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Everything posted by rory

  1. thomas that may work also, is is a stand alone application or built into your DVR? Once it supports Panasonic than it should work? Anyway, ive never tried it but sounds like a good idea. .. I was reading the 516 manual and they claim you can program the OSD from the DVR setup as well as PTZ
  2. PC = Upgradable so?? Stand alones are upgradable also. ... .. . . . . . anyway, I can use the service call money right now so im going to start chucking out some PC systems
  3. rory

    install - 4' foot walls

    darn ran siamese for a 4 cam system today, install cams tomorrow and dvr, old old building, drillied in like 3'+ walls..worst thing was, walls didnt match up so moore than once , went into the wrong wall..darn most messed up design of a building i've seen yet, and down here, ive seen alot..course we were running the wires down into the 1920 concrete/wooden beamed basement mostly.. then there was the cable modem wires i drilled through by accident! had to splice that badboy back together... arGhH..hey it was hidden in the wall..we cut the client a deal,..so still need to pick up some PVC pipe in the AM..Last wire run.. will be online tomorrow though.. will post pix in the design forum..
  4. you are programming the OSD from the DVR, for this fixed camera, right? as for embedded DVRs, the Kalatel DVRs also support Panasonic Protocol, and they are 720x480. There are others also. As for programming any fixed camera, the Bosch cameras can be done like this regardless of the DVR.
  5. rory

    Outdoor heated domes

    sounds like here ..! I dont go outside, day or night, without a weapon in hand ...
  6. rory

    Camera Wanted

    doubly co-signed
  7. rory

    Outdoor heated domes

    Yep I know, thats why im also selling Eclipse CCTV for the low low end budget clients, same thing as Everfocus, just cheaper in cost are you looking for color or BW?
  8. rory

    Hybrid Systems

    any bt878 card .. i have another card to hook up here, ill test that with it too. As far as I can tell, it will work with any capture card. You can install generic drivers to get any card to work, for capture, actually you can write your own software like that, but time consuming, Anyway, then in their software you just select the driver for each camera you want to add. So with a 4 channel DVR card it will have 4 entries to choose from once you have installed the generic drivers. Bt878 works for most cards. The trial is limited to one active camera though. Rory
  9. This one in Particular is for Windows Pocket PC. Im not sure if they support Palm. You could PM Hermin and he may be able to answer that. Rory
  10. rory

    Outdoor heated domes

    You cant beat that price, with a heater. In fact I dont know of any others with heaters, other than PTZ, but then I havent been looking for any with heaters (check my location). I havent used these cameras, but I have seen some Everfocus cameras locally. Only thing is, the Everfocus is very low end, the image quality is likely not to be that great, as with any low end camera. BUT, for the price, its worth a try.
  11. Glad you asked. This PC was not even made for the Iview. It was a PC that came with a lower end PC card, with less features. C7 you will know which one I mean. It is a 2.3 GHZ CPU P4, Intel D865PERL MotherBoard, 512MB DDR Ram, Radeon 9200SE Video Card, IDE Hard Drive, nothing special. http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/rl/rl_drive.htm It is actually a second hand machine that has been used for 2 years. It is a test machine. It runs great, though I think the hard drive is shot from no Voltage Regulator for 2 years at the previous location, but so far it is still recording. With the included program that is like PC anywhere, but only smaller, you have total control over the PC if you need to adjust Windows Settings, plus you can totally edit the DVR Card Settings. The PDA part was so easy to install. I mean I never have even use a Pocket PC before this. My colleague has the Ipaq, even though he knew how to browse the web and check email, from other locations, as he did from clients wireless networks that were online, he didnt know how to set up other programs, as it was new to him also. So we just used the USB cable with the Ipaq, ran the PDA Installer off the Iview CD, and that did the rest. It only took setting up the address book, with an IP, user and pass, then connect. Simple as 123 ... Rory
  12. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    YEah that is just the remote software manual though. Need to send me the DVR manual. Ill try to find Kodicom's site and see if I cant get the Port myself. Rory
  13. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    you need to know the port, are you entering the port after the IP when you Telnet to it? eg: TELNET IP PORT TELNET 1024 Depends what port it is. in the Router you would look for Advanced and Port Forwarding in a Linksys Router, or others can be Servers/Gaming Applications. If the port was 1024, and the Local IP is, then it would be: NAME = Anything you want Port = 1024 TO 1024 TCP/UDP = TCP LOCAL IP = ENABLED = CHECKED For the browser part to work you normally have to also set up Port 80 as another Entry, using the Same settings. then using a static IP or look in status of the router for your ISP's Dynamic IP assigned, you can even enter it locally instead of using the Internal IP, that way you know it will work from outside the local network. Anyway that is port forwarding. Also, if it accepts HTTP browser then you can set up a DDNS account with something like, DynDNS.org, get yourself a name and password, and set that in the DDNS section of the router. That way instead of using an IP address, always use the DDNS name you were assigned/set. Email me the manual if you have one and ill look for the port. Heloder here on this forum would ofcourse know straight off as they sell Kodicom (thats Jason from Say Security) Rory
  14. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    Without getting it actually on the internet, as that will require Port Forwarding on the router side.... You should be able to get to the DVR once you can ping it, locally. Did you set all the local IP info in the DVR, and if so, can you connect to it with the Client Software from your PC on the local network? You can also bring up Command Prompt and Telnet it with the IP and the Port, once it can do that the client software should be able to connect. If it has HTTP then you can normally just type the IP in the IE Browser Location also. Rory
  15. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    Which model is it, and what hardware do you have now? Router? Cables, etc.. Rory
  16. What do you think about WebGate Inc Products as a video monitoring solution for a central station? http://www.webgateinc.com/wgi_htdocs/eng/product/view.php?id=wgi_eng&no=7 http://www.webgateinc.com/wgi_htdocs/eng/product.html Looks like something I could use, for existing systems, new systems with local DVR as well as new systems with just streaming IP or Normal cameras ...says you can record remotely using that server up to 108 servers. . Software apps dont look bad, any feedback? Anyone used them, is it expensive products, and who sells them in the US? Would they sell direct to me? Thanks Rory
  17. rory

    install - 4' foot walls

    YEP! 3' walls are a pain ... one wall was the outer part of an old rainwater tank converted into an office. never did get those pixs take, just wanted to get out of there!!
  18. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    yeah I forget what thats like sometimes ..!! all i can get to eat after 5pm is fried chicken or a gas station hot dog!...
  19. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    stores open on sunday?
  20. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    sunday tomorrow??
  21. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    arghh ..oh well .. though you could still do a direct connect with a cat5 cable ..just set the IP info etc ..
  22. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    I thought you had the Kodicom DVR? Can you capture it over the lan using their client software? Rory
  23. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    too much glare from the IR, it is confusing it, you need to get up to the IR Bulb with a monitor and adjust it until it stops and stays in one mode. Is it pitch dark? And I take it this is the UF500??
  24. The PC anywhere like server thing is really cool! Can totally work on the PC from anywhere and its flying these days on Cable.
  25. rory

    Samsung SDN-520N

    Hey there, cool. Most Box cameras require you to loosen the mini screw to back focus. It should have come with one actually. And yep its a pain. Never seen 2 of them though. The 3 features that make the price like it is, It is a Wide Dynamic Camera, Day Night, and it has their SSNR Technology. I have heard very good things about it. Show us some IR shots ... Email me them if you need somewhere to put them. Rory