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Everything posted by rory

  1. ive done it with a TV channel so why not check out Geo's Demo IP, they have a DVD w/audio playing .. is all comp vid dread ..
  2. rory


    all that metal in the elevator and steel in the concrete of the 10 storey building, should be fun with wireless ))))
  3. you sure .. id think maybe reliable over relaible
  4. rory

    pano 484 acting wako

    Check the Current draw of the Pano, and the total Amps of the Mutli Power supply. What make is the Multi Power supply? Take another camera off and see if the Pano then works. Whats the distance? Whats the guage of power wire used? Is the seperate power supply 12VDC or 24VAC? Does the camera have a switch for 12VDC to 24VAC?
  5. rory

    Can we still buy GV900 cards?

    are they the Eclipse cameras? That would explain needing extra AGC ..
  6. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    he needs a MicroATX board to fit in the current case.
  7. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    I could have told you, i have a compaq and it has a via, and the geo nor iview would work with it. You can get an inexpensive mobo around $50 or so to replace the one that came with it, but has to have the same specs, except must be intel or SIS. I used an MSI Socket 478 Micro ATX mobo last time when i had to switch it. http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=661FM2-LSR&class=mb but best to get an Intel chipset, SIS was all i could get down here with the specs i needed, Micro ATX size.
  8. rory

    Geovision GV 800V3 system freezing

    could be a bad HDD also ..
  9. rory

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    After using several other PC DVRs that rely on the DVR Server Software for Remote Setup, VNC will help you out of alot of issues, such as if the DVR Server software is not started, or crashes. This concept is old anyway and has been in all DVRs for a long time, such as one remote client software that does live and playback in multi view, and from only 1 program. Geo really needs to work on thier remote video side of things, cause they are so far behind in that area. With a PC DVR you need something Like VNC or you can be SOL if something should happen to the server.
  10. rory

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    We do that now, with VNC
  11. rory

    got the 4.0 back

    no, they let me do something over time ..
  12. Always it will have to be image quality as the number one factor, otherwise its cheaper to use a VCR
  13. You were going to rely on the software to make the image look better? Best to buy a good camera first, like a wide dynamic facing the door
  14. who's installing a keyboard also, never had an issue with the start key ... it just doesnt work, when they are in full screen, .
  15. Thanks for the help. Definately bed time for me! Cool Runnings Mon! dready, that was jamaica irie salasie mon
  16. its so cheap for yall, id just use the 256 mb one time .. here, 256mb = $200-300
  17. for the real time cards, i would use the 256, for all others, id just use 128. Rory
  18. Ive been using the Saphire 128MB myself, looks like they moved up the 256MB now though ... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1184299&CatId=0
  19. stop in TigerDirect and get yourself an ATI dude
  20. i can't say you have to do that with the combo card, you will need to read the manual on that. I havent used the combo card "yet". But if using the DSP card with a GV card, you would have to delete the file or it would just give weird errors. Also, unlike the GV800 and lower, it requires alot more Video memory. With the DSP card, there was only 2 video cards it was tested with also that would work without issue, ATI and GeForce. Also, with a DSp card install I had to switch a 64 MB GeForce card for a 128 ATI for it to work properly. Rory
  21. true, like me, yall need to get some sleep, its 3am dreaddy!
  22. The video card would be the first thing id check there, id use a 256MB for the 1240 or 1480, least i normally use is the 128 and thats for a 4 channel 120fps, i went as low as a 64MB onboard card but that was with the Iview, which is a whole different story. Rory PS. 2 names??
  23. What type of hardware is being used? PC wise...
  24. The DSP takes over everything, at least if using a DSP card with a GV card. You would need to normally delete the file or you would have issues. Quality wise once set up right, its as good as a mux or quad, high quality composite video and real time video, but you need a CCTV Monitor or TV. The DSP card "can" give all kind of issues, so I imagine so can the DSP combo card, if not set up right. Rory
  25. Are you sure its not a DSP issue? I havent used the combo cards yet, but when using the DSP card with say a GV800, you need to delete the 8 or 16 channel DSP file in the GV folder. Rory