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Everything posted by rory

  1. rory

    joycoder pv330

    but price comes in around $600-700 .. retail, which is the only way you can buy them.. unless you are an OEM or large distributor.. from what Ican tell.
  2. probably just something wrong with it due to age .. the ones I have in the field dont have those lines, perfect quality images actually.
  3. no its not normal. How old is the mux?
  4. rory

    It's Official

    dude im back..
  5. rory


    thats what im thinking ..every router I have out in the field is a linksys and never drops the connection, the last 2 I used were the cisco ones and would drop 10 times a day! Everyone I know has a Linksys and has no problems also, but once again before Cisco took over.
  6. rory


    (back online!) i just switched out a linksys with a Dlink tonight, will see how it goes. Linksys has always worked great for my DVRs, this is the first time I had a problem, and a major one at that. Rory
  7. rory

    joycoder pv330

    http://www.i4u.com/article1746.html this product?
  8. http://www.comartsystem.com/home/eng_home.htm click on downloads, requires login and serial number though rory
  9. http://www.active-vision.com/DVRBoards.html http://www.camtechvideo.com/camtech_video_010.htm
  10. http://www.aoneservice.com/hicap_series.htm
  11. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    a couple come to mind ... nadatel, uriel, active-K, and ofcourse Kodicom.
  12. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    thats what the extra $500 is for ! LOL - just kidding .. thats what I always say about Provideo though, you pay exytra for the little brochures they give you with each camera, plus thepower supply ... Kalatel, you pay for the name and all the goodies they put in the box such as a twist on BNC connector (hmmmm ... extra$100 for a connector!! Ouch) but I still like them for that .. except the ultraview ofcourse Yes, manual is professionally laid out and has ALOT of detail, very well done. Koreans know their stuff. Rory
  13. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    ok no nothing about enable/disable cameras. Seems it just has input selections so It must auto enable it. maybe askthe member called HELODER on this forum as he sells Kodicom. (saysecurity). Interesting to know what OS it is, looks like Linux RTOS? Or could be the other one they use in Asia that begins with H.. (herm? any ideas) Rory
  14. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    Geez, did yah see the cautions on it!! ill look through it and get back to you rory
  15. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    requires a user & password
  16. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    should be a camera setup section, look for enable/disable ... if you have a link to the web site maybe we can find a manual and help yah out .. Rory
  17. hey herm im on the new PC so I gots to stick this DVR card in I got here and see if it works, been reloading other PCs every night this week havent had a chance yet, will try tonight/tomorrow. right now trying to get ASP working on IIS ..! Arghhh
  18. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    yeah I have had to send back at least 1 DVR to mine, it was actually probably a shipping problem that damaged it, they always give me a replacement no prob, most will with no problems.
  19. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    can you post some screenshots of the network software when you get a chance? Thanks Rory
  20. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    hardware can come bad, thats just how it is. Problem with most distirbutors if not all, they never test the product before they send you it, at least the big distibutors like the ones I use in Florida, which sell thousands of products a day. But they have great warranties.
  21. rory

    $1500 - $2000 DVR

    that sounds like a software issue, but either way you seem to be troubleshooting it the right way. rory
  22. anyone got the dealer price list for hunt cams please post it in the dealer section or email me it if you could, thanks. Rory
  23. rory


    I think that is Anime (?) the Asian cartoon stuff, something like a hit in those areas I tinks ... like how we watch the simpsons (do we anymore?) or southpark (does I?) ...
  24. rory

    Freezing cameras

    what about the GE Cyber Domes with Heaters or Nitrogen Filled ? Anyone use them yet? I havent just wondering, Dusan seems to have used quite a few of the GE and other products ...
  25. not even hooked up to a DVR, no static IP. Anyway, its cable internet - what happened is originaly they had a hub, and paid for 3 extra computers ..this is before the routers came out .. anyway, been like this for years, now we have switched to a router, tried a couple actually, so router is good. Basically we downgraded the account, and told them to get rid of that extra 3 computer thing .. What happens now is every couple hours or so, all lights blink like crazy on the router and they loose internet connection .. Im thinking maybe the account still has that 3 extra computer thing and they keep trying to ping the computers and get a conflict as they are using the routers internal IP ..? What do yall think?? Ive been down to the cable company twice so far ... 2nd time I found out they had not yet downgraded the account ..this time I signed the form ..anyway .. we are not allowed to use routers here ..acording to the cable co anyway so I cant tell them anything about that . Ive disabled the router's DHCP server feature for now and see what happens ..or would that mean it wont distribute the internal IPs at all now? Rory