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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    GeoVision Server

    Hmmm .. if I must, ill play with it this weekend sometime ...
  2. rory

    Unsecured Wireless Networks

    once you know their IP ... its all over ...
  3. rory

    Unsecured Wireless Networks

    They cant prove they intentionally left it open, as that is the default. Besides any real hacker can crack any of that light security anyways ..
  4. rory

    Mobile DVR Recommendation

    http://www.geindustrial.com/cwc/products/ge-interlogix?pnlid=9&famid=63&catid=1088&id=MobileView&lang=en_US http://www.geindustrial.com/ge-interlogix/solutions/transportation/video_surv_mview.htm
  5. kinda makes sense, but if that 3rd party web site, hinet, goes down ......
  6. rory

    Unsecured Wireless Networks

    if your online then your just as unsecure, if the PC is setup properly for the internet & security then the most you have to worry about is people using your bandwidth .. obviuosly if you have shared files/folders then you're already SOL .. people worry too much, if you use MSN IM your already easy to hack ...!
  7. rory

    Unsecured Wireless Networks

    Sshhhhh, dont tell them, we want to keep getting free wireless internet ...
  8. its cheap, trow in in the garbage and buy a new one ... anyway, thats what we do here .. and it costs double ...
  9. GE has decent dust proof housings. .. i use them and we even painted them black, even with the metal sun shield ... they work fine .. the housing itself is made of ABS plastic, and they have been through hurricanes, and salt air. Rory
  10. rory


    If not convinced, give it a try ...
  11. rory


    Hi, whether you are backfocusing or doing a regular focus, for it to stay in proper focus in day and night you should still focus it in low light .. or simulated low light.
  12. rory

    Geovision, wirless video, odd freezing

    I got a VideoComm 5.8Ghz System (4 of them) to work fine with a Geo System Recently. Its a 1 mile system, cameras are approx 100-150' away though and TX and RX's are mounted up high on poles with direct line of site. Rory
  13. Glad you got it straight Nathan, will check out the forum .. Rory
  14. Should send fine on that SMTP server, blocked or not .. i emailed you. Rory
  15. Yeah but what software does it use .. ?? WaveReader also works with their new Jpeg2000 BTW.
  16. rory

    Product Certs

    Made in china is okay ... just cheap like you said ... alot of OEM brands in the US are made in china ... COP, MACE, etc ...
  17. rory

    Power Supply Design Help

    What cameras and what Housings, need to calculate the current draw in mA or Amps.
  18. rory

    Indigo Vision

    No, but while doing research, it was on my list, but Acti had it beat on speed and bandwidth. They also require a training seminar to be able to sell the equipment (which is software really)
  19. rory

    ISC West 2006

    staying at the nearest brothel, will take a stroll over to the strip when things have slowed down ... *jkiddin
  20. rory


    Okay, someone asked some questions, others responded, thats all. ... since you asked .. yes a Real Time Geo System will sell for less and can be used by anyone, for example I have a system in a night club here, it was previously a Kalatel Stand Alone System which he had for 5 odd years, upgraded to get higher evidence sharing and Real Time Video on all Cameras. The manager has never used a PC and still does not, he was given an IR Remote to control only the live video. It is recording 640x480 30fps per camera, right now doing 7 days as it is Spring break and its packed every night - extra motion and high quality color cameras in certain places. He has extra removable HDD slots for additional Hard Drives for further storage. It is connected to a 21" Color CCTV Monitor, as well as an LCD - the CCTV Monitor is for the extra high quality. The monitor has Inputs A, B & C - A is the Output from the DVRCard's DSP output. The SVideo on the Video card goes to Input C on the monitor for high quality playback in Full Screen. It is churning away without any issues ... ofcourse i wouldnt trust that kind of app with lower end DVR PC Cards/Software though. But i dont think this thread is the place for a PC DVR Review ... I myself have posted many kalatel Clips over the years on here, but since last year have been phasing them out to replace with the Geo System for many reasons generally pertaining to my locale. Lets face it, brands like GE (was Kalatel) arent just talk, they are proven for many years now, way before I got into this industry. If you want to know how picky I am, I still dont trust the Bosche yet .. it's still new to the business in my book. But like our american friend said, whats important is are your clients happy .. thats the main thing .. and yeah gotta make some money while your at it. Also opinions here at CCTVForum.com are just that, opinions, we have that little blurb in the sticky at the top of each forum. Rory
  21. Yep i got some info on them ... if you want to continue via PM . please do so, or email . Thanks Rory PS. where's the DVR project managers .. get them on here already
  22. No Apologies necessary my english friend .. i dont think I have ever seen a post on their DVRs as yet ..
  23. Yes! And With 2 Kalatel Mini Box Exview Color cameras, but i dont think you sell them anymore .. basically the Auto iris would not work at all - would not adjust - so I had to set it to EI and its been like that for 5 years working ... On another subject, i had to give a Day Night Exview back to a client to take back, the Flange Back wont adjust properly to keep the image focused all through the picture, like 2/3rds would be focuses but the other part not, went both sides. What it would do is as I adjust the back focus it would jump .... otherwise a great camera, he's getting it replaced as far as I know for the same thing .. Rory
  24. rory


    if i get the time i'll put a couple in this thread: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4466 thanks Rory
  25. not an actual photo but would be something like this: [excuse the shabby paint shop job]