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Everything posted by rory

  1. cctvshack is Dealer 3. man im not even on that list, im in the $800 range, since i pay overseas shipping plus customs taxes ... ooopz can yah say tird wurld
  2. yeah but i wonder if I can find it on there, cant buy it anymore right ..? not that who would want to spend the dollars .. interesting to know if any of these new PC DVRs would work on 95 .. at least the ones that claim to work on 98..
  3. talking bout ME, i just had to format a winxp PC for someone, and reload with ME, it was a 700Mhz with 128MB SDRAM, they had loaded XP Pro on, it was dying it was soo slow .. its now faster than my 2.4Ghz with XP ... Now, even if it does crash once in a while (though Ive never seen one yet), at least it doesnt take 10 minutes to start up .. (it takes 8 mins as the hard drive is still shot!! LOL) can you hear me now ,,,, click click click crank ... thats the HDD by the way .. they never heard of a Voltage Regulator ...
  4. i wonder if win95 is still on kazaa ...
  5. pi-who .. is it pronounced PIE or PEE ?? and does the 2000 mean it was made in the year 2000??
  6. So still going to need a super computer? At least for the new windows ..? I can run Windows 95 on a 2Ghz and its flying off the chain
  7. Whats the benefit of a 64 bit application, and do you mean software/hardware?
  8. rory

    Camera Wanted

    Yeah, doesnt look too dark to the left of the IR ...the camera you have is like mine, 0.1 lux, and the exview would be 0.01 lux, or at least it would see much more in the low light. If its pitch dark there then you would definately need the IR, the IR LEDs on the cameras themselves are no use outdoors. Anyway, looks good .. Rory
  9. rory

    Camera Wanted

    looks good, Did you really need the LED? Maybe could have got away with the Exview version of that bullet. Anyways, have you tried pointing the LED up more? How far do the beams go?
  10. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    just get the AvTech 16 channel, its like $750-850 RETAIL (end user) .. I had one here it worked great for a home application ...very basic but all i needed and a stand alone .. Its also under the R16000 PowerTellecom unit ..
  11. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    The Powertellecom 4 channel DVR doesnt have to install any software, its selfexecutable so it just runs. No browser based in that version though ...but its very low pricewise and doesnt crash/lockup .. Rory
  12. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    the orbix are the ones we have in the field, i just port forwared one the other day where the client bought their own, was the same software though, think it was maybe 2 months old, I didnt sell them it, they bought their own .. for remote viewing it is fine, its the playback that has its issues, remotely. http://www.cctvco.com/dvrs.html as for IE ?? Its not browser based, just windows ..
  13. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    The Eclipse ..? It is the Hisharp, it does lock up .. we have them in the field (not proud) ..
  14. $5 per camera would balance it out..
  15. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    okay i added it here: http://www.bahamassecurity.com/gallery/
  16. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    no but web server software made by the same people ... icant remember the name off hand but was something like neovision ...
  17. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    my first name spelt backwards is cheap... i keep hearing, "again bastid rory that check .."
  18. rory


    Yeah i sell that Mini mag housing, as well as their vandal resistant ones, also installed their parkikng garage version a while ago ... strong neat units .. cheap also, for what they do. .
  19. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    this is NeoTec ... they seem to have used to have a NeotecVision.com web site for CCTV but its down .. http://www.neotec.com.tw/english/products.php
  20. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    while we are on this ... check this site out, they have all the intellicam DVRs including the Nadatel, as well as another one .. These companies must all be one company just doing this for marketing .. http://www.ncctv.com/product/product_03-1.php
  21. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    Yeah ive seen it before, uses the same java web server as the Provideo DVR.. Ill look up the link.. meanwhile here is that first DVR you posted, again, diff manufacturer ? http://www.sampo-st.com.tw/english/product/dvr/dre-s1630.htm#
  22. rory

    Who makes this DVR?

    Yeah, its just another version of the OEM GUI that HiSharp, Intellicam, and others use, the playback on them crashes and hangs the DVRs in my experience .. http://www.bahamassecurity.com/gallery/HiSharp.htm But thankz Ill post it on the gallery Rory