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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    IFSEC 2005 - NEC Birmingham UK

    I hate brochures (just give me a link darnit!). I got some now I have to pick up from the PO. they are piling up .. and i dont even know who sent them ,, plus theylll probably try to charge me customs duty!
  2. rory

    Cameras for a parking lot

    Depending on the budget, a wide Dynamic Day Night would be what you would want for the general cameras. Something like the Panasonic WV-CP480. A wide dynamic camera helps with all the difficult lighting situations such as glare from vehicle lights. It is a TRUE day night camera also, so it has higher resolution in BW mode, and true color in color mode. Sanyo also has a version of this. Also if using Infrared then the camera you need will differ, as not all Day Night Cameras will recognise certain Spectral Responses (IR Types). Eg. 850nm = Red Glow, 940nm-1100nm = Invisible Glow. Sanyo and GE both have cameras that recognise the IR up to 1100nm. Im not sure on the others, they dont say. Ive used the SAnyo with 850nm and it works well, with Extreme CCTV also. As for lenses, you may want to look at getting your hands on a ViewFinder. This is like a varifocal lens tool, lets you know what view you need before you install the camera. Ganz (Computar) sells these. You could stand at the camera location and then adjust it to know what exact lens you need. Id still get a varifocal lens for the job ofcourse, but this will help give you the range of lens you need. Eg. 4-9mm, 5-50mm, or 7-70mm. As for capturing the driver and licence plate, this is a totally different thing. Im doing a job like this here this or next week, they ended up just using regular vandal proof low light domes and adding alot of light, though i made sure they know it wont get licence plates. First to get licence plates, you need special software that grabs the plate number from the video and converts it into text then into a database. This isnt cheap. It is also a PC card, and requires a seperate PC from the DVR. You also need to really buy a special Licence plate camera, such as the REG-L from ExtremeCCTV. There are also others, but not too many, the others are mostly still image cameras and not CCTV. Alot of cameras claim they can do this and that, with extra lighting etc. but they cant Guarentee it like Extreme can, and with no extra lighting also. Extremes is not cheap though. And also take into consideration the speed of the vehicle, as that can cause the DVR or even the software to not capture the plate, which ExtremeCCTV REG cameras are designed for, such as speeds as high as 60mph. There are certain distances that you need to mount it at, from the camera to the car, height of car, height of camera, etc. Basically a regular DVR/PC DVR wont do the job also. They can claim to, even at 480pps real time, but they dont do it 100% of the time. And 100% of the time is what counts. As for the driver, you can simply install either a lot of lighting pointed at the vehicles, or install Infrared with IR cameras. Either way you need alot of light to shoot inside the vehicles to get the person inside, no matter what camera you use. A wide dynamic camera would be best in this case, though once the light is behind the camera you can get away with most any color or BW camera. Day time is not such an issue, but night time is the issue. Backlighting, vehicle Lights, low Light, and sunlight are all issues to consider when placing a camera for this application. Also dont forget wiring as you dont want to run the cable too close to high voltage lighting, and if it is a far distance look into amplifiers (or Active Cat5 or even fiber). Rory
  3. rory

    Freezer Camera

    which cameras?? Like to know whats watching my coffee beans ... I just thought it was some columbian drug lord Just did a quote tonight for some extra Extreme cams on an existing job, should be fun, includes the Ex27s ... and maybe their new Day Night Domes .. adding a new 16 channel GE DVR also, they have 16 cams already ..
  4. rory

    Geo v I.view

    thats the most important thing ... maybe i need to come over and start supporting the Iview and GE for you guys
  5. rory


    umm, wasnt it just a new version of the old star wars movies .. i think all us star wars fans know what the deal is anyway
  6. rory

    Freezer Camera

    its usually the staff, I know because i worked in 2 restaurants .. no wasnt me stealing, I knew the owners and they gave me free meat But its more than meat, they use to steal the Lobster also .. was mainly Lobster and Steak .. this was way before digital CCTV though ... Rory
  7. rory

    Problems with Spytown?

    he told me to tell you he is aiming for next week for the catalogue and the following week for the finalization of the shopping cart .. all approx times .. but the catalogue has to be finished for next week for other reasons he said you know about. .. just last few days he has been diverted to some food and vehicle Distribution projects and is getting back on track as we speak. The bum emailed me using a BS email account also ... lots of code hope its all understood ..
  8. rory

