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Everything posted by rory

  1. Herm or one of those guys, the PowerTellecom R4000 4 channel, or the AvTech 4 channel if they want browser based, both with Lan. Any cameras. Rory
  2. Ill take a look thanks, reason im on miami though is the shipping is much cheaper as I can use a freight forwarder as they are located right there, but ill still check it out .. Rory
  3. anyone know of any? Been searching yellow pages and google with no luck .. thanks Rory
  4. thats a huge attic man . .. we used to work in attics down here where either the ac insulation took up the full 2 feet of attic space ... night mare and plenty of scratching. .... or there were nails everywhere, non covered electrical boxes etc ... i got 2 holes in my head from the alarm days, jumping into an attic where nails were sticking out right there, in fact, my bold spot is from one of those scars!! and thats foe real ... now, i stay out of attics ... cant take loosing any moe hair dude ...
  5. Well, yeah, basically, most cards will have a real time multiplexed analogue output which is RCA, as an add on, or an all in one card. This is different from just video out on the DVR card, and also different from the Video card output, which are both lower quality compared to analogue video for CCTV - 2 different technologies. If youy just need basic video out then the Video Card output will do, but for high quality output, and out to RF mods (TV Channels) you need an analogue type output. Rory
  6. rory

    Installation Prices

    foe real I know one thing, ive never lost a quote to another company though im not a sales person and typically do the tech side and consulting, but i tell the client like it is, most if not all of them appreciate knowing that .. Always give them options, not neccassarily low end, mid end, and high end, but if they are a high end client, give them several high end options ... i just did a job where wouldnt have ever expected them to go with Extreme CCTV cameras, but they did ..,. it was a small product review at the very end of the quote with all the Extreme IR cameras, and they picked the most expensive... ... darn .. !
  7. which ever one you get, make sure you get one with a DSP output for analogue high quality live view, real time. Most high end cards have this type of thing. Without it, quality out to an RF mod or TV will be very low quality.
  8. rory

    ISC EAST SHOW 2005

    well doesnt look like that canoe is going to make it in time dudes .. 2 open jobs awaiting on deposits .. and too many current bills ... just cant afford it right now ... maybe next time
  9. Yes please id appreciate it ... thanks Rory
  10. i tought pelco only made housings these days
  11. Well all you need is something like the 4 channel PowerTellecom or AvTech DVR, they come with LAN for remote video, AvTechs has browser based, and PowerTellecoms is Client Software, which is better quality remote video, though the AvTechs is nice that its browser based. Get a 4 channel multi output 12VDC power supply, 4 Color CCD Dome cameras, indoor, or vandal resistant, and you can either buy a CCTV Monitor, or save some money by just using a TV. 13" or 19" Depends how much space you have. Retail this should come to around $1000 or less. Also ask them for cable. Using a dealer you will get better support than buying it from Sams Club. I suggested Dome cameras so they cant move them as easy, though bullets will be cheaper. If i sell you it,going to cost a fortune in shipping, one of the dealers in here should be able to help. Rory
  12. Data, post some of those 150' tower shots you crawl up on
  13. yeah i dont think they need all that anyway its a weathercam so a cheap bullet will probably work
  14. rory

    New Geovision 7.1 Features and Hardware

    i could, let me dig up the info for you ... ill pm you .. Rory
  15. rory


    which bosch is that, id like to take a look sounds interesting ...
  16. anyway, as for the camera, i suggest one of these http://www.extremecctv.com/products/index.cfm?img=66 If you dont have any light anywhere then you wont see the weather anyway ... email extremeCCTV for solar panel info for a UF600 or another depending on how tall the tower is, or where you will mount the IR. IR will at least let you see if its raining or snowing. If thermal can do this, then that would also be a choice. If you do decide on Twisted Pair, use this http://www.nvt.com/products/NV_214AM.html and this receiver. http://www.nvt.com/products/NV_652R.html
  17. rory

    Manhattan is wired up

    those people are morons! they must have alot of money and too much time on their hands ...
  18. rory

