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Everything posted by rory

  1. no worries, just wondering, someone on an outisland here, the local police constable, told me someone there was sold one of their PC systems, for $30K!!!!! I have the price list, the most expensive one, PC and everything, is $6k ... See we have no price control down here .. :-0
  2. cool. just checking, not that i use them but where i get my cheap color bullets from they sell those, eclipseCCTV .. jason did you get my email the other day? working on the presentation this weekend, today actually... ill need to get some pricing though for next week when you get a chance..i dont need it just to show it to start with though, but as soon as you can .. island dump is on fire right now ..so cant really do much, too disorientated ..its crazy .. thanks rory
  3. rory

    island is on fire

    arghh, well just been told it is the local dump, which is about 15+ miles on the west south west side of the island, from where I am .. this is bad ...they said last year it is burning underground and brought in intl specialists to deal with it ... I guess this is why it smells sooo bad .. seems they spent the money elsewhere, as it definatelty is the worst it has ever been, they blow money on BS cultural events, sporting things, church, etc, instead of where it really needs to go!
  4. rory

    gv900-8 channel

    for sure. Thats near real time motion ...in fact its hard to tell the difference between that and 30fps most of the time. Even 8fps is really good. Lower than 5fps then it gets "dodgy", but still, in the old days 0.1 fps and lower on each camera, was a norm and on VCR Tapes
  5. Hi Kevin, the DVR doesnt have to support Dynamic DNS for you to be able to use that feature. Just purchase a Linksys or DLink router, that has DDNS, which I think all do. Do your port forwarding in the router for the DVRs Ports, and internal IPs, and set up a free account with the DDNS server. Now for it to work as far as browser based, Everfocus has browser based, not sure on the other DVR, I will have to do a search for that, unless you have a link or know off hand? In other words, if the DVR has an HTTP server built in, not just regular LAN, but an HTTP server, then it will use browser based. Everfocus does have this. No its not the best choice of a low end DVR, but you have it, so can still use it If you have a router, and have trouble sorting out getting the DDNS to work, let me know. Basically you have already spent so its too late now ..but then again you could always sell them and buy the same DVR for all stores. At $2100 you could have come close to a GE Kalatel Stand Alone DVR, if you want to spend less, let us know. What are your needs in the DVR? Rory
  6. Twist on connectors do not cause any issues, once done right, and you use good connectors. Ive never used a PC based system yet, but even on this cheap Linux DVR i have here I have it set so it ignores rain, trees, etc, and only picks up an actual human. It does trip more than my alarm beams for sure, so right now, nothing will or can replace an actual burglar alarm for that part of the security system. Kalatel's Nucleus OS also has great motion detection settings.
  7. rory

    Video server questions?

    did the browser software work with any other XP SP2s?
  8. rory

    Rover Cameras

    Cool, see if yah can get the rep on this side to get in contact with me . ..im fed up with GE and the others like that ..i need a good wide dynamic also .. the GE ultraview is crap .. and Kalatel support is non existant anymore since GE took over. thanks, dont drink too much now 7.20am here sat morn, i just going to sleep!!!
  9. What type of multiplexer is it? What is his budget? You may just want to spend a couple dollars and get a single channel DVR with LAn which will allow same exact views as is now, same usage, but records digitally and can access all cameras over the network, in live or playback. Depends what you want, what you want to spend as well, and depends what Multiplexer you currently have. Rory
  10. rory

    Looking for my first DVR

    We got a 16Ch Everfocus here now we have been trying to "give" away and cant!!
  11. rory

    Looking for my first DVR

    for a very good fully featured stand alone, I have used the GE Kalatel StoreSafe past 3+ years, fully featured. Not cheap though, but great DVR. Good thing about the Kalatel DVR, is if you decide to add a bunch more locations, and want to monitor them all, the network software works for up to 16 DVR sites, 4, 16, 32, and 64 camera views, selectable and customized. Basically the PRO of a stand alone RTOS DVR, is its just plug and play, I have them sitting in closets a nd never had to go back to them, they just work, and are still online after a few years These are the GE Kalatel DVRs though. Ofcourse the average home user wont need any more than the 4 channel you see on my web site. Rory
  12. If he turns down the sensitivity then it will stop. I had the same issue with my DVR here, i turned it down until It only picks up motion from a human body. No articles on it though. But the DVR will see noise as motion. Rory
  13. rory