    Geo v I.view

    still, this is Iview, cant get simpler http://xtreme1.gotdns.com/if4.htm yep pocket PC is also cool ...
  9. rory


    tonight ..?? its almost midnight ..! Carry your CamCorder and email me a DVD
  10. big $$$$ we bring in all our CCTV accessories now ..
  11. YEah and guess what, none of them ever heard of that type of conduit, they dont even sell RG59, nor have they heard of BNC connectors!! There is only one on the island, Taylor Industries that occasionally has BNC Twist ons (the cheap ones i might add that never work), and occasionaly RG59, also the cheap type. I know the owner by the way, they dont really sell them as they dont have a call for them, actually anything to do with CCTV. heck i gotto every hardware store on the island just looking for the right screw sometimes ... and when looking for a 12VDC power supply, only radio shack sells them, and its one of those multi voltage supplies .. and it costs like $25 .. trust me, it can be a realll headache When you do get the twist on BNC connectors they cost $7 each ..! I have to buy all my Siamese from the US, that costs maybe $500 landed for a 1000' roll.
  12. thanks, have you used any of the pelcos on the ocean, if so which ones held up the best. Ive used the GE Housings and they lasted, but screws rust quick. Plus they arent really vandal resistant. The ExtremeCCTV Ex82 has held up on the beach, but as they are adding 3 extra cameras, and to save buying another EX82, Im moving it inside the yard where they want an extra camera (its pitch dark), away from the ocean, moving a UF500 from the driveway to the beach side (still leaves 1 UF500 on the driveway cam), adding a wider beam and putting up a Exview Day Night Box Cam on the beach with a wider lens also, probably the GE. I was looking at the VideoTech Stainless steel housing: http://www.videotec.com/pages_27.html Anyone ever use it and know what the going rate is?? Also we are adding another DVMRe-CT as they are maxed out to 16 cams right now .. probably with a Keypad also. Tanks agin Rory
  13. ok thanks, yes we have a couple large AC places here, plus i have a friend that is in AC so I guess I can check with him also, though he never mentioned it before ...
  14. Ok thanks. I got one more question .. i know alot of electricians but they dont know much down here ... like DIY or anything other than what they do so i dont bother asking them anything ....anyway, i have a Square Aluminum/Iron (not sure) Pole, about 3x3 or something like that .. its not that thick material but i had to buy a special bit to drill the holes for the cable to go in. How do you do the holes so you can attach this to it? Drilling may be out of the question to make it threaded at least. Does it just have the ring you can put the end in, and screw the ring on from the inside to hold the end there? tanks agin .. Rory
  15. rememebr now i have to order all this from the US, they dont sell anything like this here, just the regular flex conduits.
  16. thanks .. is it easy to shorten, just cutting it, but still be able to use those ends? Its going to be used for RG59 siamese for some cameras, and also Ill need some for the ExtremeCCTV cables that goto the EX82s and the UF500s, they are pretty thin cable, something like RCA and 18AWG together in size .. And the big question, do they come with the ends or are they extra?
  17. rory

    Geo v I.view

    probably, the eclipse digivue software is korean . .. all 30 of those dll files for the active x .. they must have been drinking rb after rb ..!
  18. rory

    Geo v I.view

    tink the same little kid in hong kong writes all the asian card software ...
  19. rory

    Freezer Camera

    Check this one out also ... http://www.extremecctv.com/products/index.cfm?img=10&area=2
  20. rory

    Geo v I.view

    can this get simpler enough http://xtreme1.gotdns.com/if4.htm
  21. rory

    IFSEC 2005 - NEC Birmingham UK

    bacardi .. if you get near manchester on the way give my bro a shout ..
  22. taiwanese baby, taiwanese .. la la lalll aalla lla he he ..
  23. rory

    Bosch DESA Port Forwarding

    Are you doing a seperate Port Forward for each one .. in other words. 8083 to 8083 8080 to 8080 8085 to 8085
  24. rory

    Camera recommendations

    It produces true colors in the day time. most cheap digital day night/IR cameras dont have an IR Cut Filter, while most color cameras have a fixed IR cut filter, and BW cameras dont need one. Without one in a color mode, in the day you will notice somewhat washed out color especially on green such as grass or bush.
  25. rory

    Camera recommendations

    looks like they are using a lot of cheapo cams with no Ir Cut filters. I guess if they get damaged they are cheap to replace Except for the ganz and .. hmm, is that a sony dome?? The funny thing is they claim they designed and built the webgate DVR!! and they even use the hunt IP .. Good advertising though most of it is called lying ...