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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Day night cameras

    Hi Nothing reasonable about a PTZ when it comes to price. Id ofcourse recommend one of the best on their lists of supported, being the Kalatel Protocol (GE CyberDome) though its expensive. They also support the Pelco protocol which means alot of other Domes will work as well. Iview has its own PTZ. Check the web site, www.i-viewusa.com, and if you like it contact your dealer. Which cameras did you mean when you say a good source for? The Link i posted? If so, send me a PM. Rory
  2. rory

    Strange object

    a UFO .. may gawd man, call the mounties ..!
  3. Ahh, Okay. Yeah, we put everything on Line COnditioners here, cause we dont have surges, just brownouts and spikes, generally. Our power here is 3rd world, its horrible. If its not on a line conditioner it wont last long here. ..
  4. I need 5 stations for 5 doors, they need to be Access Keypad, with Audio, so the person inside each of the 5 areas can hear and buz them in, and if they have a code they can let themselves in. They'd also like hands free audio. For video Id be using CCTV cameras, like the GE Brutes, with Monitors Wall/Ceiling mounted. Anyway, they dont need alot of codes, its a small place. They can each be seperate stations. Want to keep the cost down if possible. Thanks Rory
  5. rory

    Access - Audio

    thanks guys, i decided I dont want to mess with it, still would need a locksmith to install the locks, etc, too many other tings going on. I told the contractor to just get a locksmith to quote that part, and leave me with the CCTV ..
  6. you could try a local electronic or eletrical store also. Rat shack doesnt have much down here also, if they do its triple the norm price.
  7. rory

    Night Camera for backyard

    the freaks come out at night down here If I had a house ... he he , Id have a Large wall with Razor wire on top, more razor wire at the bottom of the wall on the other side, a ditch with some spikes and more razor wire, and a fence made entirely of razor wire, electrified, then a short gap to a regular fence to save my butt when im drunk, dazed and confused. some major lighting and RedNet beams in the "moat" area, as well as Microwave buried sensors around the inner fence,,,, cameras everywheres ...some congo type auto tracking machine gunz .... he he he ..
  8. Yeah, like I said, Ive never seen that before. Or it may have been there but Ive never used it. It may just be something as an option against lightning strikes!
  9. Ive never had to do that with any 24VAC cameras I have used, which were all I used for the first 3 years. if thats what they say then I guess .. does the power supply have a seperate grounding terminal? No 24VAC Power Supplies I have used have ever had any thing like that. Hmm, to make it simple, just get a 12VDC power supply I still think that is optional. Just like using the ground terminal on an alarm panel.
  10. That sounds like it is optional, just like with the Altronix Power Supplies that come with Ground connections. Might be some code thing in the first world too? All a 24VAC camera needs is 24VAC, doesnt matter which way just not together! Anyway, to make sure, what is the model of the camera? So we can look up the wiring diagram in the manual. Rory
  11. rory

    Day night cameras

    Its not going to have an IR Cut Filter so the Day Color Images will look washed out. Low resolution also. Rory..
  12. rory

    Night Camera for backyard

    T%E?? ( Trial and Error?) YEah Ive taken out most of my low res cams from when im selling ..except the couple cheapos .. for the broke people down here .. (like maself) BW is the best for low lighting for sure, there is no getting around that. A True Day Night camera is just as good, once it is the right model, but then $$$. A night club owner here, he wanted color in the car park so we went exview color, had to get color of shirts, cars, etc, Tons of light though. But course for the rest of the club, had to be BW, tried every low light camera out there, but none, not even the most expensive ones, would perform even as well as a 0.1 lux 420TVL BW bullet camera which they have had for 4 years now (been trying to get them to switch out to 600TVL WizKid Domes for years now). Cant get away from the people that want color though. Just have to make sure they provide adequate lighting .. I have some clients, with color in the stores, ofcourse lighting is off at night, so they are using Motion Sensor Lights, works great. Someone breaks in lights come on as they walk in the area of the lights, alarm system also installed ofcourse with 30+ watt sirens and strobe lights, monitored by CS and Dialer. ofcourse for IR you need BW, or a True Day Night. Actually High Res is not required for IR, med res performs better in IR (so they say).
  13. rory

