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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    PowerTelecomm or Nuvico

    Hmmm, maybe a Windows Media Codec issue on your system, anyway try this first, download, unzip, and run the EXE in this file, click on both buttons, then try the Avi file again in Media Player. It just installs the Geo Codecs. Rory http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/GeoFix.zip
  2. rory

    PowerTelecomm or Nuvico

    there's a couple clips on the top right of my home page, though i saved the AVI in quad mode. I'll see if i can get a 720x480 single camera clip to put up there also.
  3. rory

    Best Laptop For Remote Viewing

    yep, Dynamism are generally Japanese products that either never make it to the US, or are out in Japan a couple years before they are released in the US. Hence the price, they are translated to English in most cases. I imagine the 2.0Ghz is due to the size. Though another thing that makes a fast PC is the memory, and that one does up to 2GB of ram, the CPU isnt everything, a 2.8Ghz P4 with 128MB ram is much slower than my 2.0Ghz AMD with 512MB Ram, its all about balance .. .just a FYI.
  4. rory

    Light Meters

    Are you matching it with BW cameras on the same DVR, if so, set the saturation on those BW cameras to 0, or lowest. That should get rid of the bluish on the color cameras. Otherwise for low light like you described you would best with a BW camera, as even a Day Night camera would more than likley stay in a BW mode, and those BW modes are not always going to be as good low light performance as a 100% BW camera, generally when speaking of Bullet and Dome cameras, Day Night box cameras can perform very well though. If the Day Night camera is going to stay in BW mode 90% of the time due to low lighting levels, then you should save money and just buy a high res BW camera as suggested in the post above. Im using WizKid High Res BW Vandal Proof domes myself. As for the light meter, it is a good idea, though camera specs are not very precise when it comes to lux ratings. Once you use a camera in certain low lighting applications, without a light meter you should be able to get an idea. Best time to quote a (day night) camera job is night time, so you know how much lighting is available.
  5. Ive thought about it, will have to do some more research on whether it is feasable. Basically the new Geo version coming out shortly has customized skin software, built in.
  6. rory

    PowerTelecomm or Nuvico

    Playback depends on what you recdord in, MJpeg, Wavelet, or Mpeg4, i use Mpeg4. The new version of Geo coming out soon, also wil have a few other codecs. Well D1, Ciff, etc, i'll just go by the resolutions, they have 320x240, 640x480, and 720x480, there are a couple other resolutions in between but i'd never use them. Back up is easy enough, if you can use this forum, you can figure out how to back up. One can login and view the cameras remotely, or you can use VNC to get on the DVR and make any PC based changes required. As for actually programming the camera, cant say ive heard of that, except on some cameras with OSD, but that would require a seperate program provided by the camera manufacturer.
  7. rory

    Best Laptop For Remote Viewing

    here is one: http://www.dynamism.com/m70/
  8. rory

    PowerTelecomm or Nuvico

    yes, which is why i switched out a GE for a Geo.
  9. rory

    Camera Line

    unfortunately not 1 manufacturer has a complete line of cameras for every application. Some come very close, such as GE, but in all reality you need to pick a camera by how it performs, and ofcourse how it looks comsmectically makes a difference also, so generally you will find yourself buying from several manufacturers. What i do is pick the best camera for each application, and you end up with quite a few manufacturers, but the best of the best. You can go by some reviews on forums such as this, or test for yourself. One thing I would never do is sell a camera I have never used.
  10. rory

    PowerTelecomm or Nuvico

    most will do 720x480. But as it is a stand alone DVR it will not give you 720x480 for evidence sharing anyway, just for playback on the local monitor.
  11. its getting there .. did he ever get a camera
  12. not mine see http://bahamassecurity.com/ms/recording.asp
  13. rory

    Weird footage!

    how big is the file ..?
  14. The 484 has been around for years and years .. there is just a newer version of it now, SD3.
  15. rory

    PTZ control wire

    Depedning on the PTZ, generally you can power it right at the camera.
  16. rory

    So when yall coming to the bahamas

    man i poe, how i supposed to know i can check for yah though .. there are other alternatives cheaper than the hilton though, and very good also ..
  17. rory

    So when yall coming to the bahamas

    he he, alot safer than mexico .. thats for sure .. beaches are great, if you are into beaches .. i live on a beach so i guess im used to it.. more like 2nd world i guess ... the outislands are the best though .
  18. active UTP would be something like NVT http://www.nvt.com/products.html Its not cheap, but Active UTP is much better than Passive UTP or Passive Baluns. Rory
  19. Vue Star is on the Forum, ScottJ. Its a Customized Built system and man its sweet. It uses the GeoVision Card and Customized Software. I can build my own System but i used theirs and it came out 100% better than I could have done, guarenteed and tested. If you are going for a basic system then its easy enough to build, but for the fast systems best to stick with a system built by the guys that do it for a living, they know what works with what, and also know their stuff. Ill let him tell you more. As for the VCRs, we had them there for the first couple months, they are taking dust now ... it was really a pain, i know what you mean. We had 2 VCRs looped from one to the next, so when one ran out the other one started, tapes galore. Rory
  20. The Panasonic SDIII will blow most cameras away .. it cost 5-8 times as much as the camera you listed. However you will need some light, no IR is included with the Pano. It will switch to low light BW mode. They are used in alot of road side and high end apps. Personally im dealing with the Extreme all in one cameras from now on for high end, im tired of messing with the camera housings and lenses, they can be a hand ful when dealing with day night (eg in the bush or on a ladder in pitch dark - got bit by a bug just before xmas and was pitch dark didnt even know what bit me!). Extreme CCTV has some great Infrared products also, very expensive though. If you already have light then the IR is not that useful. Pelco, never used it nor looked at their products. Rory
  21. BW cams will eat less space and give you faster remote video either way, so that part is good, same here we only have a couple color cameras, just for the main entrance and car park areas as plenty of light. You can set up as many users as you like with seperate levels, i personally set up one manager account and he cant do anything to the PC, just use the IR remote on the CCTV Monitor, so he can switch views, and thats it. The owner can use the LCD to do what he needs to, search and playback, but requires a password. With PC based any kind of user levels and accounts you need are doable. We previously had a stand alone DVR system (GE) for 5 years, worked well, but wanted the real time viewing and evidence sharing higher quality of the PC system .. When you set up user accounts you can set them up as you like, such as which cameras or features you want them to be able to access, locally or remotely, you can also set up guest accounts which is cool, we are doing some stuff for Spring Break coming up. Rory PS. Its not my club, i just know the owner well and test alot of stuff thanks to him.
  22. Hi and welcome. What type of cameras do you have now, color or b/w? I installed a VueStar 480/480 system just recently in my nightclub, worked out great for us, real time playback locally, and can save the recorded video remotely over the internet. Its 13 cameras right now, will soon have 16 and then some. Using the old 21" Samsung Color CCTV Monitor for manager view and playback which is high quality as is a CCTV CRT monitor, while using the new 19" LCD for admin. Also comes with an IR Remote control so the manager doesnt even have to touch the main PC, keyboard or mouse, he just views the live video on the CCTV monitor. As for the product you mentioned, i know of it but never used it. Rory
  23. rory


    why isnt anyone im Miami or Ft Lauderdale on here .. main reason i have gone up north to buy my gear is because email between the south florida co's just doesnt work .. but the shipping kills me .. hence im getting out of the hardware side for now ... too much stress and cant compete .. i would basically need money to buy stock to keep on hand .. wont happen right now .. otherwise everyone on here is great in my books