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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    b+w long range cam

    50', not 50 meters though .. my $60 BW Bullet camera sees great at 50' .. its how long will it last .. thats the question .. $300?
  2. rory

    b+w long range cam

    to break into, to steal from ... ?? Once again another web site publishing inaccurate infrared distances.
  3. rory

    G4-4000 or AVR-400

    the well known brands
  4. rory

    G4-4000 or AVR-400

    that depends, need some specs.
  5. rory

    prices for xppro

    got a spare room ? my ac done died on me its melting hot in my appt this summer . ..... and my jeep got AC but its in the shop so cant even go in there for a break . . the beach, that water is hot too!
  6. rory

    prices for xppro

    wouldnt it be nice to just have 1 computer though ... 1 back up, less power and less heat
  7. rory

    prices for xppro

    thats alot of work all that switching .. VB, Front Page, Word, Acrobat, Photochop and PSP all work fine on all my windows ... never had any issues .. (maybe its those corporation CDs i get) but i still want to mess with linux anyways
  8. rory


    If using NVT gear, cant speak for he rest: Approximates may have to check their exact specs: Cat3 with Amplified on one end, passive on one end = 3000' Cat3 with Amplified on both ends = 1 mile Cat5 with Amplified on one end, passive on one end = 1 mile Cat5 with amplified on both ends = 1.5 miles Power is another issue, 24VAC can go far, but not the distances you mentioned. Would have to power that locally at the camera or closer to it. Baluns will never make 6000', you are lucky to get over 1500', and then with passive the quality is not the best, which is where amplified would come in over 500-750'. Personally i dont use passive at all anymore, as i notice enough loss of quality over 150'. I only use passive on the camera end, and then amplified at the DVR end. Use Multipair UTP twisted pair, or Cat5.
  9. rory

    Port Forwarding

    Useful site: http://www.portforward.com/default.htm
  10. rory

    Port Forwarding

    No way!!!!!, Not huge fan of Geo anymore, but thats mainly because of their organisation, nothing to do with their product.. time and again they have some of the best features around and WELL before anyone else and they are CHEAP.. only problem is anyone can build em, so your product.."the geo" gets a bad name if someone builds a crap one! I cant think of another DVR with as many features in it's price range though dude, what features .. there are none that i can use that no other DVR has ... tell me some, please .. cause it just makes no sense, and has the worse remote video software in the industry. And dont bother telling me about the sensormatic PTZ object tracking cause we arent buying those crap PTZs. GE DVRs are soo much better than the best Geo you can ever build, only drawback to the GE and all stand alones, are the speed. Did you realise that the GE DVRs new software has more playback and search features than the Geo.? Dats right dreddy The Geo has great local video, quality and all, but the remote software kills the whole card, as it really doesnt exist.
  11. rory

    E-mail backup

    whoops that is MY PC, not the Iview PC, which is a 1.7Ghz Celleron .. I can do it on mine though, the Iview doesnt have a network card right now, thats another story for another day
  12. rory

    E-mail backup

    Hi Levon, Not sure, its an AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 2.00 Ghz. This PC doesnt have a DVD, but i do have broadband Cable. Maybe we can continue via email .. thanks Rory
  13. rory

    E-mail backup

    levon, can i run linux on the same PC as windows XP ..? I just got a 40Gb HDD for now to get my Iview PC back up as the old HDD failed (old 3 year old 30GB) ... nothing else but winxp SP1 is loaded right now so a good time to load linux would be now .. Is it downloadable from the web, also, how do you install it? Does it use a floppy or CD, and dos commands or just installs? Can i install it from a jump drive also? thanks Rory PS. we were talking about coming to Cali end of August, will let you know
  14. rory

    ISC EAST SHOW 2005

    im trying to gets der ..
  15. rory

    E-mail backup

    even with Outlook express you can do that ... leave email on server for a certain amount of days ... so his laptop and the main server download email every 5 minutes .. or whatever amount of time wanted ... yeah with multiple emails would be something like eudora .. or does outlook do mulitple emails too? (not express the full version) Thunderbird I think does it, at least Netscape used to.
  16. rory

    Cat 5 hookup problem

    yeah we had to do that with even coax the other day but cause 2 of the wires were RG6 aluminum from a previous install, shiiit happens yah know! We used to find some telco wire for alarms, would get burnt up for whatever reason, lightning etc .. a few times we had to re run wire for that .. when i was doing alarms ..
  17. rory

    DVR Question

    If you live in the US, i still dont see why anyone would buy a DM over a GE ... the GE has more features and 100% better remote software, a better RTOS, lower cost, and from my experience among the 2 of them, the GE is more solid and stable. The DMs came hand in hand with a couple asian DVRs which cost much less .. i mean they are all decent, but the DM is over priced for what it does. The GE is over priced also for the general market, but it does what it sais and has all the bells and whistles. Drawback is speed and thats where the PC based DVRs come in. Rory
  18. rory

    Wireless Cable TV

    Yeah i know about wireless video and how those little things dont do much, but just wondering if this is some break through technology
  19. anyone used this yet, and is it any good ..? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?CategoryID=cat08059&id=1089891320402&skuId=6786873&type=product&ref=06&loc=01
  20. rory

    I3 DVRs

    Yeah, they dont sell the cards by themselves though.
  21. rory

    ABD Switch?

    They are called Rf Modulators: Check out the E4200 for 4 channels. http://channelvision.com/index/47 http://channelvision.com/pdf/product/instruction/CVT/Digital%20RF%20Modulators%20&%20Accessories/E2200_E3200_E4200-ins.pdf As for hook up, just run 1 coax (RG6 Cable TV Wire) wire from your DVR to the cable entry, use a 2 in 1 out splitter, you can buy them from channel vision also, and also, very important, buy a low pass filter from them as well. The Modulator can stay at your DVR.
  22. rory

    prices for xppro

    the only reason id use windows Xp is for SP2 as its faster .. im a spead freak and i turn everything off totally, plus SP2 is more secure for your clients, SP1 just asks to be hacked by default.
  23. rory

    prices for xppro

    thanks, no spare pc though right now, how about linspire ?
  24. rory

    prices for xppro

    yeah i do all the updates, always.. honestly i woiuld like to try linux sometime, even Nulceus ... all in time eg NY when i come over