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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Sun with a Rainbow around it

    well it definately didnt end here ... and its still blimin hotttt ..
  2. rory


    im making a new one .. UNIONS-SUK .. he he he he .. yeah in da bahamas dred ..
  3. rory

    problem with everfocus cameras

    Actually, a Professional install is one that is done by a professional in the industry, regardless of the product used. What you are talking about are Budget jobs, low end. Every professional has to deal with those also, they are the bread and butter, while the other high end jobs are not an everyday occurence. Budget installs can be as much as 5 a day. The problem arises when the installer does not know enough to be able to explain the client the difference between a cheap camera and a more expensive one, what camera to use in what location, and what system to use. In other words, they just through anything in and make a mess of it, and then that is not professional.
  4. rory

    Laptop wont shut down

    ive even repartitioned and formated and even in windows XP setup, when it goes torestart it wont ... have to push the power button .. now the client said they had all new parts put in and the toshiba people said it had to be windows ... anyway, its obviously not ... any ideas? bad hardware? bios upgrade? if so where to get the bios for the toshiba laptops?? thanks rory
  5. rory

    Laptop wont shut down

    yeah there was nothing there bios was so limited it had no power section also ..
  6. rory

    problem with everfocus cameras

    Except when you dealing with luxury homes where the clients dont want addional yard lighting.
  7. Pelco PTZ or regular Domes? Ive heard from anyone that has ever sold Pelco regular domes that they have a high failure rate and to stay far away from them.
  8. All their products start with "k", for Kalatel I imagine. Nope, Kalatel was making cameras before the asians ... They have Cameras with Exview Chips in them, or without them. Still blows away the OEM cameras.
  9. rory

    Merging video

    http://www.foresight-cctv.com/VDS2500.pdf its not cheap and only recommeded as a last resort. A regular mux wont do what you want ... though if you use a high end mux, 2 of them, you can join them with cat5 and then it will do sought of what you want. GE has multiplexers that do this, and you can join them up to 10K feet. Also, like what Herm sais further down the page, use NVT Transceivers. Basically using Multi Pair UTP cable, you can run that to a concentration of cameras, use a UTP Block, then split off to your cameras. Each camera will use a UTP TX which can be either mounted at the camera, or at the UTP Block in a rack mount, or other way. At the head end you would have the NVT Receiver. Or another way would use 2 Transceivers, run a multi pair between them. This is good if moving the head end to another location, and then you just tie in your existing coax to the Transceiver. The 2nd Transceiver goes at the new head end location. Rory
  10. rory

    Dual Hard Drives with DVR

    Nah .. I got the 10GB for windows, and the 2 other partitions, all set up, just need to be able to set the DVR to record to the 2nd and the 3rd partition, not just one which is default. I still have some other issus I have to fix first, like video drivers, etc, then ill try what CCTV Installer mentioned above, though Im pretty sure this card doesnt do that. Gotta find out the Mobo in the AM so I can download the other drivers (they didnt send anything - eclipseCCTV), right now im just relaxin for a change and watching TV (5am) Im sooo sunburned right now ... to0 darn hot .. got the AC piping but yah know .. I did all the partitioning in XP set up by the way, got fat32 for windowz, except I had to use NTFS for the other drives as I formatted them within windows XP. Rory
  11. rory

    portable / mobile DVR

    There are many. Do you want a name brand, proven, or just any OEM?
  12. i cant imagine climbing 150' poles to switch them DVRs
  13. rory

    Laptop wont shut down

    nope wasnt that, but thanks .. already gave back to the owner .. Its just an old Laptop.
  14. rory


    on all vehicles its normally on the drivers side,
  15. rory

    Dual Hard Drives with DVR

    this is for the eclipse DVR card (Digiflower).. i havent checked that part yet ... thought it was done in windows ... will check that out thanks.. Rory
  16. rory

    Dual Hard Drives with DVR

    No the ones i have used allow you to select 1 drive to save the video to. Though maybe Im missing something? Rory
  17. rory

    problem with everfocus cameras

    Which Nuvico cameras have you used and what were the problems? waiting....
  18. No, all the wired Linksys Routers I have used in the past couple months (4 and 8 channel versions all wired) have DDNS installed. I have no static IP and my DDNS account has been working flawlessly from day 1. Actually I have never used a wireless router. When you say we, who is that? Anwyay, Ive been using DynDns.org that is included in the router and it works everytime anyone tries to access it, never had an issue. It may also depend on how often your ISP updates your IP though, not sure, mine doesnt update it that often, maybe every other day. But with a non static account, it works great. The last part you mentioned, I dont understand, doesnt seem to have any bearing on the current situation. As far as the other stuff like Mail Exchange etc, It doesnt have anything to do with accessing a DVR from a remote location when the DVR has no static IP. Rememeber we are talking accessing DVRs here without a static IP. Rory
  19. Internet Explorer?? If so you can just forward port 80. Then let me know the IP so we can test it ... if it stil doesnt work then it needs to be put on the DMZ in the router. Does it have any Windows Software also? As that normally uses a different port. Rory
  20. Still need a port number. Are you accessing it on the local network? If so, are you using Windows Software, or Internet Explorer?
  21. Ill try their demo and see if I can get the port from that, will let you know .. Okay, well their Embedded DVR demo is just a basic AvTech web Server thing ... port 80, doesnt look like the same DVR .. is your DVR a NG series DVR?
  22. It needs a user and password to access it .. if you cant give that out, you could email me it, my email is on the bottom of this message. Rory
  23. Do you have a users manual in PDF that you could email me? Or do they have a web site with support downloads? I have to go out for an hour or so to adjust some new cameras, ill check when I get back. Thanks Rory
  24. rory

    Multiple feeds!

    yeah in the $600+ range. .