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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    moved .. // Dude if the card fits in that board, buy a SIS if you need to save some dollars as cheaper than Intel, and replace the board with that. Depending on the CPU, maybe look at a micro ATX board but make sure its the same CPU socket. I had to do that with the first SysteMax PC I bought for the geo, had a Via so I just paid $50 and switched the mobo, still saved money in the long run, and the DVR has been running without a glitch. Actually my issue on that PC was the DSP card wouldnt work, the Geo GV800 actually loaded fine on the Via .. strange But there were some strange issues that I could not explain, except for sure it was the mobo. Use the Intel if you can ... if you have no other choice like i did down here, then the SIS, it was all I could get on short notice ... works well. Question, are you using a DSP card??
  2. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    yep he needs Intel or SIS.
  3. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    Just did a search, and it does seem it is using an ATI Chip Set: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=20638 Well maybe that is your problem since it is tested on Intel and SIS.
  4. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    thats the video, not the mobo chip set.
  5. rory

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    How do you know what will be in the 7.1 release and when is it supposed to come out? I am a former Geovision tech. h ah ah, im a future one like 2007 )))
  6. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    I prefer HP Compaq over any other brand now, besides the SysteMax systems, which are similar anyway. SysteMax allows customizing of the systems at decent prices, ofcourse building your own will always be the best.
  7. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    I think he said it has ATI 128MB, seperate card? The symptoms are that of using a Via Mother board though, been there done that which is why i am saying ... driver issues big time with a via mobo. That or the card is bad. Open up the PC and look on the mobo, see if you see any square black thing that sais INTEL, VIA, or SIS. let us know.
  8. rory

    Vitek camera IR problems

    Hmmm, its an OEM dome that has been well travelled time as it hits your front door, the IR shouldnt just be burning out like that though, but they do have cheap power boards normally, OEM cameras that is, I would make sure it is on a voltage regulator at the least, if you ARE going to buy it again .. personally id buy a higher quality brand at this point .. but its up to yah
  9. rory

    CCTV Certification

    could one of them be Nassau
  10. rory

    GeoVision & PTZ Touring Question

    skins ... new codecs. I havent used it just read the PDF for it.
  11. rory

    Should have used Vandal Resistant Domes

    Yep I can go back to a job with a dome, indoor or outdoor, and normally its never been touched nor moved, got a gas station now over 4 years installed some mini domes in the drop ceiling, they are as good as they were 4 years ago .. i even checked and they didnt need any cleaning either
  12. and they paid $400K for the video system just recently to a local XEROX company with no prior CCTV experience!! LOL "US Official Robbed At Airport Incident points out jokey security and crooked staff at Nassau International Airport. Top security officials have been left redfaced after a bosslady officer of the U.S. Immigration & Customs Unit was held up by an armed robber at Nassau Airport. The armed robber pounced as the U.S. boss-lady was pushing her security card into a door slot to enter her department at 4am. The gunman reportedly robbed the U.S. officer of her valuables before fleeing. US. Ambassador John Rood and U.S. Home Security officials in Miami are reportedly furious over the armed robbery of one of their senior officers. They have told Airport Authority chief Idrls Reid and National Security Minister Cynthia Pratt that security at the airport must be tightened up. They also said that the robber could have been a gang of terrorists. The robbery has also revealed that security spy cameras at the airport are being moved out of position so that they do not record incidents. It is alleged that crooked airport staff involved in drug and illegal Haitian smuggling rackets are moving the spy cameras." http://www.bahamasb2b.com/news/wmview.php?ArtID=6149
  13. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    no man, decent PCs, but just not for a DVR
  14. Only thing you need to do is make sure limit port is set to 9, then restart the DVR and the PC, reboot and then you should see 9 cameras when you click on the activate button. Make sure the 9-16 cam cable is connected properly also, and you have them around the right way. Rory
  15. rory

    Backing up 4GB

    not related to DVRs so I posted it here. I have this clients laptop with 4GB of data I need to get off of. Problem is, Nero doesnt recognise the DVD/CDRW, so I cant back up to CD. Any other ideas?? I could do local network but .. would take way too long i imagine, never tried that much. I could "borrow" an external firewire or USB drive bay but id rather not .. thanks Rory
  16. rory

    Backing up 4GB

    dunno about that, but tonight i have 4GB of photos and music on someone's laptop to back up .. i guess im going to be burning CDs again .. 6 of them ..!! and if that doesnt work, cause the drive may be bad, ill have to be copying everything over on my 128MB Jump Drive .. Arghhhhh!! then burn it on my PC ... i wish I had the toys like yall man .. expensive down here .. hey but i got 4.0 straight 6 again .. )
  17. rory

    GV800V3 not loading #D drivers, why?

    It probably has a Via Chipset, which is very common to show driver errors. I looked at the specs but they dont say what it has, more than likely though.
  18. rory

    Should have used Vandal Resistant Domes

    Yah need the right alan key. If the criminal takes the time to unscrew all 4 or 5 alan keys, which can take all 5-10 minutes or more, depending on the actual mounting position of the dome, then they are sure to be recorded very well. Also you cant just buy that alan key in the store, as it is a special type (hole in the middle). Ofcourse with a straight screw driver and a little more effort and time, you can get it unscrewed, but they arent going to waste time with that camera as they would stand a good chance of getting caught by security. The point to this story is, when you use something like a bullet camera, or box camera, unless they are mounted high enough, they are easy to move without any tool or any effort. Anything can be disabled, the object is to make it harder to do so.
  19. i think he just means power settings, to restart automatically in the bios, if power loss.
  20. rory

    CCTV Certification

    Ge does something also, in fact i have a couple of their huge power point presentations.
  21. in the camera enable disable menu item, it doesnt have a check box there for those cameras?
  22. I havent had any problems, but I havent installed as many as others here, and I may turn off and disable alot more than others.
  23. Why??? Just create a user account, give them whatever access you want to give them, except for System Exit. Also log that user account in automatic and in full screen mode. If you make them a normal user then they cant exit the system, at least not easily. I mean they can always just pull the plug to shut it down ... What exactly are you worried about them doing? If you turn off all the services that arent needed, disable Internet Explorer, MSN Messanger, etc etc, then you will be good to go.
  24. with admin user though they can switch out of full screen mode and exit the program. Make it restart on system exit if you are going to leave it like that.
  25. Sounds like you have the 16 channel version, so you would just add camera 9 to the second cable, and enable cameras 1-9. You can set the fps among them. Either way the total fps will be 120 so divide that among all 9 cameras. Or use motion detection only and enable the smart motion setting so it divides the total fps among the amount ot current cameras with motion at any time. Rory