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Everything posted by rory

  1. Yep, that combo cable is basically just RCA which is not as good as RG58 even.
  2. rory


    too much china talk .. so thats why HikVision has bugs hey
  3. rory

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    S-Video, yeah. Believe it or not, a colleague here has used some Sharp LCDs and they are the best ive seen with Composite, on an LCD.
  4. rory

    Ok, how do I open this thing up? (9100EX)

    Its got a photo cell though which is nice .. still no removable IR cut Filter though But Overall, the price seems to match the specs. And its Exview.
  5. rory

    Ok, how do I open this thing up? (9100EX)

    What do you want to do inside it ? and yep i would say 120' is "more than pushing it" with that small amount of LEDs and current.
  6. rory

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    Thats Correct, it is BNC Input on the CCTV Monitor, typically Input 1, for Live View of the Cameras only (no GUI) so you can use just a remote control and the operator wouldnt know it was a PC, and as a user account would not be able to view anything but live video. While from the ATI Video card to the SVHS input on the CCTV Monitor, typically Input 3, is used for high quality playback. You can also loop out from the CCTV monitor for other forms of back up like VCR if they must have a tape. The Admin simply switches login to admin mode with the IR remote and goes to the SVHS input, and can use that for playback, full screen is nice.
  7. rory

    How to reset Geo password?

    i got the program here that fixes it. Its a geo program file actually. Reinstalling the software wont do it.
  8. rory

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    Multiplexed, Real Time Analogue (Composite RCA).
  9. rory

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    something like this, i only use the LCD for system setup http://www.bahamassecurity.com/pc_setup_example.jpg
  10. rory

    Ok, how do I open this thing up? (9100EX)

    alot of bullets twist apart from the back and or the front ..
  11. Round the clock is simply continuous/time lapse, motion detection will give you longer recordings. Either way you record, if you click Recycle it will go back to the beginning of the Hard Drive/Folder span and start again. If anything you may want to look at the Day Night record function, but typically i just use motion record. I dont know how the "keep for # of days" works but i imagine it will just stop when it runs out of space even if the 30 days are not up yet. (never used it). Maybe some of the old timer Geo users can pitch in here. Basically all DVRs (just about all of them) give you the option to loop when the Disk Space is full, and they record over the oldest data first. They have different names, in this case it is Recycling.
  12. If you have the camera set to round the clock then it will start recording right away, if it is set to motion then it records only on motion. Yep when you stop it, no recording will take place.
  13. rory

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    CRT will always give you the best image, with LCDs and PC based its a gamble and not all are going to be great. With Analogue its a no contest, LCDs look horrible with Analogue Video (Composite). PC Based or Analogue, LCD or CRT, a "decent" CCTV CRT Monitor will always produce the best image quality.
  14. On the first part, do you have REMOTE checked? The other part .. use the delete button on the keypad. Recycling as i understand it, is basically overwrite, so when it gets to the end of the HDD it goes back to the beginning and overwrites - otherwise when it gets to the end it would just stop.
  15. $500 fine here for no front licence plate, so i was told .. ive been waiting 2 months now for a replacement for my "spare" car, just finally getting it this week.
  16. rory

    Looking for a weakness in Intellex DVR

    i wonder what cards they are using ..?
  17. rory

    New Users and Posts

    A Bahamian Beer, actually it sells for cheaper in the UK than it does here! Im a Bud man though ..
  18. You can set it manually like it was, wont do more than 30fps anyway i think. Also, on the recorded AVI file you save, right click Properties, Summary Tab, and Click the Advanced button. Will show you all the details including the recorded fps.
  19. here's a post that might interest him: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=3287 Basically if you use a Router you can just set up a free account with DynDns.org and enter that into into the router, it will auto update the DDNS name account when the IP changes. Also this means one less service running on the DVR Server.
  20. rory

    How to reset Geo password?

    what version of the software do you have? There is a program that does it for you .. if not, there is another program I have that also does it as a stand alone app. Check the Geo main folder first.
  21. rory

    How to reset Geo password?

    send me a PM/Email ..
  22. rory

    How to reset Geo password?

    i got it .. give me a sec and lemme see if i can get it for you ..
  23. rory

    IR illuminators

    Hi, also read my post on this thread. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4172
  24. rory

    How to reset Geo password?

    not yet, but i think i know how, will update you this afternoon, i actually reset it by mistake last night .. so now i have to figure how i did that!!!
  25. rory

    Feedback about 4 Channel DVR

    i think i'll still be in shock being in the US .. man what I would do just for a diner and a 7 eleven ...!!