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Everything posted by rory

  1. He he he .. i was only kiddin bout the cold ... as for that 15fps file properties, every file shows as 15fps even if it is 30fps ... it was a windows AVI ting .. cause I was getting real time, and if I wasnt, that was the fastest 15fps I have ever seen .. Ofcourse, Real time is only 30fps as seen by the human eye .. that doesnt mean that is actually real time motion video .. but it is a guideline. For example, the Kalatel DSR-2000e, does 60fps .. with 1 camera connected and programmed at 60fps, it is the same "looking" speed as 30fps, but playback is much greater quality. The human eye cannot tell the difference beyond 30fps. Im running this Iview PC Dvr in temps as high as ... hmmm, 90+ degrees F .. cause my AC is ready to crop .. need to buy a new one, sweating even when try to sleep, its soo darn hot .. the darn stand up fan is even on the way out .. I got to go in my jeep to get cooled off sometimes ..
  2. Your going to need a DVR that has Pocket PC/PDA Software, and a powerful wireless network, maybe some yaggies. Maybe something like the Motorolla Canape, or the Trango Wireless Network. If its line of sight you could probably get away with a cheaper product, like basic wireless router with external antennas .. maybe cisco . not sure what they have these days ..
  3. Dont know the card so cant say, but remember when you said my video looked like it was jittery, while it is real time on everyone elses PC .. the Avi FILE ... perhaps its your PC. Have you tried another PC? IS this a dedicated PC for the DVR? Maybe its slower (frozen) in Canada from the cold weather ?
  4. when you say jittery, in live or playback? I havent noticed it with the Iview .. at least on this 120fps card with up to 4 cameras, after 4 then it slows down .. The Eclipse 16 channel we have does freeze then jump though, but then its a POS 16 channel system!!
  5. rory

    March Networks 3204 DVR

    I liked the look of their wall mount DVRs, like for sticking in a closet, same type of case as alarm systems, which i installed for 6 years .. But, yep, one rep contacted me, but wanted all kinds of information before I could get pricing .. i was like yeah right ... im not THAT interested .. Anyway, PowerTellecom is coming out with an embedded board which I could essentially also use in an alarm type case, and stick it on the wall .. after some basic modification .. so will probably be going that route .. just need to get a couple more jobs ive bidded, over the next week or so .. then its all gravy
  6. Man, the one thing Miami has, is a ton of security distributors ... im on my 4th one in 4 years right now ... !
  7. can I get a good price on it 6 years, id just replace the HDD if anything, and see if there is a flash upgrade, though I dont think they have flashes for an EPROM that old .. then stick a sticker on it an call it, REFURBISHED BY DATAAVE, NY, USA Sell it to TigerDirect ... Anyway, yeah I like their cameras, cause they are cheap and work ... but its like changing a Mercedez for a Lexus ..
  8. rory

    Pro Video Bullet needed fast

    Well, yah know ... once you get a good dome, spend the $$, then its worth not having to keep going back and adjusting the camera .. especially when the client wont pay to have it adjusted and then yah get a bad name ... Im going to start it like this, the cheap eclipse bullet, the proideo CVC-7706DNV bullet, then some color, BW, Low Light Color, True Day Night domes ... and call it a day! Yeah a couple box cameras also but thats if they are mounted high .. I was actually impressed with the quality I got from those Provideo domes ... yes still havent captured any images yet, this weekend is a holiday weekend so will certainly do that ..
  9. This may be what you are looking for .. except it only does Wavelet ..so wont be as fast as MPEG4, on the IP cameras ... Fred sells them also so may have more experience with them over the LAN .. http://www.webgateinc.com/wgi_htdocs/eng/product/view.php?id=wgi_eng&no=1 Now, that said, to get a mid range DVR with Mpeg4 in a stand alone, that does multi site .. .thats the hard part. Now in a PC, its very easy Iview for sure does it ... 4 channel 120fps Real Time cards ... select MPEG4 and do multi site when you connect .. very fast remote video. GEO and others must do it also .. havent used them, yet. Personally I have used GE kalatel in places where they want to watch multiple shops, they have Cable so the speed isnt bad, not as good as MPEG4 though, but still decent. Plug Play and Forget DVRs, 4-channel Storesafes in particular. Just be willing to do service calls on the PCs when they arrise ...
  10. rory

