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Everything posted by rory

  1. this is funny .. i guess they havent seen this forum?? Id like to use some of their lingo to sell my 16 channel stand alone budget DVR .. http://www.eyespyvideo.com/faq/recorderspecsvquality.htm I get to the point, direct, give me the specs, images, and manufacturer, or I wont give you the business .. I mean, give me some reason to buy from you .. over the next guy .. otherwise .. why should I bother ?? then again im not an end user ..
  2. why?? There are other well known DVRs with full specs, images, datasheets, at much less the cost, even at retail. Rory
  3. rory

    DVR Web Servers and routers

    Make sure your securuty settings are set up for activeX Tools, Options, Security, Custom, where it sais ActiveX the first rows from the top, where it is disabled make it prompt (not enabled though, just prompt) then reload and try again I take it you are using Internet Explorer ..
  4. rory

    DVR Web Servers and routers

    For the browser software to work, only thing i have to do for the PC DVR is to port forward port 80, DMZ not needed. For a stand alone on port 80, DMZ is normally required. This is with an Iview Card and a Linksys Router, as well as another PC card I have also tested. make sure to disable any other forwarding to port 80 in the router, such as UPnP Forwarding, and Port Triggering. What router is it?
  5. rory

    dvr software?

    Yeah you can leave the router in dynamic IP mode, as once the DVRs IP is in the same range, same gateway, etc, it will still work. I would first suggest making the DVR static .. like i said above, then if it doesnt work, try what marcus said ..
  6. rory

    dvr software?

    What marcus said, try a crossover cable or just a switch or hub .. OR in the DVR menu HARDWARE SETUP NETWORK SELECT STATIC IP AND HIT ENTER MAKE IT THE FOLLOWING: Ip: gateway: network: EXIT PASSWORD ENTER NEW PASSWORD, CONFIRM EXIT EXIT AND REBOOT THE DVR Reboot the Router. With this you dont have to disable DHCP in the router, but you could if you want, but then you would have to set up your PC with an IP etc as well. If using a cross over you will still have to set up the DVR and the PC with the same IP ranges, Gateway, and Subnet. anyway, Now try to connect using that IP:, Port 3333, and the new password you just entered. Rory
  7. rory

    dvr software?

    Well it is a software, or password issue. It could also be a DVR issue as though you can connect to the port no problem, the DVR still needs to do some work to send you the video, and the software also needs to be working good.
  8. rory

    dvr software?

    no need to, your PC is connecting to that port on the DVR so its not a router issue. You are using the software that came with the DVR right?
  9. rory

    dvr software?

    then it works. That tells us it can connect to that port 3333 on the DVR fine. Now it is up to the DVR and the client software to send the password into the DVR and send you the video back. usig the software you should connect and see video. Make sure you are entering the right IP and Port in the Software, no spaces, type it all in, also make sure the password is correct. If still no go, uninstall the software and reinstall again. Rory
  10. rory

    dvr software?

    start, programs, accessories, command prompt, same DOS window like you did ping in ..
  11. rory

    dvr software?

    also reboot the router and PC if you still have problems connecting .. Telnet to the DVR needs to connect, for the software to connect to it .. same thing.
  12. rory

    dvr software?

    If you can, change the DVR Ip to outside of the DHCP, just in case .. so instead of .3, make it .100 for example ..something easy to remember, i always just use 100s for stand alones, or 200s for PCs .. ALSO, make sure the DVR gateway is .. the same as the router ..and make sure the Subnet is also, this rarely needs changing though. goto command prompt ...type in TELNET 3333 thats a space between the TELNET and the IP and a space between the IP and the PORT 3333. if it connects it is fine, if not reboot the DVR and then try it again, sometimes the LAN function on stand alones will lock up.
  13. rory

    dvr software?

    ok hang on, again LOL Ok did you change the IP in the DVR? Also, what is the Netgear IP Range? This DVRs default IP range is 192.168.1. .. The Netgear may be different and you'll either have to change the DVRs or the Netgears ...one or the other. Then telnet it using port 3333 .. and from what the manual sais, it doesnt support browser based either. Yeah, this is a better DVR than the first one I was looking at, from the specs and images If you truly are still having issues, enable remote management for the router and let me in via PM or email to set it up for you ..also give me the Ip info in the DVR if you changed it .. you can always disable remote management or just change the password .. ONLY if you still have issues .. Rory
  14. rory

    dvr software?

