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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    yeah thats what im using, the 312. It works not guys, but still you have to unplug the PTZ Keypad so you can control it with the PC ... slow as heck also over the inet .. they have basic business DSL thoiugh which is only 128 up.
  2. rory

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    okay time to get back some from the forum got a GE CyberDome Select 18X Color, KTD-405 Keypad, Ktd-312, and da GV-800 8 channel. Ok the PTZ and Keypad work great. Now, cant get the PC to do anything with the PTZ. It recognises the COM1 from the 312, all baud rates etc are exact matches, cable is all correct. Anything special in the software i may be leaving out besides using the general settings tab to add the Kalatel PTZ and activate it .. anything else ..?? tanks .. will probably get it working by tomorrow anyway ... but yah know i have to ask, as i dont do much asking these days Rory
  3. rory

    CCTV Success

    Cooper what happened there today? Im lost ... was it a bomb or was it a hoax?
  4. rory

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    yeah but it doesnt set it there(doesnt save it), just allows you to select an address when you need to control it, for Kalatel it is 0,1,2, etc.
  5. rory

    GEO with a GE PTZ

    Yeah but i dont see how you set the address in GEO, just seems to let you select it when you need it ?? GE Dome is default at 01, and default is 0 in GEO .. so theoretically should just work .. I may have to check the internal jumper one more time on the kalatel KTD-312 to maje sure its set to PC Interface .... it for some reason has an on board jumper PLUS a dip switch for this as it also can work as a data merger, why two areas to set is beyond me, think they were looking to far into the future or something .. . Course its always possible the other installer mixed up the colors on the cat5 cable pair, so i switched them around and still a no go ... i wish i had this at my place to mess with first, would have helped alot .. but the camera parts took a while to come in, and they were in a hurry ..
  6. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    bands .. yeah they did have some of the best ive seen, but man i was really ever just into the chix that was there, was like a 10-1 chix to man ratio when i went there .. worked at a restuarant bar just a few feet away for 2 years
  7. rory

    exterior installation wiring

    got plenty ug in pvc for years, and too many hurricanes to count .. no issues
  8. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    drive to mulcahy's in wantagh and pick up some chix ..
  9. Dont know about that, but DVRs are still pretty limited even with non compressed video. Basically using a PC, non compressed video isnt that great at 720x480 unless you are running in the 800x600 res, fine for a CRT but not most LCDs. Give the hybrid card a try and let us know .. If i had the $$ i would try it myself .. Also, the DSP combo card does give you great high res live RCA output.
  10. what DVR and what PTZ is it??
  11. rory

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    anyone ever try to steal it? Looks good
  12. DARN lost my code, just got the app but im getting a run time error .. will have to rewrite it .. may add some of this into it also ..check this one out as well .. basically the one i customised was the one you have, but I added passwords to it, as well as run on start up .. http://www.codeproject.com/win32/AntonioWinLock.asp
  13. rory

    eclipse dome

    didnt say stay away, just so you know they are cheap products. with cheap products generally come a cheap image. if we posted a list like that, there wouldnt be many manufacturers or OEMs left to recommend .. they dont make all great products .. that goes for the big brands also. best would be to post a specific model and see if anyone has used it. mace, eclipse, cop, all in the same league, and there are many others. rory.
  14. man i got tons of those lying around here, all kinds of ends .. anyway, check radio shack. Personally we splice the wires together. You can also use just follow the power colors directly into the dome and wire the power wire from the DVR direct into the dome terminals, or .... buy a terminal strip, cut it so there are 2 screws on each side, then just join the wires into that. Rat shack has the terminal strips .. electric tape and beanies are a friend when working with bullets and domes with these type of power leads. If you really want to make it neat and have enough time, use some shrink tube. Center is positive and braid is negative .. meter the power wire before you connect to keep the polarity the same. Rory PS. i was reading yall got hacked last week, what was up with that? Catch the spammers?
  15. rory