    Looking for my first DVR

    "internet accessible (remote access), 4 channel DVR that has at least one audio output, minimum 80 GB HD, removeable if possible, 30fps (maybe 60fps), motion activated, alarm out put, high resolution 480 line or more, MPEG ability, custom motion setting for each camera, searchable by date & time. " I have a 16 channel that can do that, but no low end 4 channels. The 16 channel is actually in your price range. It is still a very basic DVR, but it does all that you specified. Doest crash either, i have a demo on my home page. If you need more info, click on the demo link on my home page, and email me from the link here. Only difference is it is Wavelet. Rory
  14. rory

    Geo Central Monitoring

    GE kalatel DVRs do multisite also.. 16 sites in a 4, 16, 32 or 64 way view, all their 4, 10 and 16 channels use it.
  15. rory

    Rover Cameras

    DVR where yah been!!!!!!!!? good to hear from yah. Heard the name before, not sure where though. Ones I heard of were to do with outer space though ..
  16. rory

    Infrared system

    Remember, the camera you use plays a big part in the IR performance also. When I say adjust, up down, left right .. in other words, plug in a small 13" Tv, and adjust the physical position of the IR from behind it, until it is what you want it to see. Always have to adjust Infrared at night. You can install it during day light, but to do final adjustments, has to be pitch dark. You can see as you will be looking at the TV/Monitor from behind it. It will be hot, dont worry about that. Wide angle lenses are not great for Infrared, BUT, depends on the lens and the camera. Also, some high res cameras, will not perform well under IR lighting. Sanyo's High Res worked well though. If you look at some of Extreme's Integrated IR cameras, their BW camera mode is around 420TVL. Extreme recommends medium res BW though like I said, the sanyo worked well. Now that said, it took some adjustments to make the mechanical filter from sliding back and forth, it was too much IR light on the shrubs, and confused the camera, to make it think it was still day, but it was switching back and forth until it slid offline. I fixed it myself, adjusted the UF500's so there was not too much glare off the shrubs, and then it has worked now for 3 years short of changing the bulb once in each UF500, we bought 2 Bulbs one time even though only one went out after 2 years, the other just went out a couple months ago. There is not an actuall manual, it is like a one page thing, I can email them for a copy if you like? Rory
  17. rory

    Infrared system

    yes, if it is bouncing off an object, like a wall, or bushes. i'd have to think the 500 is maybe TOO powerful for your needs. Though I did have it in a back yard to test first, 10 degree, 50' distance by 30' width, and worked fine, some light in the center, but still lit it all up. Did you try adjusting it at night? It has to be adjusted at night, a mm up or down makes a difference, with infrared beams. Actually, a UF100 would work perfect there, ill do a diagram for that and once extreme verifies ill post it.. rory
  18. rory

    Samsung SDN-500 Camera

    dont they sell the UF500?
  19. rory

    Samsung SDN-500 Camera

    Rainbow sell ExtremeCCTV Infrared under their name dont they?
  20. rory

    Samsung SDN-500 Camera

    i have an IK-644A right here in front of me, not that impressive. But its still good.
  21. rory

    Samsung SDN-500 Camera

    its a bargain cause noone is buying them.. Also, the 721A is a Wide Dynamic Camera, with SSNR..its twice the price of the 520, which is more the equivelent to the toshiba model.
  22. rory

    Infrared system

    he he, no prob... here is the beam pattern custom detailed, for a single UF500..i checked it with an ExtremeCCTV rep and they said it is pretty acurate. So take into account the words in red, and the other text below that. Also note that dual UF500s will perform better than this diagram details. This is just approximate distances, location and positioning will cause the lengths to differ in a real world application. rory
  23. have you taken a look at: http://www.acti.com/index.asp
  24. RTOS systems give you a real image, you know its a PC when you see the image from a PC DVR
  25. the 774 is their cheapest model, no TCP/IP. I have this at the shop. I dont sell it anymore though as I can get a 4channel with TCP/IP for less, another brand. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=1633 The 777W is their 16 channel with TCP/IP. For the "price", cant beat it. here are all AvTechs for reference: http://www.avtech.com.tw/english/product_13.htm rory