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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Infrared / Test

    yeah, its ma job
  2. rory

    Infrared / Test

    thats just the street light and also some lights on the property across the road (see first image), these were 5 now going on 6 year old Kalatel Exview color cameras they never did handle glare that well, GE changed that since then. Exview HAD uses all possible light in the image and spreads it over the image, which is why it does so well compared to other CCDs such as SuperHAD. With that you get some pixelizing but you see what other cameras wont. And ofcourse that one is using a F:0.95 lens which makes a huge difference also. Here's a sanyo box DN with a UF500 this is the actual same thing with the UF500 off, then the UF500 on.
  3. rory

    Infrared / Test

    no light but a street light in the far left, like i said you cant see to walk there until you get nearer the road. 640x480 recording on what was the Iview PC DVR, its pixelised as its so dark.
  4. rory

    Infrared / Test

    here in this image, the top left is a "real" low lux Super HAD (NOT EXVIEW) color dome ... but it is a decent camera otherwise, used it in a couple apps like a gated community security gate entrance, its a Korean model - sais Provideo, but made by a well known Korean Manu. Top right Eclipse bullet is the budget Color only Bullet camera. The Eclipse Dome is their Day Night Dome (!). Gives you a good idea of how dark it is and what cameras do what. Here is a GE Color Exview (3 years ago), cant see to walk in this car park, cam1 is f:1.4 lens, cam 2 is f:0.95 lens.
  5. rory

    Infrared / Test

    Was a Tiawanese OEM SuperHad 0.3 Lux Color Dome, no wasnt the lowest lux one i tested there, I had a Korean one I'll see if I can pull up the snapshots, saw alot more than that, was more like what they claimed 0.3 lux. The one pictured though, they did call it low lux and 0.3 lux and even tried to put it off as Day Night, of course It is very dark there though, only light is a small amount from the main car park light ... basically its dangerous when i come home I am always shining my flashlight in that area incase someone is hiding there, doesnt do any good though, just gotta keep a good grip on the machete!
  6. Hmmm, how did i miss this post .. working I guess .. anyway, everyone friends now right ...
  7. Shepherds Pie, my favourite
  8. Yeah Pelco always had some impressive equipment for video signals. NVT also came out with a 8 and 16 channel amp. Dont know how well they work though but looks neat. http://www.nvt.com/products/NV_862BNC.html http://www.nvt.com/products/NV_1662BNC.html
  9. yeah that was actually an alarm i redid for someone, was a 3 store 2 building job I put in an Ademco Vista 50, 3 Partitions, expanders, motions, contacts, smokes, sirens, strobes, etc, and also a GE DVR with 15 cams on a mix of Coax and Cat5 in each store. I got those images somewhere, but ill leave it for now, was rather small compared to some other jobs ive done.
  10. ahh ill bore yah anyway .. da nastiest .. da most messed up
  11. man, just the 24/7 nuked food and budwieser is what I want
  12. rory


    one distributor for eclipse is in miami
  13. yep, only thing is, Jasper is in the US .. while im here joneson for a seven eleven ..
  14. looks like its got all the same features of Geo, so worth checking out ..
  15. rory

    Speco HT-7815DNV

    Yeah, well they buy from various manufacturers like any OEM purchaser, but alot of their more expensive cameras are South Korean, who actually tend to use Japanese components, so yeah generally decent quality. Sanyo is decent, Pelco buy OEM and rebadge, Extreme, thats a whole differnt ball game.
  16. I gotta clear this up one last time, there are cheap Twist ons, and there are Good Twist ons, for those that havent used them yet ..
  17. rory

    geovision gvnet gvneti/o gv hub

    Sounds more like 450 pounds for the Dome ..?
  18. rory

    Upload blues

    WISP's .. http://www.loktechnology.com/
  19. rory

    Upload blues

    this is the one im on ... course gotta pay big to get decent speeds .. http://www.caribbeancrossings.com/
  20. rory

    Upload blues

    BandWidthPlace has the best results for us down here ... 1.7 down .. accurate as Im supposed to only have 1.5, my friend has 2.5 and it got it around 2.4 .. Rory
  21. rory

    geovision gvnet gvneti/o gv hub

    Hi, what PTZ brand is it?
  22. Hi Hongdy I have a question, what kind of piece of the pie does the Chinese government get out of the companies there making CCTV gear? What i mean is do they run the companies, or are the companies run as a private company would be in other countries? And what's up with all the pirate gear, how can you tell which company is legit? thanks Rory
  23. man, thats going to look ugly, not to mention 20' up will be fun cleaning ..
  24. rory

    Cat-5 vs. Cat-6

    Havent tried them, but I know they are very common now, almost all manufacturers of Twisted Pair Transmission have some form of it. They all have limitations though, differs from one to the next, mostly distance and also type of power. The 2500' distance for video really cracks me up though, in fact 1500 passive cracks me up .. Guess some people dont mind taking the chance or dont mind lower quality video, image glare/washout, etc.