    Pro Video Bullet needed fast

    Fred have you tried the Nuvico/Vitek Day Night Dome yet?
  11. rory

    Geovision Reports from Taipei

    dem unions still usin that outdated stuff
  12. rory

    Pro Video Bullet needed fast

    sadly, their 7706DNV may be their only true day night bullet .. I dont think any of the others switch to True BW mode anyway, this one has a mechanical IR Cut Filter .. you can disable the IR if you want.
  13. rory

    Pro Video Bullet needed fast

    yep for sure .. you know the client that wants to see in day and night, but doesnt want to put up extra lighting everywhere, only some areas, and cant afford Extreme's IR though required for the long distances ... gotta give them 3 options, and that meas 3 paint shop plans .. arghh! Wall Mount domes are the hardest to find .. day night?? Even that GE is just Exview, though it can pick up IR light up to 1100nm ... so im quoting a version with them, incase they want to use Infrared, then some with the provideo as they are cheaper and they install lights, just not as low light and not in white ... then a version the way I would do it if I was buying the parts .. like they dont need color everywhere .. Its in the middle of nowhere on the island, and its an industrial company, so thats why Im doing domes, but no eaves so they have to be wall, and in a couple cases, Pole mounted. A Couple higher cameras will be box cameras, while the indoor ones will be GE Value Line Mini Domes ..
  14. For entry level DSL, you would really need MPEG4 at least. Wavelet will be very slow. Like Fred Said. Actually Fred has installed the ActiveTek 4 channel Stand Alone units, they have MPEG4, 4 channels of audio. Not sure on their POS support, or whether it has individual fps settings? Fred? If not, cant really think of another stand alone with MPEG4, that specs look any good, for the price. If you didnt need to work with DSL Id recommend the GE Kalatel DVR for their POS search features, and individual settings, the 60fps StoreSafe Pro .. not cheap but works. I get 2 months with 3 cameras on a 40GB with 9-5pm motion in a lobby/business environment. May need to invest in a really good PC and use a decent PC Card, gives you more options, especially for remote video. The PC DVR I currently use (Iview), lets you record in Wavelet while connect remotely in Mpeg4 ... they have a POS interface card but I havent used it. For really high local quality you would need one of their Multiplex Real Time cards. Power will be an issue for any DVR, I always install a voltage regulator to start with, and ofcourse a UPS will hold it on for a certain time at least. But yeah a stand alone is more of a work horse and can just plug play and forget it. You just loose some of the features. Where do you live ... ?
  15. They like to lock up on the network, crash. Stay away from them. Check out the Hunt DVRs instead, or WebGate. Stay away from HiSharp and Provideo also, in the DVR line. Rory
  16. rory

    Donglin Along...

    Not the Camera, Focus, Zoom, Iris font. Can those be changed as well? no, there is no sdk .... but you can do what i did and make your own that looks like iview if you want, out of their active X ..
  17. rory

    Donglin Along...

    Hmmm .... see email .. Anywayz, I just wish Iview had a disk map for search and playback locally .. thats their real downfall ... search and playback with ease is very very important. Even Eclipse has it and its soo simple to drag and drop the mouse to the time or video you want to playback .. also loop out for multiple monitors ... etc ..
  18. rory

    Donglin Along...

    no need to, their fonts are all standard MS Sans Serif .. and no typos, all in Glish ..
  19. i too poe i cant get no CC .. but i still cant use no really crap stuff .... id rather just do without ...
  20. Well ... yep Actually, how many cams at each location ...and how much are they willing to spend per system .. any extra features they need or is fast network speed the most important ..?
  21. yeah thats Bahamian retail pricing!! actually we sell it for 0.50 cents a foot to our clients ...
  22. or some MPEG4 stand alones . .. LuxRiot is great though ...
  23. rory

    Pro Video Bullet needed fast

    Good question ... Provideo wont email me back since I brought all this up to their attention ..! It just seems like the same as the 637 with only minor differences ..so probabnly the same camera .. the 7706DNV though sais it is True Day Night .. but yeah more $$ Im getting tired of bullets though, for business now im pushing domes, they cant be moved ... even box cameras are getting knocked or readjusted .. im quoting these on a job right now.. cause they have to be wall/pole mount, and white (ish): http://www.ge-consultantlink.com/Docs/dr_2000ex_prd.pdf http://www.wizkidoptotech.com/products/index.cfm?img=2 (High Res Color & BW versions) http://www.wizkidoptotech.com/products/index.cfm?img=12 (Hi Res Color version) Plus a couple box cameras high high up, and a couple indoor domes. Rory
  24. thats all expensive .. are there no distributors in your area? What State are you in .. also, if you are a dealer, PM herm to get into the dealer forum to discuss further.