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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    help. Geo Webcam turns itself off!!

    Ive never used 7.05 so I cant say, whether you have IIS or not the Geo Web Cam is a Web Server like how IIS is a web server. Check your PC's paging file also.
  2. rory

    Fish-Eye effect

    Yeah but its not improving it as how he wants, sounds like he still wants the same FOV but without the Fisheye effect and that doesnt happen.
  3. rory

    Fish-Eye effect

    Thats a wide angle lens, if you switch to another it will simply be like using a narrower lens, so you wont see as much.
  4. rory

    help. Geo Webcam turns itself off!!

    Webcam is basically a web server, like how IIS is. Make sure no other program is fighting for the port that the web server is set for. If it is on Port 80 now, switch it to port 81 or port 82. Another thing to check is to make sure you have enough Hard Disk space on the Disk Drive that the main Geo Folder is located on, as Everytime the Geo Server software is closed (WebCam is stopped), the root of the WebTemp folder is cleared of files, and when WebCam is started again with the Geo Server, it recreates the files in the root again - so if you're out of space on the HDD, it will fail.
  5. Someone mentioned on another thread about how their Denterlace was worse quality than Interlace so i post these here and you guys can make up your minds ... 640x480 640x480 DeInterlace 720x480 720x480 DeInterlace
  6. Dont know about modem, but something like wake on lan ...
  7. rory

    CD55 Pan Speed

    What brand is it? Rory
  8. rory

    IC Realtime

    A belated welcome Matt. [moved to this section] I havent yet cam2, probably sometime after the show, tied up right now with a million things .. Rory
  9. rory

    Like to intro myself

    Welcome to the forum, [moved to this section] don't be a stranger Rory
  10. from all my tests, Fat 32 is much faster, and quieter.
  11. no, but you should notice that Windows XP runs much faster and smoother on Fat 32.
  12. Well im talking about Geo on a Fat32 drive with the OS (and yes Windows XP), and the video on NTFS drive ..
  13. Just use a Voltage Regulator, the UPS doesnt seem to make any difference with DVR server software or video files. As far as I know they will simply repair the previous file if it got corupt. I know I pull the Plug on my PC all the time and still the video files are fine. One program that does still get messed up though is Firefox ... well not the program itself but its profile does ..
  14. rory

    GeoVision Video Source Sizes

    The fast Mpeg4, Mpeg4 and Wavelet, in Geo, isnt much difference in quality, but a huge difference in Image Sizes. The new Geo 8.0 will also have Mpeg4 ASP and H.264, with H.264 max recording at 240fps, but much smaller of an image. Rory
  15. okay guys dont worry .. flash doesnt work anyway .. i wont mess with the clock, its okay for now, as I tweaked the living heck out of it ... but yeah their getting a new mobo/CPU next visit to the states .. tweaked or not XP and a 1.2 doesnt cut it .. but will have to work for now .. no other choice. thanks
  16. I dont use a UPS on my machine ... pretty useless since the power goes off for hours, Ive used the same TripLite Line Conditioner since 1996 and never lost any hardware ...
  17. Hmmmm, how about a Generator ...? If its a decent mobo it will have Resume on Power Failure in the Bios. THough I have noticed that no matter which one it is, whether it has a UPS or not, they dont come back on 100% of the time, very close though.
  18. How often does the power go off in the UK ...
  19. rory

    GeoVision & Camera with more then 480 lines?

    Difference is, bullets would be cheaper, but are easy to be accidentally moved. Image quality is generally greater on a Box camera ... but it depends which one you buy, higher end Domes can be just as good utilizing the same camera boards. Rory
  20. Down here yah cant live without a Voltage Regulator (also known as a Line Conditioner in the PC World). Yes we have much worse power conditions here in the third world ofcourse .. apparently its due alot to second hand equipment purchased on sale from South American Countries. You can buy Belkin or APC (or other) UPS's that have it built in, it costs more than the standard UPS. Also, you can simply just buy the Voltage Regulator by itself, for like $30 for an APC 600volt unit. The Voltage regulator is of more use than a UPS any second of the day, when dealing with electronic's protection. A UPS is simply to keep battery power to a PC for example, so you dont loose any data in opened programs, like if you are typing a message here on the forum ... until you have time to complete/save the document and shut down the PC manually. Also, occasionally PC Data can become corupt from a sudden shut down of windows, without closing the program, less now adays than the old win9x days, and depends on the program or data you are in the middle of. Personally I have never used a UPS for my own PC and we have power outages every day all summer long - only had data corupt on me twice since 1996, and it wasnt serious. (here a UPS wont even last me anyway, power stays off for hours at a time!) Your Power Supply failures are most certainly from issues that require a Voltage Regulator, I'd reccommend an APC or TripLite. As for the PC powering back up, that is set in the Bios Power Section, whether you use a UPS or not. It is essential that this part is set to resume on power failure, for all PC DVRs. Rory
  21. Budget PC - Bahamas - dont go hand in hand ... PS. what's staples??
  22. sounds like you guys are doing Complete Low Voltage wiring?
  23. i could get a shot tomorrow ... i dont have it here but my colleague has a ton of them i can get something off of ..
  24. another thing, the Mobo is this ... http://www.pcchips.com.tw/PCCWeb/Products/ProductsDetail.aspx?DetailID=283&MenuID=24&LanID=0 I dont see where they sell this board with a CPU anywherre on their site .. but the manufacturer Sticker sais "M825G CPU on". I guess I "could" take the fan off to see what it is exactly .... but is there any program that will test to see exactly what it is, or is that left up to the Bios to determine .. hence updating the Bios first? Been while since i really got too indepth with hardware ... tings 'ave changed ... Rory