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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    Ipix CommandView Cams & DVRs

    On the subject of Ipix, has anyone used them for Licence Capture, do they have a camera capable of this? Also, do they have a low light camera, Im needing a day night (color to BW or just Exview Color) and looking to save on more than 1 camera, if I can.
  2. Darn yeah I know i seen it before .. Any feedback on it . do you know anyone actually using them ??
  3. Well they dont give out much info, looks familier but image quality is crap, I just cant place the name off hand ..came in my email, funny enough the id tag in the email HTML source was called spyware!! LOL ... but they are a Miami company so the email WAS legit.
  4. Man the japanese have all the cool stuff .. tinks i gonna move to okinawa ..
  5. For those true Geeks im sure you know about this site ..get the product a couple years before it reaches North America, if it ever does: http://www.dynamism.com/index.shtml
  6. here's a cheaper kind ... not the same but ..you dont need to rob a bacnk to buy it .. http://www.watchminder.com/
  7. No, not the Timex, I have one of them, plus I have the one that turns my alarm on and off etc. Here are a couple: These arent exactly new but still neat: Fossil PDA Watch http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/fossil-pda-watches-review.html http://wristpda.beiks.com/ Web Anywhere Watch: http://www.webanywherewatch.com Watch 2 way radios: http://www.xactcommunication.com/Wristlinx-9/ Casio has some cool Databank Watches: http://www.casio.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=products.section&catalog=Watches&section=DataBank Not a watch but cool: http://www.tiqit.com/prodoverview.shtml And dis what I gots: http://www.ademco.com/ademco/products/wireless/5804Watch.htm
  8. What yall think about LuxRiot .. I tested it worked good.
  9. have you ever tried the PDA wrist watch ..?
  10. rory


    Right now because of the show its good to wait a couple more weeks for anything to do with CCTV .. Also, "Just Say No to the Dongle!!" The Dongle is BAD, is Crule .. Send the Dongle back to the Dongelists Tell the Dongelists to get rid of it ... Dongelists we no want no dongle dred ...
  11. it only works on Palm OS?? Do people still use those?
  12. dont forget a good sharp machete for the ghetto areas .. or a gun if your in the US, we cant carry them 'ere mon a couple empty bottles always good to have on hand too ..
  13. rory


    Rainbows lens are just OEM lens ..probably from taiwan...maybe fifo ..they oem lenses big time.
  14. rory


    Yeah, make sure the connections were done properly, no matter what type you have used. If you crimp it, it could still be a bad connection and/or come loose, so just double check. Type of cable, length of cable, but more than likely is a bad connection somewhere. When using a PC DVR though, or any really, always plug in the Cable direct to a monitor first for each camera, to make sure you are getting a good signal. Ofcourse there will be loss with the DVR anyway as it converts it to digital, so though you may not notice it on the CCTV Monitor, even if it is a low signal, you will notice it through the DVR. A FM Systems Camera master/Video Meter can help test for these types of problems. In other words, direct into the CCTV Monitor you wont always actually notice a low signal as it is not digitized, so its good to have a video meter to test with.
  15. rory


    Sigh, that was helpful......and expected. have you tried the video into a TV or CCTV Monitor, at the DVR end, to make sure its not a cable/termination issue .. Are you using Baluns? These will cause that also.
  16. JESIS ... thats like .. ouch ... may as stick to Extreme .. They have a DVR also for Licence Capture, but Im not using that, Im just using a Real Time PC card ..if the client wants more we can add in some APN software ..actually im going to look around for that again .. it was free ...
  17. True .. is it cheaper than Extreme's $1600 price tag ..?
  18. did you get a name?? There are a few of them out there, though they dont use traditional CCTV cameras, they just do image capture, snap shots. This is probably what you saw. I had some links lying around, will have to look them up. They are used on several highways in the US, but mostly in europe and South Africa.
  19. rory


    I know what you mean. All PC based seem to be that way. Price to pay for more features. Remote video can be better on the PC though, or at least you have many more options. Best of both worlds, cameras into the kalatel, then loop to the PC for the features ..
  20. yeah ..yah pull it out on a walkthrough huh!! LOL Anyway, yeah it helps with identifying which lens you need, even if you are using a varifocal lens you will know what range you need.
  21. thats what i got Its all you ever need.
  22. I still dont see the point ..
  23. rory

    remote desktop

    Yeah, in Control Panel, System, Remote ... I dont think it is enabled by Default?? The Desktop part. Also could be disabled in the Services Tab if you are like me ...i disable all of that ..
  24. rory

    Geovision and now installing PTZ

    No. that is a very very very cheap Dome camera, it actually looks like one of those toys they sell in the local mall stores as PTZ for like $500. Dont expect it to perform like a real PTZ camera which can cost from $1000-3000.