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Everything posted by rory

  1. Hmmm, I meant all the set up programs are on my hard drive, so no CDs needed. PS. my software i wrote doesnt use the registry, whats the point, its easy to hack anyway ..
  2. rory

    bullet cameras

    Not the same with CCTV, though sometimes you can find the manufacturer of a particular well known brand and luck out, however all the OEM cameras are going to be basically the same as each other, and not as good as a name brand. Basically you get what you pay for ..
  3. rory

    wow! what a difference in cameras!

    never heard of Ultrax, are they the same exact camera specs? they seem to be different locations, and the mace images have lights turned on, the other one looks like no lights in that room, or just a bad camera.
  4. You can never get rid of Internet Explorer [edit - thomas showed us how], Windows is Explorer.exe, since windows 98. Takes 2-4 hours with all the updates to load windows, all my software is on the second drive, as is any drivers. Once you do a fresh install, before you dirty it up, you can always create a restore CD.
  5. rory

    bullet cameras

    Its like buying a Plasma TV from FORD Motor company .. They're OEM ... you can buy a no name and get the same product. BTW, thats not a bullet camera ...
  6. You can open control panel, make sure the address location is showing, if not go to "View, toolbars, Address Bar", and also unlock it if it is locked to drag it to normal. I use both IE and FireFox, but only IE for testing activeX Video. If you have MSN messenger you will need to keep IE enabled though, thats why MSN messenger just sucks big time, along with all the other holes it has.
  7. I have 2 partitions, everything is stored on the second partition, and i back up to CD or Online frequently, other crap I dont need I just delete. So all i have to do is reformat and reload software, all data stays there. I format at least every month.
  8. This is a list of services I turn off by default on all DVRs, and my PC. -------------------------------------------------- Computer Browser (unless network for browsing other computers) Error Reporting Service Fast User Switching Help & Support Indexing Service Messenger Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Remote Registry Routing and Remote Access Security Accounts Manager Security Center System Restore Service Themes Universal Plug and Play Host Wireless Zero Configuration (unless you use wireless) ------------------------------------------ Also: -Classic Windows Folders -Classic Start Menu -Personalized Menu off -Group Similar Buttons off -Hide Inactive Buttons off -Remote Assistance off -Windows Classic Theme -No Screen Saver -Turn off all Graphic Effects (use Tweakui) -Performance on high setting -Automatic Updates off -MSN Messenger Uninstall & Disable -Interner Explorer Uninstall & Disable & High Secu Setting, Cookies Disabled, & Content Advisor Enabled (then cant browse the web) -TCP Port Filtering Also for DVRs -No games -No Outlook Express -No Antivirus -No Office -No All-in-one Printers (just the basic drivers) -No .Net -No Java Runtime (unless DVR requires it) -No Adobe Software --------------------------------------------- well thats just me
  9. well ive got Center2, Firefox, and Nortons systemworks running, 0-2% Not streaming video now though .. As for imaging the disk, your just copying all that stuff you want to get rid of when you reformat
  10. firstly disable system restore service.
  11. yeah all the Geo services were running. also skype doesnt affect it unless you are using it, talking etc. the others i guess maybe the UPS thing .. what about the other software you said you put on also
  12. rory

    bullet cameras

    well i guess ill follow up on that, i used a short length of RG59 siamese i had lying around, and then the rest was telco 2 pair .. spliced together power and video .. hey all i could do to get the camera there temporarily
  13. PS, that screen shot looks like chinese to me
  14. jasper was getting 11% on a geo vision server ..after i tweaked it ofcourse .
  15. rory

    all cameras dim on GV800

    also make sure its not the monitor settings, my old monitor is like that by default with all cards ..
  16. rory

    bullet IR halo

    but when it rains, it will get dirtier quicker, and then get the rain drop effect under IR illunination Actually what commonly causes that halo effect, is the IR glare on the glass. If you had a rubber ring around the camera lens, right to the glass, so no IR comes through, then wont get that halo effect either. Some have that but they dont work that well half the time.
  17. rory

    bullet cameras

    i ran that with telco wire that night (earlier this year) just to test as I had no RG59 that night .. telco and the rigged RCA connection ..
  18. try: [ img ] URL [ / img] no spaces.
  19. rory

    remote recording

    Acti Video Encoders with Milestone .. good to go
  20. rory

    camera power

    i've never had to change the fuses with 330ma cameras on altronix power supplies.
  21. rory

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    Okay yea just noticed that .. cant you do it with 1 network card and 2 routers? Then just let the routers control the bandwith, both routers would have the same settings, except one will come from the cable modem. and the other will be the local network. Then use a hub or switch for the DVR..? Best wait for the network guys to jump in at this point . .
  22. Hi and welcome .. what DVR are you using? Is it happening all the time? Also, can you take a snap shot of the image, so we can see what the pixels look like? Thanks Rory
  23. rory

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    so whats the issue? Seems like you know how to do it ..
  24. rory

    GeoVision w/ 2 Network Cards?

    just set up a different internal IP for each network card. In the 2 routers port forward to those IPs. You would need 2 static IPs or 2 DDNS names, 1 for each router, port forward in each router, router 1 to IP 1, router 2 to IP 2, both using the same Ports. That said, you will still have the same amount of traffic to the Geo System, it would be like having 2 connections is all. For the local traffic dont even need a static IP, i dont think, maybe someone else can clarrify all this ..
  25. rory

    Geovision 1240 DSP Not Working Properly

    with the combo card, do you have to delete that DSP dll file in the Geo Folder, as you have to with the DSP card?