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Everything posted by rory

  1. you'd think right They only have the adjustment from 12VDC to 24VDC from the ones ive used. They may have a model that has the other adjustments also, havent looked lately.
  2. actually just checked the docs and they recommend the pelco motors for use with their housing kit and ir day night cameras with zoom lenses. Ill email them to find out what PTZ Dome they reccomend.
  3. rory

    4 DVR project design

    GE StoreSafe: Environmental Operating temperature: 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) Relative humidity: 90%, noncondensing
  4. rory

    4 DVR project design

    dont know about that one, but for sure i have had the GE Kalatels in closets and even one attic type area for 3+ years with no AC and they are still going ...
  5. rory

    4 DVR project design

    http://www.bahamassecurity.com/uploads/tm4cd.pdf as far as the specs on this one goes it supports DDNS. You would use a router like a linksys and sign up for DynDns.org. The part that makes the difference is in the remote software, whether you can enter a name like myname.gotdns.com .. instead of just an IP. Check with FredB as he has been installing these in Cali ... same product under a different name i think .. They are affordable and can use a regular LCD also like a $150 wallmart 15" LCD. I havent tried it yet, but plan to shortly. It doesnt do multi site though, but the GE kalatel DVRs do. They are more expensive though, but as far as I know you can do the same with the DDNS service. Rory
  6. rory


    a serial port floppy drive should do it
  7. rory

    Outdoor Day/Night Dome Cookoff

    Dont forget the Pano, has wide dynamic also .. just large and ugly. GE also has an exview day night. Both of these have Ir Cut Filters, but price is much higher than the Sanyo even.
  8. rory

    4 DVR project design

    only thing to remember is the Video Comm stuff is real time high res video, while the networked wireless is going to be compressed video.
  9. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    ok thanks, keep rambling I think im getting it now Do you have to do anything on say, my computer, so I would be able to connect to the other .. do i have to install VPN or anything like that on my remote PC?
  10. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    Thanks .. that sums it up better. Basically its just a faster more secure form of PC anywhere? Anyway, they only have normal cable at the shops, probably max 512 up, and the remote locations would be 1-1.7MB down, so no its not that fast. I emailed them to port forward the ports for me anyway, if they want to give me desktop access using VPN and dont forward the DVRs admin port then thats fine, its up to them. I told him if I have to come down though if it doesnt work, then its a service call, as thats not my job I can only support what I installed. They have the VPNs installed, some Cisco units, are these routers also? And do we connect as normal with other routers? Do you program it the same way you program any other router, as using IE it wouldnt connect to the IP range..? Thanks Rory
  11. rory


    Hmm, i need a new laptop ..
  12. rory

    IFSEC 2005 - NEC Birmingham UK

    if they use the same cameras they do on this side, id stay very clear of them ..
  13. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    i got a client now with cisco things, not sure what they are. but i have to email them what ports to forward. The guy was asking me why i just dont VPN or something. I imagine VPN is going to be slow, like PC Anywhere right?
  14. Depends on the camera, and what power supply you are using. A Multi output supply can also come with anjustments. If you have the specs on the camera post them here. Normally though a 12v camera will require 12v. Some box cameras will say that it can take variables, but then they cost more.
  15. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    http://www.bahamaswriter.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=878 posted a couple months ago for some home users: but its gone much further since then ... on the Iview DVR i have a couple more services turned off also ... ill turn off more on the eclipse as I play with it more .. and see what it needs and doesnt need, its only really been up since last night. If its a super fast PC then its not such an issue, bet remember im dealing with older PCs at least for my demos ... and this is what works best. We should start a thread on this .. then i can delete this one .. -uninstall any programs not required, clean up desktop and all other folders. -bascically i do all updates then turn it off. -take off all start up programs. -close out all unneeded services and disable them. -what you posted above plus .. -theme to windows classic. -screen saver off. -effects turned off in appearence. -tweakui all effects turned off, active desktop disabled, mouse speed to fast. -power - monitor off in 20 minutes or whatever, hdd always on, hiber & standby off. -windows components - leave on windows media player, accessories -after all windows updates uninstall MSN messenger, disable in program access, and uninstall again using sysoc.inf in the windows INF folder .. delete HIDE, then uninstall again in windows components. -turn off access to all windows programs except windows media player. -turn off all services not needed in msconfig and services, restart then go in admin and services and turn off others. -and i dont install antivirus or spybot S&D or any other software besides the DVR server, on the DVR PC. -also the more services you can turn off the faster it will run, especially if they are set to automatic and running. Download Screen Shots here .. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/uploads/xptweakDVR.zip I may have missed some out .. let me know
  16. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    YEah But i do the tweaks for speed as well as XP is a slow OS with default settings loaded.
  17. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    using Shields up at www.grc.com to test open ports, all ports but what are opened in the router are in stealth mode, though there could be some less common ports open that arent shown. I uninstall internet explorer so unless they know they can use the address location in my computer, etc, to browse, its generally okay. But ill look into what you suggested also as the more the better .. thanks, ill definately look at this .. I saw that before wasnt 100% sure what it was for .. now we know
  18. rory


    they dont have a CMOS clear dip switch like the desktops ?
  19. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    you say a prayer over it before you leave the site I sell both stand alones and the PC DVR now ... 4 years selling stand alones made no money ... got to sell what the clients want .. to some degree. I explain all the differences to them, its actually pretty simple, though most dont care for features and just want the cheapest thing on earth once it records at least 24 hours .. As for XP, its SP2, all none DVR used services are turned off which leaves very little, all remote access, remote this that and everything else, turned off, just enough to leave the DVR running properly for local and remote access. All themes, graphics, etc are turned off, its tweaked to the max. No IE or anything else that isnt needed. XP SP2 Firewall enabled and Router Firewall also turned on. Thats all can do ... I wish I could only sell GE DVRs, but yah know ... Im still new to the PC DVR world so i dont have all the answers for you, i still prefer my stand alones, for the stability, security, and strength. The new founded features in the PC based are very entertaining though.
  20. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    I dont have the pop up once i dont use the web hop. Basically there is no way I can/will run any other software on the PC DVRs, and remember also, I have these accounts also set up for Stand Alone DVRs so client software is not an option. if it came down to ultilizing client software i could just use my HTTP server on my PC that is running 24/7, and do it properly one time .. but id rather not have any more hassle than is needed.
  21. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    Yes but I dont want to run any software on the PC besides the DVR server, the Linksys router supports DynDns and TZO without having to run any software on the PC. Check out the DDNS section. Rory
  22. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    There are no linksys routers that I have seen that yet have No-ip in them .. just DynDns and TZO, and I have the newest ones ..
  23. rory

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    and your using the built in DDNS in the router, or is it running on the PC?
  24. rory

    Post recording on GEO-600 (16) card

    if it has pre recording try that also. That really makes the difference.
  25. talking about knockoffs, the majority of products for sale in the local straw markets here which are labeled or thought as being made here, are actually made in china .. remember that toy from the karate kid! yeah it sais Hey Mon on it, but its made in asia. .. straw hats, bags, the lot of them, all made in china ...! Yeah mon tourists getting tricked every day!! LOL .. heck we dont even say Hey Mon, or Mon (we dis say "mann" dread), I think that was a hong kong thing ...