    Day night cameras

    This is a wide angle 1/3" Exview Color camera, 0.03 lux, sees well in low light,. not Pitch Dark though. Great color day image as it has a fixed IR cut Filter. You could change the lens, though 3.6mm 1/3" is very wide. This camera is 470TVL also, hence it is more than $100 but a great cam non the less, especially for its size - its tiny even for a bullet. Comes in a Wall/Ceiling Mounted Vandal Dome also. Provideo has some great tech support also. For $100 I doubt you will find a 1/3" Color Bullet camera though. Most are 1/4" and so yes you would have to change the lens in them to get a wide shot. http://www.csi-speco.com/cart/products/productDetails.asp?prodID=568
  14. rory

    Night Camera for backyard

    I havent used that one specifically, I imagine its OEM from china. But ive used another OEM BW Exview, 420TVL, the issue was the quality was not that of a 420TVL camera, it was just not as clear, though it could see in very low light. Though, compared to a standard BW 0.1 Lux camera, it made little difference, as the image was unusable in that very low lighting. I had them both here side by side, gave the exview back to sell as didnt need it. Let us know how it goes though, could be a decent camera. Bullets though, never have the high resolution of a Pro camera, even with the same speced TVL. But they are discreet and easy to install, and thats what makes them nice. This is the color one i have used: http://www.csi-speco.com/cart/products/productDetails.asp?prodID=568 When I asked them why they didnt have a BW Exview, they said because B/W cameras just dont sell anymore to make it worth it. In fact, getting a BW camera from my Dists in Miami is like pulling teeth now. They carry the Day Nights and Colors .. in stock. They dont listen to me when i say "but yeah, that color cant see in the low light I have here, I need at least a 0.1 lux BW .. and no, I cant afford the Good Day Night" ... ;-(
  15. rory

    ir lights

    Thats not the specs we need to go by, thats a description by the storeowner. need some actual specs, lux , ir cut filter, spectral/ir range, etc. rory
  16. rory

    Sanyo DSR-3506H80 DVR

    Yeah ... Thats why Norbain is pushing the GE stuff under their name I guess, they have for a couple years though, I remember seeing that way back when. Dont know what i'd do if I came there .. guess it would have to be Baxall DVRs ..?? I cant stand the DMs ..
  17. rory

    ir lights

    All CCD's (color and B/W) are IR sensitive. Such as the washed out color image you generally find on cheap color bullet cameras, as most of those cheaper cameras have no IR cut Filter - they pick up the Infrared generated by the sun, and other sources, resulting in strange colors. An IR cut filter in front of the color CCD's will show better daytime color. Color camera - If the color camera has a fixed IR Cut Filter it will not pick up Infrared Light as the filter blocks it out. If it has an auto switching IR cut filter, or if it has no IR cut filter, then it will pick up Infrared Light. All BW cameras will pick up Infrared Light. The range of Infrared that the camera will support will depend on the Spectral Response of the camera. Generally all can recognise 700 nm range (like the street traffic lighting), and some will see 800 nm range (faint glow), while only certain ones will go higher into the 900-1100 nm range which is invisible lighting. You will have to check with the camera manufacturer to see if it supports the 900-1100 nm range, though generally if it does, the manufacturer will say so in the Data Sheet. Certain Chips will support Infrared Lighting better than others, longer distances - Eg. Some Exview Chips giving you an extended IR range for example, or ExtremeCCTV's LRX Chips are designed specifically for long range Infrared. Once you have soughted out the camera IR support, then you will need to look at what IR Lighting you have, what you want to see and how far, and where it is going (location, surroundings, eg, Bush, walls, etc). Rory
  18. rory

    Video Insight

    check out the I-view Demo on my home page, its my customized version of their browser software. Its 2.30am here now so best to wait until the day to see the color cam.
  19. rory

    Night Camera for backyard

    Hi. no BW camera will see in pitch dark. It requires light. BW will recognise Infrared Lighting.
  20. rory

    Bosch DVR-1A Single Channel DVR?

    Ive used the DSR units before. They are by GE now: DSR-2000e, or the DSR-1000e They work with the Robot Muxes. Rory
  21. a used BW Bullet that you get for free from a clients old system )
  22. Some Bullets come with Auto Iris lenses (Provideo). Also you can change the micro lens on any camera. Only benefits of a Bullet, is Discreat, Price, and ease of install. Dont expect the same picture as with a Professional Camera. Rory