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Everything posted by rory

  1. Is aventura their NY office? Have you tried the HikVision asian office also? Sorry never used it so cant say. But is the software you using, browser based or windows? Rory
  2. Dont know really, turned down at least 1 access job as it required a locksmith and the client didnt want to really spend any serious money, but we are working on getting a locksmith to work with us, where we do all the CCTV, they do the locks and access, the other company does the alarms .. and maybe home theatre will come into play somewhere as that is also a big thing now in the new gated communities.. That way we all do our own specialised area but work together on everything, and in a small country like this, and this being the capital city, could pan out very good. Most of the other companies seem to have a couple thousand or so clients ... so add that up and you have the majority or the entire country!! What ideas do you have?
  3. rory

    BNC Crimping Guide

    I may want to buy compression tools and fittings from you ... are you open to that idea? thanks Rory
  4. rory

    Sanyo DVR 3716

    the "tiger" looks a little sqooshed up though .. like a AV receiver or small VCR .. lots of wasted space on that bottom part ... or is that removable? "Cheetah" still looks way to 80's for me .. looks mean too much for me sorry Does the "tiger" ROAR .. do 120fps in 720x480 .. also, data free up on the remote software so we can check it out ... and .. is it cheaper than the GE DVRs ..? Did they use to charge for the software??
  5. rory

    Sanyo DVR 3716

    data send the goods on the Ip ting and ting ..
  6. rory


    "cheesburgers at herms" in august a new authentic american bar and grill opening in CT
  7. rory


    Hmmm, i lived in both places, the Uk has the best pastries, mashed potatoes, etc, US has more great italian style foods .... the rest of the food, well alot of the US food IS british food, and vice versa with mcdonalds etc in the UK Yall need to try some pigs feet and sheeps tongue - da real bahamian food - ARGHhhhh ,,, nope i dont go there ... Oh yeah, i lived in France when I was younger for a little bit, and both the US and the UK food rocks compared to the average french meal .. except their crepes and cidar for breakfast aint half bad ...
  8. rory

    CCTV Success

    they'll get da bastids ...
  9. rory


    yeah we knows that .. i got one on the way ....
  10. rory

    Win XP or 2000 Pro?

    yeah just reformatted a PC that had a 4 channel linux card, will play with the card in my other PC and let yall lnow ...
  11. rory

    BNC Crimping Guide

    da monster's da man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! perfect dude ..
  12. Is the software being run within a browser?
  13. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    i like how they have the OEM boards though, may take a closer look at that ..
  14. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    Thats Wireless networking, not Wireless Video. Im talking REAL TIME MOTION, non IP network ... high quality wireless video - which is what VideoComm does. Trango does it as well but they are limited in their product range compared to VideoComm (not the Ethernet product - real wireless video): http://www.trangosys.com/products/falconplus.htm Both have good products either way ... i just prefer the higher res video over network video.
  15. rory

    BNC Crimping Guide

    not neccasarily CCTV related 100% but some useful info for some .. http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/cable/1194.html http://www.strongsignals.net/access/content/co-ax.html http://www.connectorsplusinc.com/CONNECTIGHT%20TYPE%20CONNECTORS.htm also, what are the coax connectors that Cable TV uses?? cause those suckers last outside .. i also need to replace one i cut outside my window when checking the line ..
  16. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    see if he can get some Wireless Video gear in there like VideoComm, that will blow your customers away
  17. rory

    Port Forwarding

    one big side fiber job could probably make your whole years salary
  18. rory

    Port Forwarding

    just make sure that lake is governed by da unions ..
  19. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    man you wouldnt want to park that down here, even with guards and tings ...
  20. rory

    BNC Crimping Guide

    yep, pay someone else to do it
  21. rory

    Ever Focus ED300/N

    Yeah but a quality image is also very important, the everfocus cameras I have seen were not that impressive ... but it really depends what the client wants to spend.
  22. Most of them are upgrades though so you will still need an original CD.
  23. rory

    LCD TV Question

    Ive used the 1280x720 27" LCDs and were fine for PC but not great like a CRT. For a non VGA signal they are okay but dont look great. Either way make sure you get the highest resolution version. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=994627&CatId=385 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=711308&CatId=386 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1106213&CatId=386
  24. Make sure all non used channels are closed, and also try turning the sat and hue to 0 for the BW camera. Rory