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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Nubix 8LT Problem

    A quick fix would be to put it on the DMZ.
  2. rory

    ir lamp

    Just buy a 930nm+ IR illuminator - that wavelength is invisible to the Human eye. Not all cameras will see that light though.
  3. rory

    Please help! Question about how to upgrade?

    try to upgrade to 8.12 first and see if that works. if not then it wont work with the newer versions. If it does work with 8.12 but doesnt work with the newer versions, at least you have a better version than 7.0. I would stick with XP no matter what version you use.
  4. rory


    Thought this was kind of interesting ... this is one lightning flash from a storm at 4am this morning. this was after the power dipped and my light was knocked out temporarily. camera is just a color bullet with the IR cut filter removed (hence washed out greens). Notice how its like daylight at one point. Its barely like 1-2 seconds. [attachment=0]lightning-eg.jpg[/attachment] view full size download/file.php?id=2815
  5. rory

    Night Shot in Color (No IR)

    Here is the link to the forum guidelines viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3144 It had gone missing in a recent upgrade.
  6. rory

    cameras on a helicopter??

  7. rory

    A PTZ camera with mic?

    If its legal, put some gang boxes around the property and mount a mic in that or buy something like the Louroe http://www.louroe.com/products.php?id=56 http://www.louroe.com/products.php?id=55 then get a base station http://www.louroe.com/category.php?CAT=3
  8. Started on a DLL last night. Basically it has the functions for easy reuse in other apps, takes the thinking out of the direct calls to the SDK functions, I will be loading it up with main functions and then some sub functions, ones that would take even more of the thinking out of the main app. So basically its a helper DLL. Also using the IDE calling some of the SDK's functions results in IDE crashes which doesnt happen if its in run time, so this hopefully gets rid of that issue as well (yet to see). Nice thing is using the DLL I can just switch between one app and the next and they all use the same DLL, and when I make an update to the single DLL, just edit then recompile, all the apps using it are updated - well that does mean some changes to those apps if I change function or class names etc, but otherwise it saves time as there is just one file I have to edit for the SDK related code. I already started posting snippets of code from it on my site to help others that might be using the SDK with VB6 (or Delphi which is somewhat similar), and will post more as I get it. I basically took all the SDK functions and put them in the DLL file and Im converting them as I get time. Dahua only gives us a couple example functions in VB6 so the rest is up to us - even then the functions are not completely correct.
  9. rory

    Playing in reverse on Dahua PSS

    no just ff or drag it backwards.
  10. Id use Ubuntu before I use Win7 Win7 is the worse OS yet next to Vista BTW with a core 2 duo the CPU was at 80% with 10 cameras on a 1480 and version 8.4 With 8.33 on mpeg4 it was less than 30% Hardware hasnt dropped price much in the last year since i built that, its still expensive. Because you need faster and faster hardware to run all the crappy software these "developers" are coming out with now, the OS included. Seriously, if a core 2 duo 3Ghz has trouble running some software, then I dont want to use it. I still have GV800's with 8.12 running on Celerons and GV1480s running on P4's, without issue.
  11. I think they killed that in 8.4 Another reason i went back to 8.33 on my last Geo build, because I wanted the Mpeg4. H.264 and ASP use much more CPU and was maxing out even a new Dual Core CPU. More software compression means more CPU usage, considerably more. After that last build I likely wont be using Geo again, Im not prepared to build a super computer for a CCTV system and additionally have to deal with the heat and current draw that comes along with it - plus I cant fathom the use of Win 7 for a DVR as hardware support for XP is slowly fading away. Software developers these days are literally off their rockers .. seems they think everyone and they mama has bought brand new 6 core computers. It's like they don't exist in the real world with everyone else where there is a global recession.
  12. PSS is just a desktop software, it has no server built in. However as far as the DVR/IP cameras etc, the DVRs use ActiveX only in the browser, but you can install IE plugins for Firefox and Chrome.
  13. rory

    Hi, I need your help, please.

    1, 2) There is no such thing as Analog cameras anymore. Also if your installer seems biased towards IP cameras only or doesnt understand that DVR users have been using IP for 10 years now, I would be very cautious as its likely they dont know anything about CCTV and just got into the business to fill in a gap. Besides anyone can do networking these days even a 5 year old kid. So its up to you which you choose, but look at all the options. If you're on a tight budget it likely wont be a job for IP cameras, if you are a millionaire and your economy is not in the drain like every other countries right now then you might be able to afford megapixel that actually sees in low light like a $30 CCTV camera can. 3, 4) Stay away from Wireless. 5, 6) Most systems have some kind of software that will handle that. 7) No. Every location is different. There is no one camera for all.
  14. There are many ActiveX controls that dont work with IE9. Please dont ask the ActiveX developer why, ask Microsoft why they had to change it so much and it still sucks. OPTIONS: 1-Use the desktop software - typically it will be much better anyway. 2-Use Google Chrome with IE Tabs addon - preinstall the activeX.
  15. Guys plz just PM the OP, any posts saying you sell this or that violates the rules and have to be removed. thanks.
  16. click the little hand icon for each section, that will set that setting for all cameras.
  17. the "f" in the lens section is I guess for focal, bad translation. they have 2.45mm fixed lens options so that is all the lenses available for those types, Pinhole is 3.7mm or 4.3mm. The lux levels there dont add up. 0.5 lux is the color camera. Most likely its just a typo.
  18. I hear you, if its not rain its dengue infected mosquitos this summer has been hell for testing!
  19. Maybe the BW camera doesnt like the glass then .. can you get it outside of the glass?
  20. rory

    Ir Camera recomendation

    Most publicly accessible car parks here have lights if only for security purposes. But the lights dont always work, same with street lights, bulbs blow and it could take weeks or months for them to be replaced.
  21. According to KT&C's site that P4 4.3mm pinhole lens is supposed to be F:2.0 and the camera is rated 0.05 Lux / F 2.0 Ive used F:0.95 lenses so I know the difference but it still doesnt look right. Even the daytime image looks messed up, like its behind a glass or something. Is that a new camera? http://www.ktnc.co.kr/english/viewtopic.php?t=436&sid=c6d3e2ae704ead30f236a0bb473553bf
  22. yeah never tried one with a pinhole .. this is not KT&C but this was not even as good as the KT&C, I used one of each KT&C BW bullets at the night club - ordered all exview 420 and the store sent a variation of them including a couple cheap color ones I was like WTF??
  23. Something doesnt look right with that BW camera though, should see more with IR and even just a little bit of light, than what those images show.
  24. the S20 is 0.05 lux, but the 420TVL Exview is much better for low light. eg, from the bullets 420TVL, BW, 0.05 Lux 600TVL, BW, 0.1 Lux 420TVL, BW Exview, 0.003 Lux 600TVL, BW Exview, 0.03 Lux Those cube cameras are the same as the bullets Just without the bullet housing.
  25. rory

    Effio P Bullets, Where Can I Source

    I think its important to note that features like Removable IR Cut Filters are part of the camera and not the Chip - so should be able to find both the E and P with TDN but seems alot of the cheap ones are just coming as Color IR which is common with Chinese cameras. As for sourcing them we cant post that in the public forum so please PM with that info.