    Witness DVR

    COOL!! btw, BW works best in a night club lighting ... day night also, but dont bother with any IR cams on bars or dance floors, just small areas like stairs or small rooms, etc. Also if there is enough light at the door color would be good to get cloth colors etc, same with car park. In the low lighting like a night club, exview and even Extremes LXR doesnt perform as good as plain old BW 0.1 lux, exview pixelises too much ...if you can, get a cheap color 1 lux color bullet and a cheap 0.1 lux BW bullet and test the different locations with them .. then you'll know what you need .. and get the good stuff after that. Get some WizKid domes if they can afford it, if not at least some vandal domes as they are less likely to be moved - non tinted dome cover also, just clear, you can buy the tabs that go inside that make it harder to see the camera.
  16. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    samsung GVI = OEM ...
  17. I dont see where your organisation is under attack? Surely you know you sell budget DVRs, entry level, nothing wrong with that, but some of us, myself included, have an obligation to tell it like it is, un biased, in otherwords, i have nothing to gain. I also make comments on some GE products, and other brands, and other cheap OEM brands. If it is good, ill let yah know ... whatever it is, ill let yah know, but always after I have used it. As for the checks and business details, noone on this forum needs to know that kind of personal details. Please handle it via email or PM. Rory
  18. rory

    Custom peephole camera

    Provideo has a peephole camera .. buy from any US distributor .. http://www.specotech.com/cart/products/productDetails.asp?prodID=531 http://www.specotech.com/cart/products/productDetails.asp?prodID=575 Rory
  19. rory

    GeoVision SDK .....

    or you can just use their activeX and design your own web page from that, or program, but id recommend going the SDK route as their ActiveX is really hard to work with ...
  20. rory


    Sorry guys, it is old, looked at it again and it sais Phillips on it, I guess it wasnt worth bosch continuing to build .. Still havent used it yet, a collegue has it at their office but havent messed with it yet. Rory
  21. i wrote a version of that which starts on windows start up ... password enabled etc .. i think i used the same code ... anyway just reloaded windows when i load VB back on here i will take a look at it and compile it for installation. Rory
  22. rory


    GE DVR .. the bestest stand alone ... i could care less what it says on it once it does the job .. im not scared of losing my clients ... is anyone else ..? Ive never downed the Intellicam DVR, never really used it, but the other DVRs I have used, which use the same remote software, all have the same issues over the lan as each other. I have very briefly used an intellicam at a local establishment, but cant say as they had crappy cameras connected to it. Anyways, as for the cheapest 4 channel that just works, and has lan and never ever crashes .. http://powertelecomm.com.hosting.domaindirect.com/product_r4000.htm Im testing soon another one ... http://www.cpcam.com.tw/dvr.htm and the AvTech (also sold by PowerTellecom as the R16000) is the bestest entry level 16 chanel ive used, doesnt crash, ever. These are all the lowest priced budget DVRs right now .. on this side of the globe ... and they dont crash For general dealer prices, yall can post in the dealer section to get some ideas. Lets leave this section to the retail pricing only. Rory
  23. rory

    CCTV Success

    yeah i used to drive into the city, but that was way back when, early 90's, i was driving a mini cab in southall near heathrow and occasionally took fares into the city .. dont remember getting charged anything back then though Same here, as far as installers without a clue. .. and these guys are getting the majority of the jobs. They let the distributors send them whatever the distributor in miami has in stock .. they dont use proper wire, dont use the appropriate camera, in majority of cases dont install it properly, and in almost all cases, dont know how to use the system themselves let alone show the client how to ... Looks like they are getting ready to put up a couple Extreme CCTV licence cams at a new roundabout here ... Hmmm, will wait and see if they hire foriegnors instead of locals, cause ill be hunting down someone in the immigration office ..
  24. rory

    CCTV Success

    didnt know they were still that oldschool in london .. so they have $5000 extreme cameras on the streets, but what are they using to record that video?? i was just telling the guy i work with, to stop selling the rich (filthy rich) cheap cameras, they can afford the best, so sell it to them, and make some money and they are going to be happier with a better image. The problem is that they are not educating their clients on the differences between low end and high end ... as far as video quality, dvr features, and stability goes .. not too mention they pay less to put the budget stuff in as I dont install them normally .. ;-0
  25. rory

    eclipse dome

    they are cheap, cheap image quality also. they are as good as any other OEM cheap cameras in their price range though ...