    Okay, that DVR doesnt appear to support browser based (HTTP) are you sure this is the same DVR?? If it is, install the software and it should work once the IP range, Subnet Mask, and Gateway are the same as the router. Ip range meaning 192.168.0 are the same as in the router under set up. It uses port 5000, so do a telnet to that TELNET 5000 ( looks like the default IP in the DVR if you havent changed it then the router must be in the same range) it should connect right away and open a black window .. If that works, then the software will work provided there are no password issues. use the password entered into the DVR or the deault password if you didnt change it.
  15. rory

    dvr software?

    Okay, just to make it clear, you are just right now trying to connect to it locally right, not from a remote location? if so, just make sure this all is correct: Not sure what IP range the Netgear uses by default? Anyway, if that is it, Try a telnet to it: Replace the IP below to whatever your IP is set to in the DVR. TELNET 80 80 being the HTTP port. If that works then you should have no problems getting to it with the browser. Also try the other ports: im looking through the manual right now will get back ..
  16. rory

    dvr software?

    also, if it uses port 80, then try COmmand Prompt and telnet to it .. if it connects fine then it is 100% a software on your PC problem .. TELNET IP PORT IF it connects fine THEN it will open up in a full black window ..ELSE it will time out.. Rory
  17. rory

    dvr software?

    Kodicom works with it? Anyway, so no network just direct connection? No Hub or Router? Anyway it should work once you are not using a regular cat 5 cable, and have both set to the same IP range. Are you using XP SP1, or SP2, or none just plain original XP .?
  18. rory

    dvr software?

    what DVR is it? Are you talking about connecting to the DVR over the network? Are you using a browser (Internet Explorer) or the Windows Software? Are you using a Router and what type are you using? If not, are you using a hub or a direct connection? Rory
  19. rory

    KT&C Camera recommendations

    dude send me one and ill test it out good! LOL yeah good price, less IR distance but who knows they always overate them bullets anyway ..just cant find anyone that sells them in this area .. may want to del that link before the herm comes back and see s the pricing .. LOL
  20. Dont worry, I ve only ever used regular 2 pair telco wire ...
  21. rory

    Advice please on camera types

    There are a couple UK dealers on this forum, they may have a solution for you also. Basically, if it is very dark, you will need at least a BW Exview, a Color Exview will do well in normal low lighting where a normal BW camera will work. The smaller the camera, the worse the quality of the image is. So unfortunately for a hidden camera, will aways have to deal with that part. Best image would be from a good brand name Box camera (Sanyo, Bosch, Panasonic, Ganz, GE, etc), with a good lens. (computar, Fujinon, etc). but from inside looking out, your image quality will diminish, just keep the window clean. You may also want to look at a wide dynamic camera, but that may be out of your price range, Pano and Sanyo both have some reasonable ones in Day Night Versions, switch to BW at night. In the UK you will be finding alot of OEM bullet cameras, so its a trial and error with which one is any good, and price doesnt always matter when dealing with those type of cameras. I know provideo has some very good Bullets, at least 1/2 of them and I know which ones .. but wrong side of the world. Closest I have seen to some of the Provideo is the RFConcepts stuff posted on this forum (search). For example a mini Exview Color Bullet camera, high res, wide angle. Thats the provideo CVC-637EX, i saw one that was near identical on that Rfconcepts site and even a fellow member here bought one of them, just didnt pickup Infrared so he had to change it/use another type. Rory
  22. make sure it is far away from any high voltage wires also, as that will cause noise in it too .. i dont get any of that background sound from the ones i installed...
  23. rory

    New DVR

    If youre in their area, sure, not bad. Thats like how Eclipse CCTV is to me, they are right in Miami, cheap PC DVRs, dont compare to the quality and features of the iview and others .. but for the price and availability sometimes they are worth it .. at least thats how a colleague of mine feels .. me, if I cant customize the network GUI at least, I dont want it ..
  24. rory

    Ganz ZC-Y30NH4 Hi Res Color Camera

    Dont know. But wasnt it only them and pano that had WD initially, then everyone else started coming into the game ..? Anyway, CCTV Australia lives by them, or usded to now its bosch ... but Ganz is ganz, just hope its not another GE Ultraview type hype ..