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Everything posted by rory

  1. http://www.eclipsecctv.com/IRCAMS.html The only one on that page any good is the last one, IR Cut Filter, the rest, well youve seen the images i posted before, same exact camera, different OEM name was all.
  2. rory

    Upload blues

    he he he .. i meant what type of connection you are on!!
  3. rory

    Upload blues

    Probably depends what you are on, they are both very accurate for my ISP.
  4. rory

    modem for geovision hotline calls.

    Dont know off hand, but I imagine you need a Fax, Voice and Data modem ..
  5. Dont expect any impressive IR outdoors from ANY bullet camera, from any manufacturer. You need more IR and then it gets into a whole different ball game, a larger tube all in one camera, which is then not a bullet camera. And remember when they quote IR distances, never expect that outdoors, and expext much much less if the area has nothing to reflect the IR.
  6. rory

    RG59u vs. RG59 cable

    only a 300' or so distance difference. Less inteference, if you can get it with copper braind and solid copper center, then it would be okay, but if it is like the cable TV coax or aluminum braid, quad, then leave it alone. If it is a short distance easy to change the wire and all you got is RG6 aluminum, then its up to you. Sometimes the Aluminum will work, but more than often it causes problems. Most of the time we cant buy RG59 down here at all, so alot of people are stuck with RG6 aluminum on short notice .. not me though .. Id use UTP with some Active Hubs for long distances, direct bury if it is going to be in a harsh evnironment. Fiber if you have the $$$$$$.
  7. i wish i had a geo card here, i could let you know how to stop it from booting..
  8. Yeah I saw that one before, looked pretty good. I dont think they make that though.
  9. rory

    Mobile DVR

    GE Security has mobile DVRs if you dont mind spending money for a solid product.
  10. Yes, good for compression, but still low quality compared to others.
  11. disabling those extra services makes it much more stable and secure.
  12. rory

    LCD Monitor Etching

    I see what you're saying, thought you just wanted it right there by the DVR. Well then just loop out or split with a T connector, use an amp if you have problems with signal. The Small 15" Sharps are pretty good quality for LCDs, the monitors ive seen just said Sharp on them. Generally though the image wont be all that great due to pixelisation since its an LCD and you will be using a composite signal. But once they dont need a perfect image, then it will be okay. Whats the distance? Also what you mentioned, "etching", was that on a PC system or using an analogue system?
  13. What services do you disable? everything that isnt needed. Ill make a list later on.
  14. rory

    WizKid WZ15N

    cheap cameras thats why i use the Extreme cameras ...
  15. rory

    Upload blues

    http://www.bandwidthplace.com/ http://testmy.net/
  16. need to be a little more specific please ..?
  17. rory

    WizKid WZ15N

    There really isnt much of a comparison there, one is indoors in 100% pitch dark with nothing to reflect off of, and the other has the ground and stairs to reflect off of, and is outside where it perhaps will pick up additional lighting. Also, the CVC-7706DNV is twice the cost of the WizKid WZ15-ZN. Regardless, the indoor garage is too large to expect anything from any IR bullet camera. IR needs something to reflect off, even if you use a UF500 it needs something to reflect off of, and flood the area, well actually that will work in that garage area as it will shoot well past the distance of the walls from the camera. Dont expect performance such as the UF100 and especially not the UF500 from an IR bullet camera, any of them. Anyway, I wouldnt suggest any IR bullet camera for that garage application as it just wont do much. You would need something like the UF100 at the least, to flood the area with 30 degrees or better 60 degree beam. The 7706DNV will perhaps go further than the WizKid Bullet due to the additonal IR LEDs, and ofcourse you are paying double for the camera. Rory PS. The Specs you posted are for the WZ15N, which is not the camera you are using. The WZ15-ZN is not a true day night camera which is why it is half the cost of the CVC-7706DNV, and that also means it wont have as much IR pickup as the WZ15N which is a BW camera with IR.
  18. Why dont you just wall mount the domes? No baseball bat i have seen can knock offa good vandal dome, once you secure it into the concrete good.. i have used a sledgehammer and malot on the WizKid domes and wont damage it at all, besides a scratch on the dome cover which I have a box of them from Extreme. http://www.wizkidoptotech.com/products/index.cfm?img=6 http://www.extremecctv.com/products/index.cfm?img=23
  19. When I say services, I turn off a bunch of default windows XP services.
  20. rory

    LCD Monitor Etching

    The quality wont be very good on an LCD from analogue. Ive seen a $700 17" LCD which had BNC inputs and had a brand new high res Box camera on it, and was very grainy still, and it also claimed 500TVL. You may want to just use the VGA and leave it in Full screen mode with a user account instead of admin, then they cant switch from full screen without the admin pass, depending on which DVR you use. Rory
  21. I turn off a ton of windows services, perhaps one of those servives are used to restart the PC by geo ..? Ive used it here, well version 7.0 and no cameras, and was alright.
  22. i never had that issue, i do turn off the video loss noise though, not sure if that makes it not do it or not ... did you install anything else besides the Geo Main System? Why dont you just disable all the cameras in the camera enable/disable menu?
  23. rory

    LCD Monitor Etching

    I used Soyo on the 2 last jobs and they are still like new. Are you talking about stand alone or PC based systems? Rory