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Everything posted by rory

  1. well they only had 1 type of lens filter .... a Tiffen circular polarizer http://www.tiffen.com/polarizer_pics.htm http://www.tiffen.com/displayproduct.html?tablename=filters&itemnum=52CP i only got one to make sure its the right thing first, as cost $27 each .. which from the link above looks like I got a good deal I guess ill have to buy 1 more now then. It is fairly tinted though. Also, i may look at triggering the Day Night cameras from the photocell being used on the Infrared Power Supplies, instead of letting the camera do it. Rory
  2. Yeah but cant get the camera to go in BW mode in the day time .. and that seems to be the mode to focus it in, im running down to the camera store now to see if they have some filters, I guess if they have ND filters dark enough ill get one of them, if not then ill see what kind of dark polarising filters they may have ..
  3. yup, darn i gotta go back and focus this camera again at night .. at least in BW mode ... as when it got low light and switched to BW before the IR came on .. it was focused in color but not as focused in BW mode ... darnit .. i installed it in the day, and was just watching the playback over the internet,
  4. rory

    IR 840nm Filter

    the light was red ... the camera doesnt see anything through it though as its really a mirror type filter ..
  5. true, didnt think of that, though they probably want a fortune for them .. im just going to order some from Tiffen after christmas ..
  6. try powering one of the cameras closer to the camera .. or direct at one of them with an extension cord, you need to find out if it is a power or video issue. That or meter the power coming into the camera .. but still .. what kind of power cable are you using? 18AWG or thinner?
  7. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    I believe they are on this forum also ..
  8. rory

    block the pc from unwanted apps.

    there are alot of programs that will do it for you, here is one .. http://www.winforcer.com/index.htm cant remember the free ones off hand. Rory
  9. rory

    Toshiba IK-WB02A

    sleep, whats that?? I still gotta play with this 5-50mm lens some more first anywayz time to break open the lens cleaning kit again ..
  10. rory

    Toshiba IK-WB02A

    Its 0.2 lux if using a f:1.0 stop lens. It sais it has a DN function but that means very little since it doesnt say whether it has a lower lux rating in Mono mode, and doesnt say if it has an IR Cut Filter. So basically, yeah it has to be a digital Color-Mono camera with a fixed IR cut Filter - I imagine they call it Day Night as it cuts out the chroma as does Color Exview cameras, so you get a black and white mode but no lower lux level, which is simply slightly less noise in low light, as there is no saturation. 0.2 lux at F:1.0 isnt that great though.
  11. rory

    Toshiba IK-WB02A

    looking at the details now. This Computar 5-50mm I have here right now is f:1.3 and works well in low light, extremely well actually. Though Fujinon has a similar model: http://www.fujinoncctv.com/pdfs/cctv0904/YV10x5B-SA2.pdf I prefer Fujinon lenses myself if i can get my hands on them, easier to setup imo. GE also uses Fujinon lenses i believe as they are all the same specs, and kalatel lenses used to be Fujinon. http://www.fujinoncctv.com/lenses/index.shtml The Tamron 2.8-12mm AI lens also worked well for the IR application for over 5 years, and it wasnt even an IR specific lens as they had none back then. http://www.tamron.com/cctv/prod/13vm550.asp A slightly higher F/stop than the others, but worked well. Rory
  12. rory

    Toshiba IK-WB02A

    wheres the actual link, i was looking on other online store sites that came up in google .. Rory
  13. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    just FYI i went through 4 miami distributors in 4 years . .. for similar or other reasons .. though, i cant mention names. Alot of it actually had to do with them not responding to emails ... i cant stand that .. rory
  14. rory

