23. rory

    Kalatel port question

    Forward port 1024.
  24. rory

    Dealer forum?

    i still saw it ..