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Everything posted by rory

  1. Hi SC ... which brand do you recommend for this? Its okay to post a link to the manufacturer. Thanks Rory
  2. rory

    help. Geo Webcam turns itself off!!

    I did go to update the firmware, but i had the newest one, it was a brand new router. It is one of at least 2 Linksys Routers that had the same problem, i think they just got a bad batch down here at the time - they sell like hotcakes here. I bought it for a client, and bought another, and neither ever worked properly - they ended up with my wireless D-Link. But I still use Linksys and has been good other than those 2. One was a 4 channel, the one i have, the other was an 8 channel, gave that away - both hardwired. Yes, basically unless i set an IP, doesnt matter if DHCP is left on or off, it drops the connection after a while.. . so a set IP it is ... set DNS, Set Subnet & Gateway, etc. Also another problem it has is with DDNS, it updates too regularly so I have to use it as Static at DynDns.org ... they almost banned my account because of that ...
  3. rory

    Video Ipod

    Cant buy the music I like down here (reggae & rap is all dey gat), and no credit card .. im SOL ... so .. . Luckily only movies are legally copyrighted down here, and software i might mention, it falls under some other law though, and that law is slack .. In fact there really are no enforced copyright laws here, but i follow what is on the book. I need to start picking out some CDs and have Jasper send some down
  4. rory

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    cool, ill have to look for it then .. I was totally amazed at the Food Store called Albertons in California though . .. left me "breathless" ...
  5. rory

    help. Geo Webcam turns itself off!!

    bad router ..? My Linksys Router, I have to set a designated IP address to my PC as the DHCP wont work properly, knocks off and on here and there .. since ive designated an IP its been working non stop for almost a year ..
  6. rory

    Video Ipod

    dont yah just miss the napster days .. well there still is Kazza Lite ...
  7. rory

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    Huh?? dont you need a pot for that though ... i mean an oven too right .. m i c r o w a v e - is where im at dudes . ... but most frozen food here is bad half the time cause of the power outages, and then their generators dont work ... i managed to get a frozen meal tonight ... had to spend some time inspecting everything till i found something that didnt look like it had been defrosted before ...
  8. rory

    help. Geo Webcam turns itself off!!

    Not using port 80 on my PC ... im watching all connections right now ... 49087 is the incoming port im using right now ... Audio uses UDP according to what I read. They must scan whichever ports are open and use the first available one. Hence that it works behind firewalls without port forwarding (tunnelling??)
  9. rory


    Ive never seen green before, got any screen shots?? Was there green in the Image, or was it all just blank green? Could the green be the background when there is no recorded video, such as some are blue, some black, some grey, etc ..? Rory
  10. rory

    Geovision Modem Server Questions

    give it a couple days, someone will come on that has used it before ... i know who knows but they havent been on the forum yet. Rory
  11. rory

    help. Geo Webcam turns itself off!!

    Actually thats not totally correct, i run skype and webcam on my PC ... "The minimum requirement is that Skype needs unrestricted outgoing TCP access to all destination ports above 1024 or to ports 80 and 443 (the former is better, however). If you don't allow either of those, Skype will not work reliably at all. Voice quality and some other aspects of Skype functionality will be greatly improved if you also open up outgoing UDP traffic to all ports above 1024, and allow UDP replies to come back in." I leave port 80 unchecked myself. However, i generally use port 81 and 82 anyway for my Geo and IIS web servers. If anything you would have a problem with SKype as port 80 is a back up port, if you leave that box checked. Rory
  12. rory

    Video Ipod

    i just bought this Digital Camera when i was in the US ... $99 .. Camera, Camcorder, Mp3 Player, Voice Recorder, and WebCam .. all in one ... and if I drop it out the airplane window its cheap enough to buy a new one As for the Ipod, cant say I like what Ive seen, especially the Itunes software ...
  13. Hmmmm, i like the GE though, over the DM units. DM was my original choice but found the Kalatel to have better specs at the time (a few years bacK) and stuck with them .. glad i did .. everything is overpriced these days though ..
  14. didnt log back on yet ... his ISP seems to be blocking port 80, and the software just hangs when you try to change the port ... even with everything closed (it also seems to be a home PC). I have the manual now i just havent had the chance to look at it yet .. ..
  15. no i agree with that. was under impression he was saying 2k per cam lol thats what I thought too ..
  16. rory

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    Kand mussee thinks im one of dem rich white knights hey
  17. rory

    CCTV gone...?

    _ then id have to change my logo .. l \/
  18. rory

    Video Walls

    Yep .. im using one right now. You will need to pick the DVR/NVR software carefully though, alot of them dont go much higher than 1280 .. or some even only up to 1024x768 . Is it going to be IP or DVR ..?
  19. rory

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    Ahhh .. Shake and Bake? Yeah but then yah gotta find some decent chicken .. besides, thats alot of work
  20. rory

    ir day/night dome cams

    true that ... well a cheap bullet landed here is probably the same price you would pay for that dome up there anyway ...
  21. rory

    ir day/night dome cams

    then you are dealing with me or you, and we getting bullet cameras no questions asked ...
  22. rory

    Can I copy all Drivers?

    you mussee think i work for microsoft hey $$$ id buy a printer first, havent had one in hmmm, 6-7 years ..
  23. rory

    Can I copy all Drivers?

    for a DVR ,, but a home or work PC .. i got Gigs of stuff I didnt know i had, or where most of what i need is even located .. time as i set up IIS, test all the sites, get Outlook, Address book, My docs all pointing to the right location, then an extra couple hours to tweak it (including clean up, scans and defrags) ....... well .. it only took me 45 minutes to install windows and the other software, but now its going on over 4 hours or more .. Also for a DVR, i test it for 48 hours anyway .. though tweaking the DVR and setting it up how i want it, can take long, but is included in that 48 hours .. plus unless you are using the same hardware ... the recovery CD wont work half the time ..
  24. rory

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    Chicken who??