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Everything posted by rory

  1. Video Comm, or Trango. http://www.trangosys.com/products/ http://www.videocommtech.com/ and another interesting link for accessories: http://www.hyperlinktech.com/index.php
  2. rory

    Need Advise

    does it use server push (javascript), or activeX? Server push, yes. ActiveX, probably no.
  3. ACDsee, views images, movies also, galleries, everything ... its da bomb dread
  4. rory

    Help with Geovision software for remote view

    i could (not gong to) compile a program that wont require installation, a self executable, but the thing is you will still have issues with the codecs, so they would have to be installed by the program on first run anyway. The PC sounds like mine, same specs, except the HDD, and i have a Via chipset, so wont be able to run most cards 60fps and higher.
  5. rory


    They are all going to be like that, whereever you go. That cable is designed for DIY, ease of use and to keep the price down. For example if I was selling a Budget kit with cameras and DVR, I would sell those with them. Standard RG59 and 18AWG Siamese will ofcourse be better, but most DIYers wont know what to do with it
  6. rory


    If it is this, it is RCA most likely, or at the most RG58. Its okay for a DIY user but I wouldnt use it for a professional job. http://www.mgelectronics.com/productimages/avc-100.jpg
  7. rory


    buy one, cut it, and let us know I think it is more like RG58, depends if you buy the RG59 or RG58 version. http://www.sanbor.com/coaxial-cable-assembly.htm
  8. rory


    law an order cause thats whats on TV all the darn time ..
  9. rory

    New boy needing help. AVC 732

    I know linksys extensively, what model is it?
  10. PIP and Disk Map, thats all I can really see its missing (plus a GUI polish up) .. its loaded with every other feature ..
  11. rory

    New to Business

    I havent used the MPEG4 version, the price seems a little too high for what you get, but ive used the one in the image, the network software is the same for all of them, the 16 channel one shown in the image, not bad for the price. it IS a cheap budget DVR, for 16 channels though, nothing matches the price .. yet. There are a couple glitches with it .. but i could live with them, better IMO than the Everfocus, Provideo, and Hisharp budget versions, which actually cost more. I wouldnt sell it as High End DVR though, i dont sell any of the others but we have tested them all extensively. Let us know how the MPEG4 version works out .. Rory
  12. What he said, plus you can save the recorded video in quad mode also .. see this AVI file .. from a 120fps Geo Card. . http://www.bahamassecurity.com/tmp/night_quad.Avi
  13. rory

    wheres the experts gone ??

    he he he .. google ... or pm me for more info ..
  14. rory

    wheres the experts gone ??

    wouldn't you like to know
  15. rory


    yeah some of the IR Color Bullets come with those, the one I had was the 100' OEM IR one, had a 16mm fixed lens and tried to claim that IR, got one from a client to install, it stayed out of focus until I chucked it in the garbage can
  16. i tink they are 50 cents a braid .. havent been down bay street in a long while
  17. braids are cheap down here . ...
  18. rory

    Video Surveillance Show

    wondering if its something worth looking at for the Bahamas ...??? Exposure here is very low as far as CCTV products ... most people all use the same gear they buy from their Miami Distributors . .. and dont know of anything else .. Rory
  19. Yep, and more here.. http://www.activeye.com/index.html http://www.mate.co.il/page.asp?cat=23&lang=1&type=2 http://www.iomniscient.com/products.htm