    Extreme Reg-L

    It works .. day and night, these are just some clips from today/night, i cut them so they dont show the whole car and the licence plate is partly mosaic, for security reasons .. well cause thats what everyone else does The camera is truly an amazing design, they really spent alot of time on getting these to work the way they do ... nothing about it is a normal camera, I will explain another time but basically the glass on the front of the camera and the IR area, are tinted dark, as is the tinted lens .. the plates with SD in front are white plates with black writing, all the others are blue with yellow writing .. even the cars front headlights cannot stop the Reg from getting the licence plate (5th photo down).
  19. Well for under $1000, you have a couple choices ... Budget (entry level), or mid range. Where to buy the products from, other dealers will have to let you know, but i can give you an idea on the products available. Im going by the impression you are in the US or Canada since you mentioned Sams club? DVRs: Basically in the stand alone embedded plug and play area, there are a couple options. Avtech - Budget Unit Active-Teck - Mid Range Unit They are both sold under various names in the US, where you live will also determine where the nearest place is that sells it. For example if you are in Florida, I could recommend Eclipse and the product Name is Nubix for the Active-tek unit. For PC based, gawd there are tons of options. Most 30fps 4 channel PC Cards can range in the $200 range in the US retail market. Then you get a 2.93 Celloron, 512MB PC with say 120GB HDD or larger depending on how long you want to record. If you arenot familiar with PCs then it is best to buy a prebuilt 4 channel PC system. If you are "really" not familiar with PCs then best to buy a stand alone one time. As for cameras, budget and mid range would be bullets and domes. Its best to buy RG59 Siamese Cable and a 4 channel Multi output power suppy box, but if you arent to handy with wiring and electronics, then you can also buy premade siamese cables, and 4 simple 12VDC power supplies as show in the image for the product you listed above. Quality of video can be an issue though if you end up going with the latter, depending on distances and electrical and other interference in the wire run. Provideo make some decent mid range color bullet cameras. Eclipse have some decent budget bullet cameras. There are others, and alot of them are basically the same as both companies OEM the products from Asia. Warranty is where the difference is, for example big brand names like bosch, ge, pano, etc, can give you anywhere from 3-5 year warranty, while the smaller companies only give you 1-3 year limited warranties. Also, are you sure you can handle color cameras where you are placing the cameras? For color to work properly at night, you need alot of light in the area. Otherwise you would need either a Low Light Color camera, hard to find in a decent bullet, a Black & White camera, or a Day Night Camera (which switches from color to black and white at night for lower sensitivity). The good day nights (we call them True Day Night Cameras) are the most expensive and run over your budget. Mid range dome cameras can run over your budget unless you are just going with a standard res color, or BW. Budget domes can handle your budget, but quality of image is not always as good. Basically, you get what you pay for when it comes to CCTV, but anything you buy from a CCTV dealer, is going to work out better than the unit you listed above. Where are you located so we can give you a better idea on what brand of cameras and DVR to go with, and some pricing? BTW, you can use a TV or CCTV monitor with any DVR you buy, stand alone or PC based. Rory
  20. Hi, you can buy the seperate products individually and get a better system, and it will be around the same or less cost.
  21. rory

    Remote Video Surveillance

    i think everyone must know how unreliable the internet still is, and direct phone to phone dial up doesnt have the quality.
  22. 6 panels at 80 watts. And also, remember it depends where you live. Up north you guys need more panels than down here also. Regardless of Solar panels, the point is that Thermal does not give you a proper video image, it has its uses, but not for general CCTV.
  23. rory

    Anyone use this before?

    Im sure the manufacturers use something like this though? You can buy the one of those camera focus boards and place it 50' away. Its that thing with letters and collors etc. Ofcourse you need a portable tech monitor to position the camera. Im curious also how well it works, if it does work, it sure is alot easier.
  24. Have to buy a decent PC, with specs to match the requirements of the card you are using. Average entry level PC for a DVR would cost $600-700 even if you build it yourself and dont buy a prebuilt PC, and gets more expensive as you add larger Hard Drives, faster CPU, and faster Video card, etc. Once it is built, load OS and tweak, just dont use default OS. Uninstall anything not used, and only install what you will use. Add the card and install drivers, install DVR Server software, connect cameras and test for a day or 2, and good to go once it doesnt crash Oh yeah, it is a hassle though ..
  25. the panels are $1000 each, and $1500 for 2 UF600's. Thats $7500, then add a camera, so yeah it kind of comes out to the same as the Ganz which I think is $10K ? But like i said, difference is, you get a real daytime picture, and if its a weather cam, Thermal wont do.