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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Kalatel Boot Loop

    The OS is embedded on chip. If this is a moderately new model then it will have Quickwave and WaveBrowser server files on the HDD. There is a program that can be used to reinstall these to a new HDD. Generally they require 5400rpm drives, due to power restrictions. There is a mod that lets you use 7200rpm drives, but its not easy to get a hold of, depends which region you are located in also, GE USA requires you be factory certified before they sell you the mod, even though its simple to do. First thing to do is see what version the DVMRe is, may show on the boot screen. There is a member on here that has done this many times, I'll PM him regarding it if he doesnt see this post. I was "told" you could probably get away with 1 single 7200rpm drive with the current power supply, but ive never upgraded a DVMRe myself. What country are you located in? And do you know how old the DVR is? May still be under warranty and can just send it back, used or not. Rory
  2. rory

    Remote viewing

    Disabling Auto Protect wont help, you need to goto Antivirus Settings, and Internet Worm Protection, disable it for now, then see what you get. I had a similar issue and even though I disabled Auto Protect, it was still blocking Programs in the Worm Protection. I had to remove everything from the Program Control then it worked. I would check MSCONFIG and Start up, and also look for any services that may be running in the BG that may be suspisious, also check Task Scheduling and make sure there isnt anything there that can be the culprit. Run Latest version of Spybot S&D and see if there isnt any spyware. I would though start by removing IE then Reinstalling it, or at least resetting to default settings. This is only happening with the browser right? Rory
  3. rory

    Remote viewing

    Run SpyBot S&D ... ? Also, does he have Norton Worm Protection, or something like that, which can be blocking activeX or certain ports. Check TCP port filtering also. Reset Internet Explorer Settings, and Set to default. Remove IE from Add Remove Programs, and Components, then Reinstall it, sometimes can help. What OS and SP is it?
  4. rory

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    are you using Internet Explorer? Have to use Internet Explorer. Also make sure your security settings are set to default (medium). Rory
  5. He he he, I had that like a couple months ago
  6. rory

    netvision dvr

    they are a member here: http://www.cctvforum.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1351
  7. rory

    Kalatel Boot Loop

    Bad Hard Drive maybe, especially if it is making alot of noise. Also, you can check to make sure the HDD is not a 7200rpm, that may cause a problem too, not enough power to push the 7200rpm, which is why they come with 5400rpm drives. Disconect the slave drive, if there are 2 drives, or disconnect one at a time and power back up and see what you get. There should be a master and a slave drive. Maybe it is only 1 drive that is bad. Try a new 7200rpm drive (just 1 drive) and set to master, and see what you get. To do this I would suggest you know something about hardware, HDDs, etc. There is a member here that replaces HDDs in DVMRes often, so maybe he can tune in. Rory
  8. rory

    getting ge dvrme fixed ?

    I would update the firmware first ..
  9. rory

    wanted: remote viewing w/o software

    I used Stand Alone EMbedded RTOS DVRs for over 4 years, I switched this year primarily to PC based, for several reasons (i still sell the stand alones low and high end units, when i need to): Self Upgradable Hardware Real Time Live and Recording Rates, in high quality Higher Quality Evidence Sharing Not all PC cards will give you this, it depends what you spend, and what you buy, same goes for a stand alone DVR, not all are made alike. Also, something that is generally true for all PC and Non PC DVRs, the cost is in the software.
  10. rory

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    I guess he can just do the Browser based, still need a couple ports forwarded though ..
  11. rory

    GeoVision Audio Bandwidth Requirements

    What type of mics are you using?
  12. rory

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    Asus A7N8X: Chipset - nVidia nForce II Processor - Athlon XP FSB 100/133/166MHz, Duron FSB 100MHz Memory - PC1600/2100/2700/3200 So looks like the motherboard is your problem. Rory
  13. rory

    L o t t o W i n n e r email

    hmmmm, darnit !! http://www.scamorama.com/lotto.html
  14. Tiger Direct is a computer store .. i buy my PC gear from them out of Miami .. i wouldnt mess with that gear, its basically DIY stuff .. I mean it would work and some isnt that bad, but you would probably get better quality from a logitech web cam I would look for a budget DVR card, 2 channels, then add a bullet cam if you want to keep within budget .. I cant comment on the cards on their as i dont (or wouldnt) buy them though ..though I have looked at them curiously in the past while buying PCs. Wait a bit and let some others tune in, im sure someone will PM you with some bids Rory
  15. Hi Dave, I would normally say you would need at least a 2 channel DVR card, and then a CCTV camera, they come in many types, looking out the window will for starters reduce the quality of the image, so you would want to look for a high res wide dynamic box camera. But then ... you mentioned $100, so the budget wont match, the CCTV gear is not that cheap yet, unfortunately. Rory
  16. rory

    Geo Central Monitoring

    i got a card here now, ill install it over the next couple days. then ill better be able to answer your question on this .. i dont know of any such file off hand though.
  17. rory

    wheres the experts gone ??

    Flights booked, be there in the AM
  18. rory

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    If the card is in your PC, open the case, look at the Mboard, there will be a square chip on it, look for a name like intel, Via, or SIS. That way we know what chipset you are using, or if you can get the actual Mother board or PC Brand and Model Number, even better. GV800 will run on Intel or SIS chipsets, VIA no. The Geo main System is the DVR server, does all the recording, etc. To use the Geo MultiCam Client Softare (non browser based) you need the TCP server running, and for the browser based activeX, you need the WebCam Server running, you can manually turn these on from the network menu, click to start, click to stop. Also can make them load automatically from the main set up screen. Not a problem about the VNC, check the PC/Motherboard model first though. If still no luck PM one of us. Im online 22/7. Rory
  19. rory

    Remote viewing

    Something to do with his laptop? what type of connection, any spyware running in the background, trojan bots, virus .. ?
  20. Check out this post: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=3287 And look for your Router here: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm (select the default guide at the top of the routers page)
  21. rory

    DVR controlling PTZ over LAN , WAN

    It totally depends on which DVR and which PTZ you are using with that DVR.
  22. rory

    Video card to use with Geovision GV800

    ive used these with the GV800 with no issues. I wouldnt go lower than 128MB myself, but if i did, 64MB would be the lowest. http://www.connect3d.com/products/agp_9250se.htm
  23. rory

    Need Advise

    Video Insight .. maybe Sanyo also. Look for Server Push, when you are viewing the browser video it is refreshing the images.
  24. rory

    New boy needing help. AVC 732

    You wont see the standalone on the list normally. Set the DMZ to the DVR IP, (you were able to get into it now?) Port forward to that IP with Port 80. You should be able to connect to the web server locally regardless of port forward, as port forward is for remote connections. I have to go out for the afternoon but ill be back online later this evening, if you a re still having issues you could PM me the IP and enable remote management in the router and ill take a look. Rory