    Toshiba IK-WB02A

    this lens right here for real low lighting .. http://www.fujinoncctv.com/pdfs/cctv0904/YV27x29LA-SA2.pdf f:0.95 2.9-8mm Another thing to note is alot of these new Fujinon's and Computar's have built in Neutral Density Filters to help work with lower lux rated cameras for extra low lighting apps. As for the camera, its in no way a Day Night at all .. Its a color camera. A minimum BW mode camera (DN or BW) would be at the least 0.1 lux .. while most true Day Night or BW cameras will be 0.01 lux .. all approx. It may however have a Color-Mono mode but the specs dont say. Rory
  15. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    okay so my write up .. ill keep it short .. doing 3x Sanyo Day Night box cams with Extreme UF500s and UF100 .. anyway the new sanyo's working well, but the old one cropped out in the move, images started degrading etc .. so I went and bought a new camera locally, a GE Day Night Exivew Box, and a Computar 5-50mm AI lens .. the old Sanyo set up was over 5 years so I got the new camera just in case .. now it took over 1 month for the parts to arrive to start with (order started maybe 1 month and a half before it all arrived), a set back on Extreme CCTVs IR side .. they had some large orders and took a while to "build" the gear .. then the UF100 was "too" much IR so that just held things up more getting it to work as well IR requires Night time pitch black adjustment .. learnt alot "more" about IR beams since then ... can you say solarize ... Anyway, so i got the new GE camera, and a new Lens .. no matter what i do it looks like crap .. finally pulled down the old sanyo and leave the client with no camera in that location (poored with rain and got drenched so just had to pull down everything) and found out the Sanyo cam (over 5 years now) was good, the New Computar Lens was good, but wet so needs a clean with the new lens clean kit i got today (though cant see the marks through the focused lens anyway), and the New GE camera is bad, or at least it just doesnt work with that lens, i may try one last thing with it before sending it back . the old lens that was on the old sanyo was bad also, a Tamron, but it lasted 5 years (tamron lens is also backwards compared to other lenses, focus is on the front, zoom on the back. .. at least as far as the settings go). So basically the job has been going now for 2 months or so and its only 3 cameras with addtional IR ... though most of that time was waiting for parts, and then the labour part which included removal of old systems and installation of new system on steel poles. Spent alot of time on a couple of the IRs that either the bulbs blew or didnt fit right in the location ... fixed for now and bulbs all changed, those bulbs also took another week to get here Needless to say its stressful at the least ... now, another older camera just cropped out .. when it rains it pours ..!! Its a Dome cam been up for over 5 years also, on no line conditioner for 3 of those years .. not too mention in that time I also tore apart all the older outdoor cams (EX82s) and cleaned them up completely .. most have been there 4 years while one has been there 1 year, a few of them on or near the ocean. I still gotta get this last DN camera up and focusing 24/7 ....with the IR at night as well .. I did 2 burg alarm jobs in 1 day that paid more than double this job did when i got paid for it some 2 or 3 months ago ... so basically ive been working for free, or the love of it if you can call it that ..! And when is christmas now ..?? Rory
  16. rory

    Toshiba IK-WB02A

    0.2 lux, it claims. Worth looking at with the specs it has, though the name still doesnt say CCTV nor IP .. Anyway, if you want to use it for low light make sure get something like a F:1.0 lens stop if it really does 0.2 lux (would have to be Exview unless its doing it digitally), though f:1.3/f:1.4 can be very good as well depending on the camera, i just did a f:1.3 Computar 5-50mm lens and that along with the GE DN2000 camera saw in color in lighting like i havent seen since the old Kalatel Exview f:0.95 days ..
  17. Hi, no problem, to make it easy, Kodicom is made in Korea, since it sais country of origin is China and they call it Kodicom, more than likely it is a clone. Here is the Kodicom Site: http://new.kodicom.com/Products/Eng/prod.asp Although the price you mentioned, i dont know the equivelent in US Dollars, the Cloned cards normally go for very low prices. Rory
  18. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    he probably tested it with the IR off..
  19. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    ohh can i tell you about the stress ive had over the past 3 months on an IR day Night job .. i think i will anyway, and im talking expensive name brand gear ... ill wait a minute then do a write up .. Rory
  20. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    no problem, now you see why i generally use name brands though, cause if i get a bad product, takes me 1 week just to get the initial product here from the US, then to send it back and get another one .. well .. you can see it could be frustrating Otherwise if i deal with OEM i need to buy quite a few of them to make sure the few that will no doubt come bad anyway, i have a majority of good ones in stock.
  21. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    With Distributors, especially in Miami, who resell even the big brand names, i have got bad cameras from them, as simply they never test the products before they send them. Though with a name brand such as GE, for an example, they should do that for them before they even leave the factory, but still it happens, even the name brands such as GE, etc, can get a few bad ones ..
  22. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    Ok then like i said it is an OEM camera, they dont "always" work, the Provideo is OEM also, they change their things, the batches come bad sometimes also .. i have a Day Night dome here identical to one Someone else on the forum had and sent me a second one to test here ... his sees in low light, mine doesnt .. its OEM ... no quality control is the problem with OEM .. this is why you pay 1/2 the price of a name brand ... Its jus the risk we take buying at a cheaper price for a no name product .. doesnt mean most of them dont work ... they may have got a bad batch is all. Rory
  23. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    what camera is it? OEM cameras come messed up alot of times, I had it with the Provideo 637ex's remember .. they claimed and they used to be Exview color, then in a batch i got of 10, they had changed them to regualr color which couldnt see anything .. what brand are they? Rory
  24. rory

    WHY ME ?!?!?!?!?!

    Sometimes when using 12VDC you will require up to twice as much current with IR on, or at least more than if you were to use 24VAC, so a higher MA 12VDC power supply should fix this .. For example, i'll use an Extreme CCTV EX82 Day Night IR camera. With 24VAC a 1A power Supply works, if using 12VDC however one needs 2A. What Power Supply are you using, exact model if you have a link to it, or specs as in amps and outputs, isolated or not, etc. Rory